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Created June 26, 2010 19:48
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merge seqs of Comparable objects (possibly removing duplicates)
(defn merge-seqs
"Merges sorted seqs of Comparable objects as in merge sort. Uses
left-to-right precedence order among the input seqs when duplicates
are present. Uses clojure.core/compare."
([xs ys]
(if (or (empty? xs) (empty? ys))
(concat xs ys)
(let [x (first xs)
y (first ys)]
(condp == (compare y x)
0 (cons x (cons y (merge-seqs (rest xs) (rest ys))))
1 (cons x (merge-seqs (rest xs) ys))
(cons y (merge-seqs xs (rest ys))))))))
([xs ys & zss]
(reduce merge-seqs
(merge-seqs xs ys)
(defn merge-seqs-nub
"Merges sorted seqs of Comparable objects while removing duplicates
from the output. Uses clojure.core/compare."
([xs ys]
(if (or (empty? xs) (empty? ys))
(concat xs ys)
(let [x (first xs)
y (first ys)]
(condp == (compare y x)
0 (cons x (merge-seqs (rest xs) (rest ys)))
1 (cons x (merge-seqs (rest xs) ys))
(cons y (merge-seqs xs (rest ys))))))))
([xs ys & zss]
(reduce merge-seqs
(merge-seqs xs ys)
;;; or DRYer
(defn- nub-runs [xs]
(cond (empty? xs) xs
(empty? (rest xs)) xs
(zero? (compare (first xs) (second xs))) (nub-runs (rest xs))
:else (cons (first xs) (nub-runs (rest xs))))))
(defn merge-seqs-nub [& seqs]
(nub-runs (apply merge-seqs seqs)))
(take 15 (apply merge-seqs-nub (map (fn [n] (iterate #(+ % n) 0)) [3 5 7])))
;; => (0 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 18 20 21 24 25)
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