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Last active February 21, 2019 22:27
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SSVG Windmap

Animated Wind Map with SSVG

This example shows the ease of creating complicated visualizations with SVG, and having them rendered smoothly as multi-process canvas applications using Scalable Scalable Vector Graphics.

You can see the version without SSVG here (warning: slow). The only difference is inclusion of this script tag:

<script src=""></script>

All design credit goes to by Martin Viégas and Martin Wattenberg, as the design is heavily inspired by their Wind Map.

The technique to animate a fading path in SVG is more succinctly shown on this block.

function getParsedData(response) {
const data = {};
// [0] is temperature. [1] is U component of wind, [2] is V component of wind.
for (let i = 1; i < response.length; i++) {
const dataPart = response[i];
const startLatitude = Math.min(dataPart.header.la1, dataPart.header.la2);
const endLatitude = Math.max(dataPart.header.la1, dataPart.header.la2);
const latitudePoints = endLatitude - startLatitude + 1;
const startLongitude = Math.min(dataPart.header.lo1, dataPart.header.lo2);
const endLongitude = Math.max(dataPart.header.lo1, dataPart.header.lo2);
const longitudePoints = endLongitude - startLongitude + 1;
const windComponent = i === 1 ? 'u' : 'v';
// "outer loop" is latitude, "inner loop" is longitude.
let dataIndex = 0;
let outerLoopIndex = 0;
let innerLoopIndex = 0;
for (let value of {
outerLoopIndex = Math.floor(dataIndex / longitudePoints);
innerLoopIndex = dataIndex - outerLoopIndex * longitudePoints;
let latitude = startLatitude + outerLoopIndex;
let longitude = startLongitude + innerLoopIndex;
if (!data[latitude]) {
data[latitude] = {};
if (!data[latitude][longitude]) {
data[latitude][longitude] = {u: 0, v: 0};
data[latitude][longitude][windComponent] = value;
return data;
function getForcePerLatLon(data, lat, lon) {
const lowerLat = Math.floor(lat);
const upperLat = lowerLat + 1;
const upperLatRatio = lat - lowerLat;
const lowerLatRatio = 1 - upperLatRatio;
const lowerLon = Math.floor(lon);
const upperLon = lowerLon + 1;
const upperLonRatio = lon - lowerLon;
const lowerLonRatio = 1 - upperLonRatio;
const lowLow = data[lowerLat][lowerLon];
const lowHigh = data[lowerLat][upperLon];
const highLow = data[upperLat][lowerLon];
const highHigh = data[upperLat][upperLon];
let v = 0;
v += lowLow.v * lowerLatRatio * lowerLonRatio;
v += lowHigh.v * lowerLatRatio * upperLonRatio;
v += highLow.v * upperLatRatio * lowerLonRatio;
v += highHigh.v * upperLatRatio * upperLonRatio;
let u = 0;
u += lowLow.u * lowerLatRatio * lowerLonRatio;
u += lowHigh.u * lowerLatRatio * upperLonRatio;
u += highLow.u * upperLatRatio * lowerLonRatio;
u += highHigh.u * upperLatRatio * upperLonRatio;
return {u: u, v: v};
function getRandomPoint() {
return {
lat: 25 + Math.random() * (60 - 25),
lon: 230 + Math.random() * (300 - 230)
function getPointAtLength(path, length) {
let lengthPercentage = (length / path.length) % 1.0000001;
if (lengthPercentage < 0) {
lengthPercentage = 1 + lengthPercentage;
const index = Math.floor((path.points.length - 1) * lengthPercentage);
return path.points[index];
function createPath(projection, data) {
const points = [getRandomPoint()];
const xy = projection([points[0].lon, points[0].lat]);
points[0].x = xy ? xy[0] : undefined;
points[0].y = xy ? xy[1] : undefined;
let length = 0;
const dataProgressionRate = 0.005;
const pathLength = 2;
const numberOfDataPoints = pathLength / dataProgressionRate;
for (let progress = 0; progress < numberOfDataPoints; progress++) {
const lastPoint = points[points.length - 1];
const wind = getForcePerLatLon(data,, lastPoint.lon);
const nextPoint = {
lat: + wind.v * dataProgressionRate,
lon: lastPoint.lon + wind.u * dataProgressionRate,
x: 0,
y: 0
const xy = projection([nextPoint.lon,]);
if (xy) {
nextPoint.x = xy[0];
nextPoint.y = xy[1];
length += Math.sqrt(Math.pow(nextPoint.x - lastPoint.x, 2) + Math.pow(nextPoint.y - lastPoint.y, 2));
return {
length: length,
points: points,
progressPercent: 0
#map path {
fill: #333;
line {
stroke: rgb(255, 255, 255);
<svg width="960" height="600">
<g id="map"></g>
<path id="alaska-blocker" fill="#fff" d="M0,300 L500,500 L0,500"></path>
<g id="traces"></g>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="data-processing.js"></script>
const svg ="svg");
const mapG ='#map');
const tracesG ='#traces');
const projection = d3.geoAlbersUsa();
const path = d3.geoPath()
d3.json("us.json").then(us => {
.attr("class", "states")
.datum(topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states))
.attr("d", path);
$.get({url: ""}).then(response => {
const data = getParsedData(response);
let pathDs = [];
const numberOfSegments = 4;
let segmentLength = 5;
const raf = () => {
for (let i = 0; i < Math.random() * 100; i++) {
pathDs.push(createPath(projection, data));
pathDs = pathDs.filter(p => p.progressPercent < 150);
const segmentData = [];
for(let d of pathDs) {
const guideLength = d.length;
if (!guideLength) {
d.progressPercent += 0.4; // Move 0.4% of the guide length per frame.
const progressLength = d.progressPercent * guideLength / 100;
for (let i = 0; i < numberOfSegments; i++) {
let startDistance = progressLength + segmentLength * (i - numberOfSegments);
let endDistance = progressLength + segmentLength * (i - numberOfSegments + 1);
startDistance = startDistance < 0 ? 0 : startDistance;
endDistance = endDistance < 0 ? 0 : endDistance;
startDistance = startDistance > guideLength ? guideLength : startDistance;
endDistance = endDistance > guideLength ? guideLength : endDistance;
start: getPointAtLength(d, startDistance),
end: getPointAtLength(d, endDistance),
index: i
const segmentLines = tracesG
const pathsEnter = segmentLines.enter()
.attr('opacity', (d) => (d.index + 1) / (numberOfSegments + 1));
.attr('x1', d => d.start.x)
.attr('y1', d => d.start.y)
.attr('x2', d => d.end.x)
.attr('y2', d => d.end.y);
}, err => {
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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