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Last active August 27, 2019 09:38
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Drawing With d3.js (Part 3: Moving and Resizing)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>Adding Rectangles</title>
/* For Div element */
div.sample-div {
position: absolute;
top: 12%;
left: 7%;
/* For script*/
rect.rect-main {
stroke: #d32f2f;
stroke-width: 2;
fill-opacity: 0;
stroke-opacity: 0.5;
vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke;
} rect {
stroke-opacity: 1;
div.sample-div {
position: block;
.rectEdge {
fill: #303f9f;
opacity: 0;
.rectEdge:hover {
cursor: move;
.rectCorner {
fill: #668d3c;
opacity: 0;
.rectCorner.nwse:hover {
cursor: nwse-resize;
.rectCorner.nesw:hover {
cursor: nesw-resize;
.cornerEdge.debug {
opacity: 0.25;
<div class="sample-div">
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function SVGCanvas(options) {
* An SVG-based drawing app.
* Input:
* - options: An object consisting of:
* - h: The height of the canvas (default: 250px).
* - w: The width of the canvas (default: 250px).
* - addTo: CSS Selector for element on which to add canvas (default: 'body').
* - addBorderRect: (bool) Add a border around the canvas (default: true).
* - rectOpt: Options related to rectangle elements
* - dbWidth: Width of selection borders (default=9).
* - dsRadius: Radius of selection corners (default=4).
* - debug: (bool) run in debug mode (default=false).
* Returns: An SVG object contained in the `addTo` DOM element.
var self = this;
// Define the global SVG options
this.options = options || {};
this.options.h = options.h || 250;
this.options.w = options.w || 250;
this.options.addTo = options.addTo || 'body';
this.options.addBorderRect = options.addBorderRect || true;
this.options.rectOpt = {
dbWidth: 9,
dsRadius: 4
this.options.debug = options.debug || false;
// Set the state (elaborate on more later)
this.state = {
type: 'Table',
color: '#d32f2f',
count: 0,
class: 'rect-table',
id: 'Table-0',
// Canvas
//// Make the main container SVG
this.svg =
.attr('height', this.options.h)
.attr('width', this.options.w)
.attr('class', 'display-svg');
//// Add border if requested
if (this.options.addBorderRect) {
.attr('height', this.options.h)
.attr('width', this.options.w)
.attr('stroke', 'black')
.attr('stroke-width', 4)
.attr('opacity', 0.25)
.attr('fill-opacity', 0.0)
.attr('class', 'border-rect');
//// Add zoom and pan group
this.zoomG = this.svg
.attr('class', 'zoom-group');
// Rectangles
this.Rect = { // Current Selection
'r': null,
'g': null,
this.Shapes = {}; // Collection
// Transformation state
this.transform = d3.zoomTransform(this.zoomG.node());
// Load methods for behaviors
this.makeAddRect(); // Add Rectangle Methods
this.makeZoomPan(); // SVG Zooming and Panning Methods
// Dragging Behavior - account for both addRect and pan.
.on('start', self.dragBehavior.start)
.on('drag', self.dragBehavior.drag)
.on('end', self.dragBehavior.end)
// Zooming behavior
.scaleExtent([1, 10])
.on('zoom', this.zoomPan.zoom)
.on('mousedown.zoom', null)
.on('mousemove.zoom', null)
.on('mouseup.zoom', null)
.on('touchstart.zoom', null)
.on('touchmove.zoom', null)
.on('touchend.zoom', null);
// Keydown events'body').on('keydown', this.keydownEventHandlers);
SVGCanvas.prototype.makeZoomPan = function () {
// Defines zooming and panning behavior from zoom listener
var self = this;
checkBounds = function () {
// Check whether zooming/panning out of bounds and correct transform if needed.
// Bottom border
if (((-self.transform.y + self.options.h) / self.transform.k) > self.options.h) {
self.transform.y = -(self.options.h * self.transform.k) + self.options.h;
// Top border
if (((self.transform.y + 0) / self.transform.k) > 0) {
self.transform.y = 0;
// Left border
if (((-self.transform.x + self.options.w) / self.transform.k) > self.options.w) {
self.transform.x = -(self.options.w * self.transform.k) + self.options.w;
// Right border
if (((self.transform.x + 0) / self.transform.k) > 0) {
self.transform.x = 0;
zoom = function () {
self.transform = d3.event.transform;
self.zoomG.attr('transform', self.transform);
var pan = function () {
self.transform.x += d3.event.dx;
self.transform.y += d3.event.dy;
// Update Attribute'g.zoom-group').attr('transform', self.transform);
self.zoomPan = {
zoom: zoom,
pan: pan
SVGCanvas.prototype.mouseOffset = function () {
// var m = d3.event;
// m.x = (-this.transform.x + m.x) / this.transform.k;
// m.y = (-this.transform.y + m.y) / this.transform.k;
return d3.mouse(this.zoomG.node());
SVGCanvas.prototype.makeAddRect = function () {
// Methods for adding rectangles to the svg.
var self = this;
var x0, y0;
start = function () {
//Add a rectangle
// 1. Get mouse location in SVG
var m = self.mouseOffset();
x0 = m[0];
y0 = m[1];
// 2. Add a new group
self.Rect.g = self.zoomG
.attr('class', 'g-rect ' +;
// 3. Make a rectangle
self.Rect.r = self.Rect.g
.append('rect') // An SVG `rect` element
.attr('x', x0) // Position at mouse location
.attr('y', y0)
.attr('width', 1) // Make it tiny
.attr('height', 1)
.attr('class', 'rect-main ' + self.state.class + ' ' +
.style('stroke', self.state.color)
.style('fill', 'none');
// 4. Make it active.
drag = function () {
// What to do when mouse is dragged
// 1. Get the new mouse position
var m = self.mouseOffset();
// 2. Update the attributes of the rectangle
self.Rect.r.attr('x', Math.min(x0, m[0]))
.attr('y', Math.min(y0, m[1]))
.attr('width', Math.abs(x0 - m[0]))
.attr('height', Math.abs(y0 - m[1]));
end = function () {
// What to do on mouseup
// Add Rectangle Transformation Methods
// Clear out rect.
self.Shapes[] = self.Rect;
// Update count and id
self.state.count += 1; = self.state.type + '-' + self.state.count;
self.addRect = {
start: start,
drag: drag,
end: end,
SVGCanvas.prototype.makeDragBehavior = function () {
var self = this;
var set = false; // Disable retroactive re-fitting
var start = function () {
if (!d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
set = true;
if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
var drag = function () {
if (set && !(d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey)) {
if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
var end = function () {
if (set &
!(d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey)) {
set = false;
if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
self.dragBehavior = {
start: start,
drag: drag,
end: end
Dragging and resizing rectangles.
function contains(a, obj) {
// See:
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] === obj) {
return true;
return false;
function clone(selector) {
// Clone a d3 selection.
// Source:
var node =;
return, node.nextSibling));
SVGCanvas.prototype.transformRect = function () {
var self = this;
var groupClass, debug, g, r, p, dbWidth;
var main = function () {
r = self.Rect.r;
g = self.Rect.g;
dbWidth = self.options.rectOpt.dbWidth;
// Set common class
groupClass =;
debug = self.options.debug ? (' debug') : ('');
// Add data to the group element
var rBB = r.node().getBBox();
p = {
x: rBB.x,
y: rBB.y,
w: rBB.width,
h: rBB.height,
id: groupClass,
g =[p]);
// Add the hidden bounding rectangles
function setCoordsData(d) {
// Set the coordinates of a rectangle-group
var children = d3.selectAll('' +;
// Main Rectangle'rect.rect-main')
.attr('x', d.x)
.attr('y', d.y)
.attr('width', d.w)
.attr('height', d.h);
// rectEdge.left'rect.rectEdge.rectEdge-left')
.attr('x', d.x - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y + (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('width', dbWidth)
.attr('height', Math.abs(d.h - dbWidth));
// rectEdge.right'rect.rectEdge.rectEdge-right')
.attr('x', d.x + d.w - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y + (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('width', dbWidth)
.attr('height', Math.abs(d.h - dbWidth));
.attr('x', d.x + (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('width', Math.abs(d.w - dbWidth))
.attr('height', dbWidth);
// rectEdge.bottom'rect.rectEdge.rectEdge-bottom')
.attr('x', d.x + (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y + d.h - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('width', Math.abs(d.w - dbWidth))
.attr('height', dbWidth);
// rectCorner.topleft'rect.rectCorner.rectCorner-topleft')
.attr('x', d.x - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y - (dbWidth / 2));
// rectCorner.topright'rect.rectCorner.rectCorner-topright')
.attr('x', d.x + d.w - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y - (dbWidth / 2));
// rectCorner.botleft'rect.rectCorner.rectCorner-botleft')
.attr('x', d.x - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y + d.h - (dbWidth / 2));
// rectCorner.botright'rect.rectCorner.rectCorner-botright')
.attr('x', d.x + d.w - (dbWidth / 2))
.attr('y', d.y + d.h - (dbWidth / 2))
// Add move and resize methods
function moveRect() {
// Move the rectangle by dragging edges
var activeG;
function start() {
self.setActive(groupClass);'cursor', 'move');
activeG = d3.selectAll('');
function drag() {
function (d, i) {
// Alter Parameters
d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(self.options.w - d.w, d.x + d3.event.dx));
d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(self.options.h - d.h, d.y + d3.event.dy));
// Set Coordinates
function end() {
// Undo formatting'cursor', 'default');
// What to do on drag
var dragcontainer = d3.drag()
.on('start', start)
.on('drag', drag)
.on('end', end);
return {
drag: dragcontainer,
function resizeRect() {
// Resize the rectangle by dragging the corners
function getDragCorners() {
return {
topleft: function (d, bb0, m) {
d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.x + bb0.width, m[0]));
d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.y + bb0.height, m[1]));
d.w = (m[0] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.w - d.x), Math.abs(bb0.x + bb0.width - m[0])) : d.w;
d.h = (m[1] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.h - d.y), Math.abs(bb0.y + bb0.height - m[1])) : d.h;
topright: function (d, bb0, m) {
d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.x, m[0]));
d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.y + bb0.height, m[1]));
d.w = (m[0] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.w - d.x), Math.abs(bb0.x - m[0])) : d.w;
d.h = (m[1] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.h - d.y), Math.abs(bb0.y + bb0.height - m[1])) : d.h;
botleft: function (d, bb0, m) {
d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.x + bb0.width, m[0]));
d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.y, m[1]));
d.w = (m[0] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.w - d.x), Math.abs(bb0.x + bb0.width - m[0])) : d.w;
d.h = (m[1] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.h - d.y), Math.abs(bb0.y - m[1])) : d.h;
botright: function (d, bb0, m) {
d.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.x, m[0]));
d.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(bb0.y, m[1]));
d.w = (m[0] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.w - d.x), Math.abs(bb0.x - m[0])) : d.w;
d.h = (m[1] > 0) ? Math.min(Math.abs(self.options.h - d.y), Math.abs(bb0.y - m[1])) : d.h;
var makeContainer = function (id) {
// Make a container, which depends on the corner (specified by `id`)
var dragCorners, cursor, bb0;
// Get the correct transformation function
dragCorners = getDragCorners()[id];
// Get the correct cursor
if (contains(['topleft', 'botright'], id)) {
cursor = 'nwse-resize';
} else {
cursor = 'nesw-resize';
var start = function () {
// Set the present group to be active
self.setActive(groupClass, false);
// Get the active groups
activeG = d3.selectAll('');
// Get the initial Bounding Box
bb0 = r.node().getBBox();
// Display correct cursor tip'cursor', cursor);
var drag = function () {
// Mouse position
m = d3.mouse(self.zoomG.node());
// Update parameters depending on
dragCorners(g.datum(), bb0, m);
// Set the coordinates
var end = function () {
// Undo formatting'cursor', 'default');
// return the drag container
return d3.drag()
.on('start', start)
.on('drag', drag)
.on('end', end);
// Make drag containers for each
return {
makeContainer: makeContainer,
// Append helper rectEdges and rectCorners to g
function makeRectEdgeCorner() {
// Adds edges and corners to rectangle for drag move and resize.
// "Prototype" elements
var proto = [
// Rectangular edges
.attr('class', 'rectEdge cornerEdge ' + groupClass + debug)
// Circular corners - NWSE cursor
.attr('height', dbWidth)
.attr('width', dbWidth)
.attr('id', 'topright')
.attr('class', 'rectCorner cornerEdge nwse ' + groupClass + debug)
// Circular corners - NESW cursor
.attr('height', dbWidth)
.attr('width', dbWidth)
.attr('id', 'topright')
.attr('class', 'rectCorner cornerEdge nesw ' + groupClass + debug)
// Behaviors to attach to corners and edges
var move = moveRect();
var resize = resizeRect();
// Create Edges
clone('.rectEdge.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectEdge-left', true)
clone('.rectEdge.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectEdge-right', true)
clone('.rectEdge.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectEdge-top', true)
clone('.rectEdge.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectEdge-bottom', true)
// Create Corners
clone('.nwse.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectCorner-topleft', true)
clone('.nesw.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectCorner-topright', true)
clone('.nesw.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectCorner-botleft', true)
clone('.nwse.' + groupClass)
.classed('rectCorner-botright', true)
// Remove prototype elements from DOM
proto.forEach(function (d, i) {
// Format size and shape of added objects.
SVGCanvas.prototype.setActive = function (id, force_clear = false) {
// Sets class to active for selected groups.
var deactivate = false;
// When should all other groups be deactivated?
// 1.A If the ctrl key is not pressed
// 1.B If the present element isn't already active
// (Use De Morgan's Rules for this one.)
deactivate = deactivate || !(d3.event.sourceEvent.ctrlKey || d3.selectAll('g.' + id).classed('active'));
// 2. If we didn't force it to be.
deactivate = deactivate || force_clear;
// If any of these conditions met, clear the active elements.
if (deactivate) {
this.svg.selectAll('').classed('active', false);
// Add 'active' class to any 'g' element with id = id passed.
d3.selectAll('g.' + id).classed('active', true);
SVGCanvas.prototype.keydownEventHandlers = function () {
// Event handler for keydown events
// Press 'Delete' to remove all active groups.
if (d3.event.key === 'Delete') {
options = {
h: 250,
w: 250,
addTo: '.sample-div',
addBorderRect: true,
debug: false,
var c = new SVGCanvas(options);
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