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Created April 24, 2024 18:35
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Get multihash that zig calculates when fetching dependencies
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Usage: zig-hash <path to build.zig.zon>
ROOT_DIR="$(dirname "$BUILD_ZIG_ZON")"
# Get hash of a file, which is computed from:
# - its normalized filepath
# - followed by two null bytes (apparently temporary solution in Zig, only for normal files)
# - followed by actual file content
hashFile() {
normalized="$(realpath --relative-to="$ROOT_DIR" "$filepath")"
printf "%s:" "$filepath"
if [ -f "$filepath" ] && [ -r "$filepath" ]; then
(printf "%s\0\0" "$normalized"; cat "$filepath") | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1
elif [ -h "$filepath" ]; then
(printf "%s" "$normalized"; readlink -n "$filepath") | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1
printf "\r%s: is not a file, not a symlink, doesn't exist or isn't readable!\n" "$filepath" >&2
exit 1
# Convert all incoming pairs or <filepath>:<hash> to a string
# of hash bytes, concatenate and hash again
combineHashes() {
cut -d ':' -f2 | xxd -r -p | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1
# List all files and symlinks that are part of the package:
# 1. Remove all comments
# 2. Remove all whitespace with `tr` to concatenate all lines
# 3. Extract content from `.paths=.{<content>}`
# 4. Replace all `","` with new lines
# 5. Remove initial quote (`"`) and trailing quote (`"`) with optional comma (`,`)
# 6. Prepend each line with $ROOT_DIR
# 7. Replace new lines with null bytes
# 8. Find all files and symlinks using content from earlier as starting points
# 9. Sort by filename
packageContent() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2002
# shellcheck disable=SC2185
cat "${1}" \
| sed 's|//.*||' \
| tr -d '[:space:]' \
| sed -E 's/.*\.paths=\.\{([^}]*)\}.*/\1/' \
| sed 's/","/\n/g' \
| sed -E -e 's/^"//; s/",?$/\n/' \
| sed "s|^|$ROOT_DIR/|g" \
| tr '\n' '\0' \
| find -files0-from - -type f -or -type l 2>/dev/null \
| LC_ALL=C sort
# 12 stands for sha256 and 20 is hash length in hex (32 in decimal)
printf "1220"
packageContent "$BUILD_ZIG_ZON" \
| while read -r filepath; do
hashFile "$filepath"
done | combineHashes
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