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Last active August 27, 2020 06:44
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PostMortem/Root Cause Analysis for AES EDI | JIRA Issue ( AESEDI-53447)




Michele Scarlato, Operations Team


Complete, resolved


The customer data was not sent from AES EDI. The investigation showed that the file with the data was sent however, it did not get processed due to an issue with the AES CIS service.


About 486,000 records were affected and the EDI to CIS monitoring service too.

Root Causes

Sending files with a large number of records while simultaneously running the patching script caused a wreck in the data processing. This issue with AES CIS service futher escalated to data not getting processed leading to missing records.


A large amount of files were not processed.


Reloading the AES CIS monitoring service allowed us to spot the missed records that were not discovered automatically. Following this the data file was resent leading to the resolution.


Customer created a Jira Ticket to alert us on this failure. Please refer JIRA Issue: (AESEDI-53447)

Action Items

Action Item Type Owner Bug
Writing of monitoring policy to detect records missings prevent Michele Scarlato DONE
Monitor the data ingesters and processors (ETL) prevent Michele Scarlato (Jira Issue No: AESCIS-38263)TODO

Lessons Learned

  1. More monitoring plugins and modules to watch this critical part of our infrastructure.
  2. Slack notifications have to be added for alerting the team whenever a data discrepancy is detected in future so that such occurences are prevented in future.
  3. Patching opearations should not be executed while data processing is in progress at AES EDI.


2020-08-27 (all times UTC)

Time Description
11:56 Discovering of the missing files
12:00 Restarting of the AES CIS monitoring module
12:15 Starting of the data processing of the records files
13:00 Completion of the data processing of all the 486,000 records files
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