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Created February 13, 2020 21:02
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<div class="product-template__container page-width"
id="ProductSection-{{ }}"
data-section-id="{{ }}"
data-ajax-enabled="{{ settings.enable_ajax }}"
{% assign products = | split: "," %}
{% assign variants = '' | split: '' %}
{% assign colors = '' | split: '' %}
{% assign headers = '' | split: '' %}
{% for item in products %}
{% assign variants = variants | concat: all_products[item].variants %}
{% for obj in all_products[item].variants %}
{% assign temp = all_products[item].title | append: ' - ' | append: obj.option1 | split: ',' %}
{% assign headers = headers | concat : temp %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign headers = headers | uniq %}
{% assign cols = headers | size %}
{% assign colors = variants | map: 'option2' | uniq %}
{% for col in headers %}
<th>{{ col }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{% for color in colors %}
{{color | json }}
{% assign list = variants | where: 'option2', color %}
<td>{{ color }}</td>
{% for item in list %}
<td id="{{}}">
<input type="tel" style="width:80px;">
<span>{{ item.inventory_quantity }}</span>
{% comment %}{{ item.title }}{% endcomment %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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MVP Demo

The case: The client needed to associate multiple variants from multiple products on one page so B2B customers can buy in bulk.
The problem: In Shopify, you can not associate multiple product variants in one product or page
The approach: I created a product that doesn't track inventory and assigned products by handled using Shopify metafields.
Limitations: It may have an impact on performance when assigning a large number of products. (May need to test)

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