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Created September 5, 2018 01:38
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open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
data Vec (F : Nat → Set) : Nat → Set where
[] : Vec F 0
_∷_ : ∀ {n} (xs : Vec F n) (x : F (suc n)) → Vec F (suc n)
map : {! !}
map f [] = []
map f (xs ∷ x) = (map f xs) ∷ (f x)
reduce : {! !}
reduce f z [] = z
reduce f z (xs ∷ x) = reduce f (f z x) xs
-- example data
row1 : Vec (\ _ -> Nat) 1
row1 = [] ∷ 1
row2 : Vec (\ _ -> Nat) 2
row2 = ([] ∷ 2) ∷ 3
row3 : Vec (\ _ -> Nat) 3
row3 = (([] ∷ 4) ∷ 5) ∷ 6
xs : Vec (\ i -> Vec (\ _ -> Nat) i) 3
xs = (([] ∷ row1) ∷ row2) ∷ row3
-- apply suc to each element
ys : {! !}
ys = map (\ row -> map suc row) xs
-- sum up all rows
zs : {! !}
zs = map (\ row -> reduce (\ x y -> x + y) 0 row) xs
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