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// given
// api returns contacs list
// when
// fetch contacts is initiated
// then
// assert progress was shown
// assert set contacts list was called
// assert progress was hidden
is NoConnectionException -> view.showNoConnectionError()
is ApiException -> view.showError(it.msg)
data class Contact(val name:String, val phoneNum:String)
interface ContactsListsApi{
fetchContacts(): Single<List<Contact>>
interface ContactsListsContract{
interface View{
fun showProgress()
fun hideProgress()
fun setData(contacts: List<Contact>)
// api returns error
// fetching contacts list
// show error message
data class Contact(val name:String, val phoneNum:String)
interface ContactsListsApi{
fetchContacts(): Single<List<Contact>>
interface ContactsListsContract{
interface View{
fun showProgress()
fun hideProgress()
fun setData(contacts: List<Contact>)
data class Contact(val name:String, val phoneNum:String)
interface ContactsListsApi{
fetchContacts(): Single<List<Contact>>
interface ContactsListsContract{
interface View{
fun showProgress()
fun hideProgress()
fun setData(contacts: List<Contact>)
whenever(repository.fetchContacts()).thenReturn(emptyList()) //simulate interface response
verify(view).setData(any()) //verify `setData` method was called
verify(view, never()).setData(any()) //verify `setData` was never called
verify(view, times(2)).setData(any()) //verify `setData` was called exactly two times
//verify that `showProgress` and `getCurrentUser` were called in that exact order
val inOrder = inOrder(view,repository)
fun `fetch contacts, api error`(){
val errorMessage = "Bad request"
val inOrder = inOrder(view, api)
data class Contact(val name:String, val phoneNum:String)
interface ContactsListsApi{
fetchContacts(): Single<List<Contact>>
interface ContactsListsContract{
interface View{
fun showProgress()
fun hideProgress()
fun setData(contacts: List<Contact>)
interface MyLocationProvider{
fun obtainCurrentLocation():LatLng
class SomePresenter(val locationProvider: MyLoacationProvider){