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Last active January 30, 2017 22:41
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Nom Libell� Longueur Type Ordre English Label
SIREN Identifiant de l'entreprise 9 alphanum�rique 1 Company ID
NIC Num�ro interne de classement de l'�tablissement 5 alphanum�rique 2 Internal classification number of establishment
L1_NORMALISEE Premi�re ligne de l'adressage de l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 3 First line of addressing of the establishment
L2_NORMALISEE Deuxi�me ligne de l'adressage de l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 4 Second line of addressing of the establishment
L3_NORMALISEE Troisi�me ligne de l'adressage de l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 5 Third line of addressing of the institution
L4_NORMALISEE Quatri�me ligne de l'adressage de l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 6 Fourth line of addressing of the institution
L5_NORMALISEE Cinqui�me ligne de l'adressage de l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 7 Fifth line of addressing of the institution
L6_NORMALISEE Sixi�me ligne de l'adressage de l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 8 Sixth line of addressing of the establishment
L7_NORMALISEE Septi�me ligne de l'adressage de l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 9 Seventh line of addressing facility
L1_DECLAREE Premi�re ligne de l'adressage d�clar� pour l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 10 First line of addressing declared for establishment
L2_DECLAREE Deuxi�me ligne de l'adressage d�clar� pour l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 11 Second line of addressing declared for establishment
L3_DECLAREE Troisi�me ligne de l'adressage d�clar� pour l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 12 Third line of addressing declared for establishment
L4_DECLAREE Quatri�me ligne de l'adressage d�clar� pour l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 13 Fourth line of addressing declared for establishment
L5_DECLAREE Cinqui�me ligne de l'adressage d�clar� pour l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 14 Fifth line of addressing declared for establishment
L6_DECLAREE Sixi�me ligne de l'adressage d�clar� pour l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 15 Sixth line of addressing declared for establishment
L7_DECLAREE Septi�me ligne de l'adressage d�clar� pour l'�tablissement 38 alphanum�rique 16 Seventh line of addressing declared for establishment
NUMVOIE Num�ro dans la voie 4 alphanum�rique 17 Number in the track
INDREP Indice de r�p�tition 1 alphanum�rique 18 Repetition index
TYPVOIE Type de voie de localisation de l'�tablissement 4 alphanum�rique 19 Type of location track
LIBVOIE Libell� de voie de localisation de l'�tablissement 32 alphanum�rique 20 Track name of the location of the establishment
CODPOS Code postal 5 alphanum�rique 21 Postal code
CEDEX Code CEDEX 5 alphanum�rique 22 CEDEX Code
RPET R�gion de localisation de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 23 Location of establishment
LIBREG Libell� de la r�gion 70 alphanum�rique 24 Region label
DEPET D�partement de localisation de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 25 Facility location department
ARRONET Arrondissement de localisation de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 26 Borough of establishment location
CTONET Canton de localisation de l'�tablissement 3 alphanum�rique 27 Town of the location of the establishment
COMET Commune de localisation de l'�tablissement 3 alphanum�rique 28 Commune of location of establishment
LIBCOM Libell� de la commune de localisation de l'�tablissement 32 alphanum�rique 29 Wording of the municipality of the location of the establishment
DU D�partement de l'unit� urbaine de la localisation de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 30 Department of Urban Unit of the location of the establishment
TU Taille de l'unit� urbaine 1 alphanum�rique 31 Size of the urban unit
UU Num�ro de l'unit� urbaine 2 alphanum�rique 32 Urban Unit Number
EPCI Localisation de l'�tablissement dans un �tablissement public de coop�ration intercommunale 9 alphanum�rique 33 Location of the establishment in a public institution for inter-municipal co-operation
TCD Tranche de commune d�taill�e 2 alphanum�rique 34 Detailed district section
ZEMET Zone d'emploi 4 alphanum�rique 35 Area of __employment
SIEGE Qualit� de si�ge ou non de l'�tablissement 1 alphanum�rique 36 Quality of headquarters or not of the establishment
ENSEIGNE Enseigne ou nom de l'exploitation 50 alphanum�rique 37 Brand or name of the holding
IND_PUBLIPO Indicateur du champ du publipostage 1 alphanum�rique 38 Direct Mail Indicator
DIFFCOM Statut de diffusion de l'�tablissement 1 alphanum�rique 39 Status of Dissemination
AMINTRET Ann�e et mois d'introduction de l'�tablissement dans la base de diffusion 6 alphanum�rique 40 Year and month of establishment in the dissemination base
NATETAB Nature de l'�tablissement d'un entrepreneur individuel 1 alphanum�rique 41 Nature of the establishment of an individual entrepreneur
LIBNATETAB Libell� de la nature de l'�tablissement 30 alphanum�rique 42 Description of the nature of the establishment
APET700 Activit� principale de l'�tablissement 5 alphanum�rique 43 Main activity of the institution
LIBAPET Libell� de l'activit� principale de l'�tablissement 65 alphanum�rique 44 Description of the principal activity of the institution
DAPET Ann�e de validit� de l'activit� principale de l'�tablissement 4 alphanum�rique 45 Validity of the principal activity of the institution
TEFET Tranche d'effectif salari� de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 46 Establishment workforce
LIBTEFET Libell� de la tranche d'effectif de l'�tablissement 23 alphanum�rique 47 Establishment Establishment Label
EFETCENT Effectif salari� de l'�tablissement � la centaine pr�s 6 alphanum�rique 48 Employed employees of the establishment to the nearest hundred
DEFET Ann�e de validit� de l'effectif salari� de l'�tablissement 4 alphanum�rique 49 Year of validity of the establishment's salaried workforce
ORIGINE Origine de la cr�ation de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 50 Origin of establishment
DCRET Ann�e et mois de cr�ation de l'�tablissement 8 alphanum�rique 51 Year and month of establishment
DDEBACT Date de d�but d'activit� 8 alphanum�rique 52 Date of first activity
ACTIVNAT Nature de l'activit� de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 53 Nature of business
LIEUACT Lieu de l'activit� de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 54 Place of business
ACTISURF Type de magasin 2 alphanum�rique 55 Store type
SAISONAT Caract�re saisonnier ou non de l'activit� de l'�tablissement 2 alphanum�rique 56 Seasonal or non-seasonal nature of the activity of the institution
MODET Modalit� de l'activit� principale de l'�tablissement 1 alphanum�rique 57 Modality of the principal activity of the institution
PRODET Caract�re productif de l'�tablissement 1 alphanum�rique 58 The productive nature of the establishment
PRODPART Participation particuli�re � la production de l'�tablissement 1 alphanum�rique 59 Particular participation in the production of the establishment
AUXILT Caract�re auxiliaire de l'activit� de l'�tablissement 1 alphanum�rique 60 Auxiliary character of the activity of the establishment
NOMEN_LONG Nom ou raison sociale de l'entreprise 131 alphanum�rique 61 Name or business name of the company
SIGLE Sigle de l'entreprise 20 alphanum�rique 62 Company logo
NOM Nom de naissance 100 alphanum�rique 63 Birth name
PRENOM Pr�nom 30 alphanum�rique 64 First name
CIVILITE Civilit� des entrepreneurs individuels 1 alphanum�rique 65 Civility of individual entrepreneurs
RNA Num�ro d'identification au r�pertoire national des associations 10 alphanum�rique 66 Identification number in the national directory of associations
NICSIEGE Num�ro interne de classement de l'�tablissement si�ge 5 alphanum�rique 67 Internal head office classification number
RPEN R�gion de localisation du si�ge de l'entreprise 2 alphanum�rique 68 Location of company headquarters
DEPCOMEN D�partement et commune de localisation du si�ge de l'entreprise 5 alphanum�rique 69 Department and location of the headquarters of the company
ADR_MAIL Adresse mail 80 alphanum�rique 70 Mail address
NJ Nature juridique de l'entreprise 4 alphanum�rique 71 Legal nature of the company
LIBNJ Libell� de la nature juridique 100 alphanum�rique 72 Text of the legal nature
APEN700 Activit� principale de l'entreprise 5 alphanum�rique 73 Main activity of the company
LIBAPEN Libell� de l'activit� principale de l'entreprise 65 alphanum�rique 74 Description of the main activity of the company
DAPEN Ann�e de validit� de l'activit� principale de l'entreprise 4 alphanum�rique 75 Year of validity of the main activity of the company
APRM Activit� principale au registre des m�tiers 6 alphanum�rique 76 Main activity in the trades register
ESS Appartenance au champ de l'�conomie sociale et solidaire 1 alphanum�rique 77 Belonging to the field of social and solidarity economy
DATEESS Date ESS 8 alphanum�rique 78 ESS Date
TEFEN Tranche d'effectif salari� de l'entreprise 2 alphanum�rique 79 Employee's workforce
LIBTEFEN Libell� de la tranche d'effectif de l'entreprise 23 alphanum�rique 80 Name of the company's workforce
EFENCENT Effectif salari� de l'entreprise � la centaine pr�s 6 alphanum�rique 81 Employees of the company to the nearest hundred
DEFEN Ann�e de validit� de l'effectif salari� de l'entreprise 4 alphanum�rique 82 Year of validity of the workforce of the company
CATEGORIE Cat�gorie d'entreprise 5 alphanum�rique 83 Business class
DCREN Ann�e et mois de cr�ation de l'entreprise 8 alphanum�rique 84 Year and month of start-up
AMINTREN Ann�e et mois d'introduction de l'entreprise dans la base de diffusion 6 alphanum�rique 85 Year and month of the company's introduction into the dissemination base
MONOACT Indice de monoactivit� de l'entreprise 1 alphanum�rique 86 Business Mono Activity Index
MODEN Modalit� de l'activit� principale de l'entreprise 1 alphanum�rique 87 Modality of the main activity of the undertaking
PRODEN Caract�re productif de l'entreprise 1 alphanum�rique 88 The productive nature of the company
ESAANN Ann�e de validit� des rubriques de niveau entreprise en provenance de l'ESA* 4 alphanum�rique 89 Year of validity of the enterprise level headings from ESA *
TCA Tranche de chiffre d'affaires pour les entreprises enqu�t�es par l'ESA* 1 alphanum�rique 90 Turnover for companies surveyed by ESA *
ESAAPEN Activit� principale de l'entreprise issue de l'ESA* 5 alphanum�rique 91 Main business activity of ESA *
ESASEC1N Premi�re activit� secondaire d�clar�e dans l'ESA* 5 alphanum�rique 92 First reported secondary activity in ESA *
ESASEC2N Deuxi�me activit� secondaire d�clar�e dans l'ESA* 5 alphanum�rique 93 Second reported secondary activity in ESA *
ESASEC3N Troisi�me activit� secondaire d�clar�e dans l'ESA* 5 alphanum�rique 94 Third reported secondary activity in ESA *
ESASEC4N Quatri�me activit� secondaire d�clar�e dans l'ESA* 5 alphanum�rique 95 Fourth reported secondary activity in ESA *
VMAJ Nature de la mise � jour (cr�ation Nature of the update (creation
VMAJ1 Indicateur de mise � jour n�1 1 alphanum�rique 97 Update indicator n � 1
VMAJ2 Indicateur de mise � jour n�2 1 alphanum�rique 98 Update indicator n � 2
VMAJ3 Indicateur de mise � jour n�3 1 alphanum�rique 99 Update indicator n � 3
DATEMAJ Date de traitement de la mise � jour 19 alphanum�rique 100 Update processing date


The Sirene® database provides information on French companies and establishments. It contains economic and legal information on 10 million companies and establishments.

Available for download from the website

  • The complete Sirene® distribution base of active establishments on the last day of the previous month
  • The daily update files for the current month
  • Monthly updates file for the previous month

###Variables The list of variables in the stock file can be downloaded from here:

The variables can be generalized as:

  • Identification Variables
  • Address Variables
  • Variables of the geographical location of the establishment
  • Property Details
  • Economic variables of the establishment
  • Company Identification
  • Information on the company's headquarters
  • Economic variables of the enterprise to which the establishment belongs
  • Variables specific product update

There are multiple variables corresponding to possible addresses of a business, but generally the address consists of a number, type and label of a road, and the postal code or CEDEX code.

There are also multiple variables on business activity. The principle ones are APET700 (main activity of establishment), APEN700 (main activity of the enterprise). There are also variables reported to the Annual Sectoral Survey (ESA) (, including the main activity and 1 - 4 secondary activities of the business.

Geocoding process

The heavy lifting for geocoding SIRENE has been done by the French data community.

The geocoded stock file is available for download as one file per French department.

The fields added are:

Longitude (in decimal degrees, WGS84)
Latitude (in decimal degrees, WGS84)
Geo_score: index of similarity provided by the geocoding engine
Geo_type: "housenumber" = n ° found, "interpolation" = n ° interpolated, "street" = channel found, "locality" for the addresses indicated "MAIRIE" or "HOTEL DE VILLE "," municipality "= position of the municipality because the address was not found.
Geo_address: label of the address found
Geo_id: id in the BAN repository, or BANO (if it starts with "BANO_")
Geo_ligne: geocoded address line (G = geographical, N = standardized, D = declared)

The geocoded stock file also removes some variables from the original SIRENE stock file (such as descriptions of business activity).

Example from Paris -- A Cafe Near Jardin du Palais Royal

  1. image

In the sample of Paris (25,144 businesses) there were no businesses without an APET code, but over 24,000 were missing EPAAPEN codes. Of those with EPAAPEN codes, 739 businesses had the same APET and EPAAPEN code. 1187 businesses had different APET and APEN codes.


"Under the law for a digital Republic Sirene data in open data are open from early January 2017."

The Sirene database containing personal data. INSEE draws your attention to the legal obligations arising from:

  • The processing of such data falls within the Act reporting obligations 78-17 of 6 January 1978, called CNIL Act: 1978-amended
  • Depending on your use of the dataset, it is your responsibility to consider the most recent dissemination status of each individual. Article A123-96 of the Commercial Code stipulates that: "Any natural person may apply either directly for his formalities of creation or modification, or by letter addressed to the Director General of the National Institute of Statistics and Of economic studies, that the information in the directory concerning it may not be used by third parties other than the bodies authorized under Article R. 123-224 or the administrations, for the purposes of prospecting, in particular commercial."

See also:


Michelles-MBP-2:Downloads michelleho$ unzip
warning []:  76 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
error []:  reported length of central directory is
  -76 bytes too long (Atari STZip zipfile?  J.H.Holm ZIPSPLIT 1.1
  zipfile?).  Compensating...
   skipping: sirc-17804_9075_14209_201612_L_M_20170104_171522721.csv  need PK compat. v4.5 (can do v2.1)

note:  didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir.
  (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the
  appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly)
- solution: `tar xzvf`
  • What is the SIRET?
    • The Siret number is the unique identification number assigned to each establishment by INSEE. This number is a simple serial number, consisting of 14 non-significant numbers: the first nine correspond to the Siren number of the company whose establishment depends and the last five to an internal classification number (NIC).
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