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Created September 26, 2012 22:55
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Data Without Borders - Assignment 3
#How many unique users have more than 100000 followers? What are their screen names?
tweets <- read.csv("/Users/michelleboisson/Documents/ITP/* Data without Borders/hw3/libya_tweets.csv",
unique(tweets$screen_name[which(as.numeric(tweets$followers) >= 100000)])
# [1] "detikcom" "DonLemonCNN" "HuffingtonPost" "Dputamadre" "WorldRss" "AlMasryAlYoum"
# [7] "theobscurant" "fadjroeL" "TPO_Hisself" "CAPAMAG" "TwittyAlgeria" "foxandfriends"
# [13] "PranayGupte"
#It’d be interesting to see what part of the world users are tweeting from. What are the top 3 #locations people are from (not counting blanks)?
all.locations.sorted = data.frame(rev(sort(table(tweets$location))))
top.3.locations = all.locations.sorted[2:4,]
# USA Tripoli, Libya London
# 34 28 20
#Retweets can often indicate what’s important, or at least influential. What is the text of the #tweet that was retweeted the most times and who tweeted it?
all.retweets.sorted = data.frame(rev(sort(table(tweets$retweet))))
#[1] "RT @DennisDMZ: So let me get this straight. There's a War on Women but no War on Terror? #Hey guys, little less focus on the labia little ..."
#[1] "AndrewDeikel"
#Plot the distribution of the number of people the users are following (don’t
#worry about the fact that some people will be counted multiple times – just pretend each
#row is a different user). What do you see?
###See graph below
###The graph doesn't tell us much only that there is a large number of people who aren't following a lot of people.
#Let’s reduce our set to just people with fewer than
#5000 followers and look at the histogram again. What do you see now? Have you tried
#using different breaks? Does anything surprise you?
fewer.than.5000.followers = data.frame(tweets$followers < 5000)
hist(tweets$followers[which(fewer.than.5000.followers == TRUE)], breaks=200)
#See image below
###there are a lot of people with very little followers. It's mostly a curve, except for a small spike around 800 followers or so.
#Write code to find the 5 most popular words used in the descriptions of our
#users (again, just treat each row as if it’s a unique user, even though that means we’ll be counting #users who tweeted more than once multiple times).
description.words = unlist(strsplit(tweets$description, " "))
description.words = tolower(description.words)
sorted.description.words = rev(sort(table(description.words)))
#the and of a to
#868 689 581 511 479 413
###The top five words used in description of the users are 'the', 'and', 'of', ' ', and 'a'.
#Let’s clean out super common words, often referred to as stopwords, so we can just focus on the
#interesting words people are using. That means we need to remove any common words
#from our big ol’ word vector we created in step 2 above. Hmm, how can we remove
#specific elements of a vector?
###load in stop words
stop.words = read.csv("",
###this is a table with 2 columns for some reason, I just want the words so
stop.words = stop.words$a
###add extras to the vector
newwords = c(" ", "&", "-", "|", "a")
stop.words = append(stop.words, newwords)
descr.words.withtout.stop = description.words[ !description.words %in% stop.words]
# news love world follow
# 511 233 110 96 73
###I forgot to remove the blank
stop.words = append(stop.words, "")
descr.words.withtout.stop = description.words[ !description.words %in% stop.words]
# news love world follow conservative
# 233 110 96 73 69
#Using your skills with %in% and a vector of stopwords, remove the
#stopwords from the descriptions and recompute the top 5 words our Twitter users use to
#describe themselves. What do you think of the results? Do you have a sense of what
#types of users are most common in our dataset?
###It looks like most of the users in this dataset are news reporters, report on the world, and a few are conservative.
###Part 3
haiti <- read.csv("/Users/michelleboisson/Documents/ITP/* Data without Borders/hw3/haiti-tweets.csv",
#How many tweets did I collect in over an hour?
[1] 411
#This is significantly lower than the data about Libya. Obviously, Haiti is not on a lot of people's mind right now.
#Where are the tweets coming from?
all.locations.sorted = data.frame(rev(sort(table(haiti$location))))
# 98
#Haiti petion-ville 33
#Haiti 15
#CA 6
#Tabarre 5
#San Francisco 5
#What are people tweeting about?
text.words = unlist(strsplit(haiti$text, " "))
text.words = tolower(text.words)
sorted.text.words = rev(sort(table(text.words)))
#haiti rt in to i my
# 161 134 130 108 103 102
#I'm adding "rt" to the stop words
stop.words = append(stop.words, "rt")
text.words.without.stop = text.words[ !text.words %in% stop.words]
# haiti #haiti ... de haiti,
# 161 82 62 54 47
#So I'm going to add "haiti" and "#haiti" and more to the stop.words too, and see what I get
stop.words = append(stop.words, c("haiti", "#haiti", "...","haiti,"))
text.words.without.stop = text.words[ !text.words %in% stop.words]
# de nice spirit, pin everybody. country bbm #32dd26ac!!!! en le
# 54 35 33 33 33 33 33 #31 30 29
##OK, so still not much. Maybe there isn't a central theme to what people are tweeting about. Though I cam curious about what "32dd26ac!!!!" isl; It's in 31 tweets. Let me try to figure what they say.
import json # Import the library that lets us work with JSON
import csv # Import the library that lets us read/write CSVs
import time # We're going to need to deal with a quick time conversion in here
# The path to the file we want to open (change this for your machine)
# This should be the result of the streaming API
infilename = "/Users/michelleboisson/Documents/ITP/* Data without Borders/hw3/libya_tweets.json"
infile = open(infilename, "r") # Open up the file. "r" says we want to read from it (as opposed to write)
tweets = [] # An empty list to hold the tweets we're going to load
for line in infile: # Iterate over every line in the file and call it the variable "line"
new_tweet = json.loads(line) # Load in the text and convert it from JSON to a Python dictoinary
continue # try/except basically says to just keep moving if we fail to
# convert the JSON to a tweet (maybe there's malformed data or something)
tweets.append(new_tweet) # Add it to our list of tweets
# Whoa! That was easy! Now we have a list of tweets, where each tweet is a dictionary!
first_tweet = tweets[0]
first_tweet["text"] # The text of the first tweet. Boom.
# Here's an example of what's in a typical tweet:
# {
# "in_reply_to_status_id_str":null,
# "id_str":"247530200278114304",
# "text":"Nice work @AnnCoulter: Libya commemorates 9\/11 | http:\/\/\/8yVjg5Ej http:\/\/\/fSPlkhSK",
# "in_reply_to_screen_name":null,
# "in_reply_to_user_id_str":null,
# "favorited":false,
# "source":"web",
# "possibly_sensitive_editable":true,
# "entities":{
# "hashtags":[],
# "user_mentions":[
# {"id_str":"196168350",
# "indices":[10,21],
# "screen_name":"AnnCoulter",
# "name":"Ann Coulter",
# "id":196168350}
# ],
# "urls":[
# {"indices":[49,69],
# "url":"http:\/\/\/8yVjg5Ej",
# "display_url":"",
# "expanded_url":"http:\/\/"
# },
# {"indices":[70,90],
# "url":"http:\/\/\/fSPlkhSK",
# "display_url":"\/opinions\/2012-\u2026",
# "expanded_url":"http:\/\/\/opinions\/2012-09-16\/coulter-libya-commemorates-911#.UFaRvlv8T5w.twitter"
# }
# ]
# },
# "truncated":false,
# "created_at":"Mon Sep 17 02:59:33 +0000 2012",
# "place":null,
# "in_reply_to_user_id":null,
# "contributors":null,
# "geo":null,
# "retweet_count":0,
# "retweeted":false,
# "coordinates":null,
# "user":{
# "id_str":"131546419",
# "follow_request_sent":null,
# "default_profile_image":false,
# "profile_use_background_image":true,
# "friends_count":207,
# "profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_images\/2617221744\/d0sblw2ynv4aqbwmj9wa_normal.png",
# "is_translator":false,
# "statuses_count":475,
# "profile_background_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/profile_background_images\/90887244\/Walleye_Puck.bmp",
# "favourites_count":0,
# "profile_text_color":"333333",
# "followers_count":93,
# "geo_enabled":false,
# "profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/\/profile_background_images\/90887244\/Walleye_Puck.bmp",
# "description":"PROUD Conservative, Full Time Student, Former Business Owner, and Full Time Musician",
# "profile_link_color":"0084B4",
# "lang":"en",
# "notifications":null,
# "created_at":"Sat Apr 10 16:04:24 +0000 2010",
# "profile_image_url_https":"https:\/\/\/profile_images\/2617221744\/d0sblw2ynv4aqbwmj9wa_normal.png","listed_count":1,
# "profile_background_color":"C0DEED",
# "url":null,
# "contributors_enabled":false,
# "verified":false,
# "profile_background_tile":true,
# "time_zone":"Eastern Time (US & Canada)",
# "protected":false,
# "screen_name":"TTownD",
# "default_profile":false,
# "following":null,
# "profile_sidebar_fill_color":"DDEEF6",
# "name":"Doug ",
# "location":"TTown",
# "id":131546419,
# "utc_offset":-18000,
# "profile_sidebar_border_color":"C0DEED"
# },
# "id":247530200278114304,
# "possibly_sensitive":false,
# "in_reply_to_status_id":null
# }
# Wow, there's a *ton* of stuff in there. We have all the information about the tweet, including
# structure information about the mentions, hashtags, and links in it, as well as all the user info. Awesome!
# So all we need to do is iterate through the tweets, pull out the fields we want into a list,
# then save them as a row in a CSV file.
# Open up the file we want to write to (libya_tweets.csv)
# csvwriter is an object that will write to that file
csvwriter = csv.writer(open("/Users/michelleboisson/Documents/ITP/* Data without Borders/hw3/libya_tweets.csv", "w"))
csvwriter.writerow(["tweet_id", "retweet", "text", "source", "screen_name", "name", "location", "description", "followers", "following", "created_at", "created_at_seconds", "hashtag1", "hashtag2", "url1", "url2", "mention1", "mention2", "lat", "lon"])
for tweet in tweets:
# This will loop over the tweets list and, for each iteration, the "tweet" variable will stand in for each tweet.
# csv writer writes out whatever list of things you give it to a row of the CSV, so let's construct a row
# of the variables we want.
tweet_id = tweet["id_str"]
retweet = tweet["in_reply_to_status_id_str"]
# Sometimes the retweet ID isn't in that field, so let's check and see if it's in this other field
if not retweet and "retweeted_status" in tweet and tweet["retweeted_status"]:
retweet = tweet["retweeted_status"]["id_str"]
text = tweet["text"]
source = tweet["source"]
screen_name = tweet["user"]["screen_name"]
name = tweet["user"]["name"]
location = tweet["user"]["location"]
description = tweet["user"]["description"]
followers = tweet["user"]["followers_count"]
following = tweet["user"]["friends_count"]
created_at = tweet["user"]["created_at"]
# Having the time be a string is annoying. Let's use the Python time library to convert
# the time this tweet was created to a UNIX timestamp (learn more about these here -
created_at_seconds = time.mktime(time.strptime(tweet["created_at"], "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0000 %Y"))
# Two other quick things we should think about:
# 1) I'd like us to record the hashtags, links, and mentions in each tweet, but they're in this variable length
# format (i.e. there could be 0, 1, 3, 100, who knows). Since CSVs are fixed width, why don't we just
# take the first two of each, accounting for the case where there are none.
hashtag1 = None
hashtag2 = None
if "hashtags" in tweet["entities"] and len(tweet["entities"]["hashtags"]):
hashtag1 = tweet["entities"]["hashtags"][0]["text"]
if len(tweet["entities"]["hashtags"]) > 1:
hashtag2 = tweet["entities"]["hashtags"][1]["text"]
url1 = None
url2 = None
if "urls" in tweet["entities"] and len(tweet["entities"]["urls"]):
url1 = tweet["entities"]["urls"][0]["url"]
if len(tweet["entities"]["urls"]) > 1:
url2 = tweet["entities"]["urls"][1]["url"]
mention1 = None
mention2 = None
if "user_mentions" in tweet["entities"] and len(tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"]):
mention1 = tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"][0]["screen_name"]
if len(tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"]) > 1:
mention2 = tweet["entities"]["user_mentions"][1]["screen_name"]
# 2) I'd also like us to record geo data, if it exists
lat = None
lon = None
if tweet["geo"]:
lat = tweet["geo"]["coordinates"][0]
lon = tweet["geo"]["coordinates"][1]
# OK! Let's write this tweet!
newrow = [tweet_id, retweet, text, source, screen_name, name, location, description, followers, following, created_at, created_at_seconds, hashtag1, hashtag2, url1, url2, mention1, mention2, lat, lon]
# Oop, one thing we need to do is convert everything to UTF8 before we write...
for i in range(len(newrow)): # For every value in our newrow
if hasattr(newrow[i], 'encode'):
newrow[i] = newrow[i].encode('utf8')
# Write it!
# Done!
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