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Created November 20, 2010 13:12
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Alphabet in substring?
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
# Say you have one string of alphabetic characters, and say you have another,
# guaranteed smaller string of alphabetic characters. Algorithmically speaking,
# what's the fastest way to find out if all the characters in the smaller string are in the larger string?
# For example, if the two strings were:
# String 2: DCGSRQPOM
# You'd get true as every character in string2 is in string1. If the two strings were:
# String 2: DCGSRQPOZ
# you'd get false as Z isn't in the first string.
# Cool Solution
#"What if - given that we have a limited range of possible characters.
# I assigned each character of the alphabet to a prime number starting with 2 and going up from there.
# So A would be 2, and B would be 3, and C would be 5, etc.
# And then I went through the first string and 'multiplied' each character's prime number together.
# You'd end up with some big number right?
# And then - what if I iterated through the 2nd string and 'divided' by every character in there. If any division gave a remainder.
# You knew you didn't have a match. If there was no remainders through the whole process, you knew you had a subset.
require 'test/unit'
require 'mathn'
class TestSubString < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_table_generator
assert generate_table("a".."z")["a"] == 2
assert generate_table["c"] == 5
def test_chars_in_aphabet?
assert chars_in_alphabet?("ABCDEFGHLMNOPQRS","DCGSRQPOM")
assert !chars_in_alphabet?("ABCDEFGHLMNOPQRS","DCGSRQPOZ")
def generate_table(alphabet = [("a".."z").to_a,("A".."Z").to_a].flatten)
alphabet.to_a.inject([,{}]) { |p,n| [p[0],p[1].merge(n => p[0].succ)] }[1]
def chars_in_alphabet?(alphabet,str)
table = generate_table
product = alphabet.split("").inject(1){|p,n| table[n] * p }
return !str.split("").any? { |i| (product % table[i]) > 0 }
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