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Last active October 16, 2021 22:01
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DoF AutoFocus for Unity's new postprocessing stack
// An adaptaion of Frank Otto's AutoFocus script for Unity's new PostProcessing Stack
// Original at:
// Adapted by Michael Hazani
// For more info see:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
using UnityEngine.PostProcessing;
public class StackDoFAutoFocus : MonoBehaviour
private GameObject doFFocusTarget;
private Vector3 lastDoFPoint;
private PostProcessingProfile m_Profile;
public DoFAFocusQuality focusQuality = StackDoFAutoFocus.DoFAFocusQuality.NORMAL;
public LayerMask hitLayer = 1;
public float maxDistance = 100.0f;
public bool interpolateFocus = false;
public float interpolationTime = 0.7f;
public enum DoFAFocusQuality
void Start()
doFFocusTarget = new GameObject("DoFFocusTarget");
var behaviour = GetComponent<PostProcessingBehaviour>();
m_Profile = behaviour.profile;
void Update()
// switch between Modes Test Focus every Frame
if (focusQuality == StackDoFAutoFocus.DoFAFocusQuality.HIGH)
void FixedUpdate()
// switch between modes Test Focus like the Physicsupdate
if (focusQuality == StackDoFAutoFocus.DoFAFocusQuality.NORMAL)
IEnumerator InterpolateFocus(Vector3 targetPosition)
Vector3 start = this.doFFocusTarget.transform.position;
Vector3 end = targetPosition;
float dTime = 0;
// Debug.DrawLine(start, end,;
var depthOfField = m_Profile.depthOfField.settings;
while (dTime < 1)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
dTime += Time.deltaTime / this.interpolationTime;
this.doFFocusTarget.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start, end, dTime);
depthOfField.focusDistance = Vector3.Distance(doFFocusTarget.transform.position, transform.position);
m_Profile.depthOfField.settings = depthOfField;
this.doFFocusTarget.transform.position = end;
void Focus()
// our ray
Ray ray = transform.GetComponent<Camera>().ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, this.maxDistance, this.hitLayer))
Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, hit.point);
// do we have a new point?
if (this.lastDoFPoint == hit.point)
// No, do nothing
else if (this.interpolateFocus)
{ // Do we interpolate from last point to the new Focus Point ?
// stop the Coroutine
// start new Coroutine
this.doFFocusTarget.transform.position = hit.point;
var depthOfField = m_Profile.depthOfField.settings;
depthOfField.focusDistance = Vector3.Distance(doFFocusTarget.transform.position, transform.position);
// print(depthOfField.focusDistance);
m_Profile.depthOfField.settings = depthOfField;
// asign the last hit
this.lastDoFPoint = hit.point;
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This is great, but works for interiors only.
For outdoor distant autofocus you need to place a big quad with renderer=false in front of your camera, as a child, to catch the raycast.
Or edit the code to track the situation where hit.point is not obtained, and set the focus distance to some const (say, 100-200m).
Also interpolation jumps in some situations, maybe it's better not to stop the coroutine, but constantly interpolate to hit.point.

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