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Last active July 5, 2018 14:23
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Triangular Matrix Type in Idris
module GeneralisedDependentMatrix
import Data.Vect
neg : Int -> Int
neg x = -x
-- Vect (len: Nat) (elemt: Type)
-- A generalisation of the TriangularMatrix type
DependentMatrix : (n: Nat) -> (Fin n -> Nat) -> Type -> Type
DependentMatrix n f t = Vect n (m: (Fin n) ** Vect (f m) t) -- MAGICAL ORDING PROPERTY
-- Triangular ascending row length
AscendingMatrix : Nat -> Type -> Type
AscendingMatrix n t = DependentMatrix n (\m => (finToNat m) + 1) t
xs : AscendingMatrix 3 Int
xs = [ (0 ** [1]),
(1 ** [2, 3]),
(2 ** [4, 5, 6]) ]
xsNeg : AscendingMatrix 3 Int
xsNeg = map (\ (i ** x) => (i ** map neg x)) xs
xsSum : Vect 3 Int
xsSum = map (\ (_ ** x) => sum x) xs
-- Triangular descending row length
DescendingMatrix : Nat -> Type -> Type
DescendingMatrix n t = DependentMatrix n (\m => minus n (finToNat m)) t
ys : DescendingMatrix 3 Int
ys = [ (0 ** [1, 2, 3]),
(1 ** [4, 5]),
(2 ** [6]) ]
ysNeg : DescendingMatrix 3 Int
ysNeg = map (\ (_ ** y) => (_ ** map neg y)) ys
ysSum : Vect 3 Int
ysSum = map (\ (_ ** y) => sum y) ys
-- Binary Tree
BinaryTree : Nat -> Type -> Type
BinaryTree n t = DependentMatrix n (\m => power 2 (finToNat m)) t
zs : BinaryTree 3 Int
zs = [ (0 ** [ 1 ]),
(1 ** [ 2, 3 ]),
(2 ** [4, 5, 6, 7]) ]
zsNeg : BinaryTree 3 Int
zsNeg = map (\ (_ ** z) => (_ ** map neg z)) zs
zsSum : Vect 3 Int
zsSum = map (\ (_ ** z) => sum z) zs
Vect' : (n: Nat) -> (Fin n -> Type) -> Type
-- data Vect' : (n: Nat) -> (Fin n -> Type) -> Type where
-- Empty : (elem: Type) -> Vect' Z (\_ => elem)
-- Append : (elem: Type) -> (xs: Vect' len f) -> Vect' (S len) (\i => if ((finToNat i) == len + 1) then elem else (f i) )
Triangle : (n: Nat) -> (a: Type) -> Vect' n (\i => Vect' (finToNat i) (\_ => a))
module Matrix
import Data.Vect
Matrix : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
Matrix n m t = Vect n (Vect m t)
xs : Matrix 3 2 Int
xs = [ [1, 2],
[3, 4],
[5, 6] ]
neg : Int -> Int
neg x = -x
negMatrix : Matrix n m Int -> Matrix n m Int
negMatrix = map (map neg)
rowSumOfMatrix : Matrix n m Int -> Vect n Int
rowSumOfMatrix = map sum
xsNeg : Matrix 3 2 Int
xsNeg = negMatrix xs
xsSum : Vect 3 Int
xsSum = rowSumOfMatrix xs
module Ragged
import Data.Vect
neg : Int -> Int
neg x = -x
-- This models a ragged matrix using a vector which holds the length of each row.
-- The matrix elements are dependent pairs, where the first component is the
-- index of the row used to index into the length vector.
-- The Fin enforces that the indices into the length vector are in bound.
-- The order of the rows is not enforced by the type, e.g. it is even fine to
-- index into the same elemt multiple times.
RaggedMatrix : (n: Nat) -> Vect n Nat -> Type -> Type
RaggedMatrix n ms t = Vect n (i: (Fin n) ** Vect (Data.Vect.index i ms) t)
RowLength : Vect 3 Nat
RowLength = [2, 1, 4]
xs : RaggedMatrix 3 RowLength Int
xs = [ (0 ** [1, 2]),
(1 ** [3]),
(2 ** [4, 5, 6, 7]) ]
negRaggedMatrix : RaggedMatrix n ms Int -> RaggedMatrix n ms Int
negRaggedMatrix = map ( \ (_ ** x) => (_ ** map neg x) )
rowSumOfRaggedMatrix : RaggedMatrix n ms Int -> Vect n Int
rowSumOfRaggedMatrix = map (\ (_ ** x) => sum x )
xsNeg : RaggedMatrix 3 RowLength Int
xsNeg = negRaggedMatrix xs
xsSum : Vect 3 Int
xsSum = rowSumOfRaggedMatrix xs
module Triangle
import Data.Vect
neg : Int -> Int
neg x = -x
-- This models a triangular matrix using a dependent pair, where the first
-- component is an arbitrary Nat corresponding to the length of the row.
TriangularMatrix : Nat -> Type -> Type
TriangularMatrix n t = Vect n (m: Nat ** Vect m t)
-- Using this design we can leave the index blank as it is infered from the type
xs : TriangularMatrix 3 Int
xs = [ (_ ** [1]),
(_ ** [2, 3]),
(_ ** [4, 5, 6]) ]
-- This models a triangular matrix using a dependent pair, where the first
-- component is a number smaller than n (see Data.Fin) and the length of the
-- row is then (n + 1).
TriangularMatrix : Nat -> Type -> Type
TriangularMatrix n t = Vect n (m: (Fin n) ** Vect ((finToNat m) + 1) t)
xs : TriangularMatrix 3 Int
xs = [ (0 ** [1]),
(1 ** [2, 3]),
(2 ** [4, 5, 6]) ]
negTriangularMatrix : TriangularMatrix n Int -> TriangularMatrix n Int
negTriangularMatrix = map ( \ (_ ** x) => (_ ** map neg x) )
-- or:
negTriangularMatrix = map (dmap (map neg)) where
-- Can't get the generic version to work.
-- This definition type checks, but it's application doesn't
-- dmap : {a : Type} -> {P : a -> Type} ->
-- ({b: Type} -> b -> b) -> DPair a P -> DPair a P
dmap : ({n: Nat} -> Vect n t -> Vect n t) -> (m: Nat ** Vect m t) -> (m: Nat ** Vect m t)
dmap f (x ** y) = (x ** (f y))
rowSumOfTriangularMatrix : TriangularMatrix n Int -> Vect n Int
rowSumOfTriangularMatrix = map (\ (_ ** x) => sum x )
xsNeg : TriangularMatrix 3 Int
xsNeg = negTriangularMatrix xs
xsSum : Vect 3 Int
xsSum = rowSumOfTriangularMatrix xs
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