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Created April 21, 2010 01:18
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Peter Norvig's unifier in Clojure
#^{:doc "CL original by Peter Norvig, initial version in Clojure by Kevin Livingston. See"}
(:use [clojure.contrib.def :only (defvar)]))
(defn variable?
"Is x a variable (a symbol beginning with '?')?"
(and (symbol? x) (= (first (name x)) \?)))
(defn compound?
"Is x a compound form (a non-empty seq)?"
(and (seq? x) (seq x)))
(defvar *occurs-check* true "Perform the occurs check?")
(declare unify-variable occurs-check)
(defn unify
"Attempt to unify x and y with the given bindings (if any)."
([x y] (unify x y {}))
([x y bs]
(when bs
(= x y) bs
(variable? x) (unify-variable x y bs)
(variable? y) (unify-variable y x bs)
(every? compound? [x y])
(unify (rest x) (rest y)
(unify (first x) (first y) bs))
:else nil))))
(defn unify-variable
"Unify the variable v with x."
[v x bs]
(if-let [vb (bs v)]
(unify vb x bs)
(if-let [vx (and (variable? x) (bs x))]
(unify v vx bs)
(if (and *occurs-check* (occurs-check v x bs))
(assoc bs v x)))))
(defn occurs-check
"Does v occur anywhere inside x?"
[v x bs]
(some identity
[(= v x)
(and (variable? x)
(if-let [vx (bs x)]
(= v vx)))
(and (compound? x)
(or (occurs-check v (first x) bs)
(occurs-check v (rest x) bs)))]))
(defn simplify-bindings
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]]
[k (loop [v v]
(if (variable? v)
(recur (bs v))
(defn subst
[x bs]
(let [bs (simplify-bindings bs)]
(map #(cond (variable? %) (bs %)
(compound? %) (subst % bs)
:else %)
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