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Last active June 8, 2022 07:50
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Script to sync JSONs of all locales of i18next with just one command
/* eslint-disable no-console */
* Execute script: node scripts/syncI18nJSONs.js
* Script to synchronize i18n locales JSONs of all languages based on core language.
* Applicable for app that uses i18next with the following structure:
* /locale
* /en
* dashboard.json (filename as namespace of i18next)
* products.json
* /zh-HK
* dashboard.json
* products.json
* @argument:
* - "-r": Replacement of values with key pairs.
* Pass key matchers to replace new value with custom values. (<namespace>:<old key>->(<namespace>?):<new key> pair)
* Pairs are separated by a space character.
* It is useful when there are some structural changes.
* e.g. node scripts/syncI18nJSONs.js -r article:edit.title->title article:section.body.title->section.title
* (two pairs:
* articles:edit.title->title, (same namespace)
* articles:section.body.title->products:section.title (different namespace)
* Sync Rules:
* - File level:
* 1. If there are outstanding files (namespaces) from based language folder,
* copy them to the compared language folder, and replace all values with empty string.
* 2. If there are outstanding files (namespaces) from compared language folder, remove them.
* - Key level:
* 1. When the based JSON has an i18n key while the compared JSON doesn't,
* add the i18n key with empty string value to the compared JSON.
* 2. When the compared JSON has an i18n key while the based JSON doesn't,
* remove the i18n key from the compared JSON.
* 3. When the nested structure of the based JSON changed,
* apply that to the compared JSON.
* Values are applied to the updated compared JSON according to the argument which
* indicates what previous key should be used.
const fs = require('fs')
const _ = require('lodash')
/** ==================================== Definitions ================================== */
/** These must match the folder names under src/locale/data */
const LOCALES_PATH = 'src/locale/data'
const BASED_LNG = 'en'
// Key matchers from argument '-r'
const matchers = []
// <The key to match value from (string)> : <The value matched (string)>. E.g. articles:list.title:title (Map list.title to title in articles.json)
const matchedBuffer = {}
* Find a value with key
const findValueWithKey = (content, key) => key.split('.').reduce((acc, key) => {
if (typeof acc !== 'string' && acc) return acc[key]
return acc || ''
}, content)
* Recursive function to empty all value of the locale JSON
const clearAllValues = (content) => _.mapValues(content, (value) => {
if (typeof value === 'string') return ''
return clearAllValues(value)
* Compare objects if they have got the same set of keys and structure
const structureHasNoChange = (based, compared) => {
const basedCleared = clearAllValues(based)
const comparedCleared = clearAllValues(compared)
return _.isEqual(basedCleared, comparedCleared)
* Merge each value pair
const mergeValuePair = (key, basedValue, comparedObj, callback, mergedKey) => {
// Derive compared value
const comparedValue =
// Fallback value
|| (() => (SHOULD_COPY_VALUE_FROM_BASE_LNG ? basedValue : typeof basedValue === 'string' ? '' : {}))();
// Replace the string value
if (typeof basedValue === 'string') return comparedValue
// Recurse if it is object or array
return callback(basedValue, comparedValue, mergedKey || key)
* Recursive function to map new value for the locale JSON
const mergeValues = (basedObj, comparedObj) => (
// Handle object case
_.mapValues(basedObj, (basedValue, key) => mergeValuePair(key, basedValue, comparedObj, mergeValues))
* Recursive function to map new value with custom matcher
const mergeValuesWithMatchers = (basedObj, _comparedObj, namespace) => {
const recur = (basedObj, comparedObj, prevKey = '') => {
const mergeValuePairWithKey = (key, basedValue, comparedObj, callback) => {
const mergedKey = prevKey ? `${prevKey}.${key}` : key
const mergedValue = mergeValuePair(key, basedValue, comparedObj, callback, mergedKey)
// Replace with custom value
const keyWithNs = `${namespace}:${mergedKey}`
const matchedValue = matchedBuffer[keyWithNs]
if (matchedValue) {
console.log('------ matchedValue', matchedValue, '----key ', keyWithNs)
if (typeof matchedValue === 'object') {
return {
...typeof mergedValue === 'object' ? mergedValue : {},
return matchedValue
return mergedValue
// Handle object case
return _.mapValues(basedObj, (basedValue, key) => mergeValuePairWithKey(key, basedValue, comparedObj, recur))
return recur(basedObj, _comparedObj)
* Loop each language folder except the based/core langauge
* @param {function} callback The callback function that accept the following arguments:
* - filenames (string[]): the list of filenames
* - lng (string): the language code of the current iteration
* - lngPath (string): the file path of the language of the current iteration
const loopOtherLocales = (callback) => {
// Loop through each language folder
localesDir.forEach((folderName) => {
// Do nothing if it is not a folder (of a language)
if (/[^\\]*\.(\w+)$/.test(folderName)) return
const lng = folderName
// Do nothing if it is based language
if (lng === BASED_LNG) return
// Read filenames in the language folder
const lngPath = `${LOCALES_PATH}/${lng}`
const filenames = fs.readdirSync(`${LOCALES_PATH}/${lng}`)
// Filter with only .json files
.filter((filename) => /\.json$/i.test(filename))
callback(filenames, lng, lngPath)
* Find and store matcher values to the matchedBuffer
* @param {*} lngPath The file path of the language
* @param {*} oldNs The old namespace to read
* @param {*} newNs The new namespace to assign as part of matchedBuffer key
* @param {*} oldKey The old key to search from the file
* @param {*} newKey The new key to assign as part of matchedBuffer key
const findAndStoreMatcherValues = (lngPath, oldNs, newNs, oldKey, newKey) => {
const filePath = `${lngPath}/${oldNs}.json`
const file = fs.readFileSync(filePath)
const obj = JSON.parse(file)
matchedBuffer[`${newNs}:${newKey}`] = findValueWithKey(obj, oldKey)
/** ==================================== Extract arguments ================================== */
// Parse arguments
process.argv.forEach((val, index) => {
if (val === '-r') {
if (process.argv.length - 1 === index) throw new Error('Wrong usage of argument "-r". Please check the documentation.')
const matcherPairs = process.argv.slice(index + 1)
/** ==================================== Executions ================================== */
/** -------------- Get based language constraints -------------- */
// Get all filenames of namespaces from based langauges (e.g. ['generic.json', 'article.json'])
const basedFilenames = fs.readdirSync(BASED_PATH)
// Filter with only .json files
.filter((filename) => /\.json$/i.test(filename))
// Get and store all JSONs as object of based language
const basedJSONs = basedFilenames.reduce((buffer, filename) => {
const jsonStr = fs.readFileSync(`${BASED_PATH}/${filename}`)
return {
// E.g. 'generic.json': { ... }
[filename]: JSON.parse(jsonStr),
}, {})
/** -------------- Manipulate other langauges -------------- */
// Read src/locale/data folder
const localesDir = fs.readdirSync(LOCALES_PATH)
// Loop through each language folder (except based langauge)
loopOtherLocales((filenames, lng, lngPath) => {
// Store matcher values to matched buffer
matchers.forEach((matcher) => {
const splitted = matcher.split(MATCHER_SEPARATOR)
if (splitted.length === 3) {
const [ns, oldKey, newKey] = splitted
findAndStoreMatcherValues(lngPath, ns, ns, oldKey, newKey)
if (splitted.length === 4) {
const [oldNs, oldKey, newNs, newKey] = splitted
findAndStoreMatcherValues(lngPath, oldNs, newNs, oldKey, newKey)
throw new Error(`Matcher should be of length 3 or 4: ${matcher}`)
// Loop through each file in the language folder
filenames.forEach((filename) => {
/** ---------- Remove file if it does not exist in based language folder ----------- */
if (!basedFilenames.includes(filename)) {
fs.unlink(`${lngPath}/${filename}`, (err) => {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`Removed ${filename} of ${lng}, as it does not exist in based language ${BASED_LNG}.`)
/** ---------- Merge locales keys ----------- */
// Get the based JSON object
const basedObj = basedJSONs[filename]
const destFilePath = `${lngPath}/${filename}`
// Read the compared JSON file
const comparedFile = fs.readFileSync(destFilePath)
const comparedObj = JSON.parse(comparedFile)
// Break if based and compared JSON files are equal.
if (structureHasNoChange(basedObj, comparedObj)) {
// Console.log('"' + filename + '"' + ' of ' + lng + ' checked without changes.')
// Merge changes
const mergedObj = mergeValues(basedObj, comparedObj)
// Get namespace from filename
const [namespace] = filename.split('.')
// Replace with custom matchers
const matchedObj = mergeValuesWithMatchers(mergedObj, comparedObj, namespace)
// Update the file
fs.writeFileSync(destFilePath, JSON.stringify(matchedObj, null, 2))
// Log update file message
console.log(`---- Updated file "${filename}" of ${lng}`)
/** ---------- Add file if it exists in based langauge folder but not exist in this language --------- */
basedFilenames.forEach((filename) => {
if (!filenames.includes(filename)) {
/** Copy file from based language folder to folder of this language */
// Define file paths
const basedFilePath = `${BASED_PATH}/${filename}`
const destFilePath = `${lngPath}/${filename}`
// Copy file
fs.copyFileSync(basedFilePath, destFilePath)
/** Empty all values for that new file */
// Get the based JSON
const basedObj = basedJSONs[filename]
// Replace all end-values with empty string
const emptiedObj = SHOULD_COPY_VALUE_FROM_BASE_LNG ? basedObj : clearAllValues(basedObj);
// Update the file
fs.writeFileSync(destFilePath, JSON.stringify(emptiedObj, null, 4))
// Log copied file message
console.log(`Copied file "${filename}`, `${Number('" from ') + basedFilePath} to ${destFilePath}`)
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Thanx for sharing it

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felixmosh commented Feb 12, 2021

I've written, it has a built-in support for namespaces & plural forms (that works properly :} )!

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I've written, it has a built-in support for namespaces & plural forms (that works properly :} )!

can u help me for extract not translated strings into en folder of
tnks for any help

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