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Last active January 2, 2016 00:29
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17:17 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: tshirt photo? 17:18 jtreminio: PSchwisow: 17:18 theahindle: Awesome! 17:18 erikaheidi: :D 17:19 PSchwisow: Nice 17:19 PSchwisow: I am a bit behind on twitter :( 17:19 PSchwisow: Good thing you weren't at a conference... we could have another PHPness scandal 17:…
17:17 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: tshirt photo?
17:18 jtreminio: PSchwisow:
17:18 theahindle: Awesome!
17:18 erikaheidi: :D
17:19 PSchwisow: Nice
17:19 PSchwisow: I am a bit behind on twitter :(
17:19 PSchwisow: Good thing you weren't at a conference... we could have another PHPness scandal
17:20 jtreminio: why's that
17:20 erikaheidi: HAHAAHAHA
17:20 jtreminio: there's nothing sexual about my shirt
17:20 PSchwisow: OMG! A woman wearing a tshirt!!!
17:20 erikaheidi: they would say Im a booth babe :D
17:20 DanielKarp: Sometimes a trunk is just a trunk
17:20 erikaheidi: lol!
17:20 jtreminio: erikaheidi: nope, have only sold 2
17:20 erikaheidi: jtreminio: :(
17:21 PSchwisow: jtreminio: Where does the money go if not to you?
17:21 jtreminio: well, spreadshirt has the base price
17:21 jtreminio: which is what you see
17:21 jtreminio: I can add any amount over and above their base price and that would be my profit
17:23 PSchwisow: So you're selling them "at cost"?
17:23 jtreminio: yes
17:23 PSchwisow: Nice
17:23 PSchwisow: that's actually a pretty good price for custom-printed shirts
17:24 erikaheidi: jtreminio: do YOU have one? :D
17:24 jtreminio: yeah
17:24 erikaheidi: i think anthony bought one too?
17:24 PSchwisow: on of my usergroup members did one for LKPUG and MKEPUG... I didn't buy one because it was like $35 / shirt
17:25 PSchwisow: but I guess that was printed front and back
17:25 erikaheidi: a friend showed me this one today:
17:26 erikaheidi: found it cute :P
17:26 jtreminio: EricHogue:
17:27 mfrost503: I've found the quality of shirts I've bought online to be severely lacking
17:27 mfrost503: my 'Jawsome' shirt lasted like 5 washings
17:27 * jtreminio sighs
17:27 jtreminio: have to get ready for my immigration appt
17:27 mfrost503: so like a a year
17:27 PSchwisow: And this is the last we ever hear of jtreminio!
17:28 erikaheidi: oooooh... good luck jtreminio if theres any luck involved :)
17:28 waerloga: well he was wanting to move
17:28 waerloga: enjoy gitmo jtreminio :P
17:29 PSchwisow: So erikaheidi... what's so terrible about Brazil that everyone is leaving? (mostly to Amsterdam)
17:41 . jwoodcock --> zzzz_jacques
17:42 theahindle: Or what's so great about amsterdam?
17:42 . jakefolio ~jakefolio@ got in #phpmentoring
17:44 waerloga: a refrehsingly liberal social attitude for our hidebound purnitanic ways
17:46 erikaheidi: hahaha =)
17:46 PSchwisow: If it was all about Amsterdam, I would expect to see people move there from all over the place... but it mainly seems to be Brazil -> Amsterdam
17:46 erikaheidi: well... Brazil is great for vacation and having fun
17:47 erikaheidi: but in my hometown, it was hard to have good professional opportunities
17:47 waerloga: well I did hear a little while ago some of the troubles rio was having with gangs and the militarized police
17:47 erikaheidi: well, putting it in a sentence, brazil is third world, so its a huge difference :)
17:48 erikaheidi: and amsterdam is amsterdam anyways o/
17:48 PSchwisow: OK, I can see that it might be tough to live in a country like that.
17:48 erikaheidi: maybe brazilians like weed too much :P
17:49 PSchwisow: I can't say that I've been to Brazil or Amsterdam, so I cannot compare
17:49 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: Or maybe it's just *you* that likes weed too much :D
17:50 theahindle: bloody hell
17:50 erikaheidi: what i miss from BR is that people are generally more sympathetic and gentle
17:50 theahindle: Just setup composer + aura sql, and wrote a script to pull data from a db in _literally_ 30 seconds
17:50 theahindle: I never knew it was so easy
17:50 theahindle: what have I been missing all this time?
17:50 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: except the gangs and militarized police?
17:50 erikaheidi: PSchwisow: hahahahah YEP
17:51 PSchwisow: hard to imagine them being sympathetic and gentle
17:51 erikaheidi: well, they are, with "their people" =D
17:52 waerloga: just have to be one of their people, which tends to put you on 'not one of their people' with the other side
17:53 erikaheidi: waerloga: exactly!
17:53 erikaheidi: lol :P
17:53 waerloga: tribalism at it's finest
17:55 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: If you miss that, you should start a "nerdy Brazilians in Amsterdam" meetup group.
17:56 erikaheidi: PSchwisow: :P well, we are not "legion" yet here
17:56 erikaheidi: lol :D
17:56 PSchwisow: give it time
17:56 erikaheidi: SOON
17:57 . carmony ~carmony@ left irc (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
17:57 PSchwisow: Also, naming the group exactly that might get you a few people that think you mean something else by "brazilian"
17:58 . carmony ~carmony@ got in #phpmentoring
17:59 PSchwisow: I had this discussion with Rafael... he seems quite angry that the word has been re-used
17:59 erikaheidi: reused? i dont get... is this about wax?
17:59 erikaheidi: lol!
18:00 PSchwisow: "Nerdy Brazilians in Amsterdam" sounds like it could be a really weird porno
18:01 PSchwisow: not really sure how you could make *that* nerdy though
18:01 erikaheidi: yeah, that would be quite challenging
18:01 waerloga: glasses, suddenly it's nerdy
18:01 waerloga: dosen't matter what's going on
18:01 erikaheidi: waerloga: LOL
18:01 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: Um... where would you put the glasses?
18:02 PSchwisow: You don't exactly have ears down there
18:02 PSchwisow: at least not that I've seen
18:03 PSchwisow: I mean "you" = "women"... I wouldn't claim to know about you personally
18:03 * waerloga hands PSchwisow a shovel
18:04 waerloga: this'll be qucker :P
18:04 waerloga: quicker*
18:04 PSchwisow: Thanks, waerloga
18:05 PSchwisow: I'll take erikaheidi's lack of response as stunned silence
18:05 erikaheidi: R O F L
18:05 PSchwisow: I should really learn to stop talking much earlier in conversations
18:07 PSchwisow: oh... I just noticed that waerloga said the glasses thing... I thought erikaheidi did... this makes my comments even stranger
18:07 waerloga: heheh
18:08 erikaheidi: yeah, that was quite weird !
18:08 mfrost503: is it the same everywhere, if you are pulled over under DUI suspicion and refuse to take the test, your license is suspended, even if you are acquitted of the DUI charge?
18:08 erikaheidi: all because of glasses...
18:09 waerloga: mfrost503: depends on the state
18:09 waerloga: a lot of states yes, because part of the process of getting a license includes 'implied conscent'
18:09 waerloga: since a drivers license is not a right, but a privlige
18:10 PSchwisow: mfrost503: As I learned it in driver's ed, agreeing to always consent if requested is a condition of having a license
18:10 PSchwisow: but I took driver's ed in Wisconsin... YMMV
18:11 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: I think you'll learn that sooner or later my conversations always get weird... just not usually that weird
18:17 erikaheidi: PSchwisow: hahaha :D
18:18 erikaheidi: well, lets say im used to conversations turning into weirdness
18:18 mfrost503: hmm, ok weird, I figured if you were let off, you'd get your license back
18:20 waerloga: maybe
18:20 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: I think "nerdy brazilians" may go down in history as my weirdest conversation ever
18:20 waerloga: PSchwisow: you don't have very weird conversations then
18:21 erikaheidi: PSchwisow: its funny how the "brazilian" adjective atracts weird conversations
18:21 PSchwisow: mfrost503: DUI is different than failing to comply with the officer's request
18:22 erikaheidi: mostly if "girl" or "woman" is involved in the sentence
18:22 PSchwisow: waerloga: I guess I am a lightweight
18:22 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: Since you are a "girl" or "woman", I would imagine many of your conversations involve sentences like that
18:23 eryno: you might be surprised how many people can talk to us without referring to our gender
18:24 erikaheidi: PSchwisow: its like some kind of "brazilian girl alert" running in background for some people :P when its mentioned , i know weird comments will come :P
18:24 gchristensen: eryno: I was just realizing how infrequently I use words like that.
18:24 gchristensen: "hey girl", "hey woman" ... nope, don't say those things.
18:25 eryno: i believe you mean "hey guuurl"
18:25 gchristensen: well /duh/
18:25 eryno: :P
18:25 erikaheidi: hhahaha
18:25 gchristensen: and more of a "haay" too.
18:25 * waerloga makes a note to get gchristensen to use 'hay gurl' in conversation at some point
18:25 gchristensen: :D
18:25 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: Well... the word brazilian has been officially ruined for you... sorry (even though I didn't do it)
18:25 . mkmcdonald left irc (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
18:25 erikaheidi: ROFL
18:26 * gchristensen is currently listening to Brazilian Girls
18:27 erikaheidi: like last week in a unnamed channel... "oh, brazil? they have beautiful girls. oh wait, you are a girl! and you are brazilian! let me stalk you a little bit"
18:27 erikaheidi: not necessarily in this exact flow :D
18:27 PSchwisow: gchristensen: I am not listening... I can only read what erikaheidi says
18:27 PSchwisow: (bad pun)
18:28 gchristensen: PSchwisow: you're missing out!
18:28 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: Don't worry, if I stalk you it's just because I stalk all the awesome people in the PHP community
18:28 * gchristensen facepalms
18:28 gchristensen: you've never stalked me :(
18:28 waerloga: see, the shovel is working :P
18:29 gchristensen: I'm just goingto say it: I hate it when designers muck with a text area. our users have been trained that they can type in a text area, not a mysterious light-gray-box with words in it!
18:29 PSchwisow: gchristensen: Sorry, I do most of my stalking on twitter
18:30 gchristensen: fair enough
18:30 erikaheidi: PSchwisow: :P i stalk people very often as well
18:31 erikaheidi: i even thought about creating a stalker tool :P but nsa could steal it from me so i gave up
18:31 . zzzz_jacques --> jwoodcock
18:31 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: I'm socially inept... I just follow people around and hope they'll be my friends
18:31 erikaheidi: hahahahahahahahhaha im not much better than this :P
18:31 erikaheidi: regarding to social skills
18:31 theahindle: Aren't you supposed to say 'will you be my friend?' to?
18:32 erikaheidi: its ok, we can be friends PSchwisow
18:33 PSchwisow: theahindle: I consider friendship like Schroedinger's Cat... I'd rather keep it in an unknown state
18:33 gchristensen: hah
18:33 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: Great!
18:34 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: Can we go hang out at the mall?
18:34 PSchwisow: or is it too soon?
18:34 PSchwisow: (Darn, I'm blowing it!)
18:34 gchristensen: man this is awkward
18:34 erikaheidi: youre going too fast, PSchwisow
18:34 * PSchwisow goes to the corner to cry
18:35 . rabellamy got in #phpmentoring
18:35 erikaheidi: wheres dcousineau to make improper jokes now
18:36 dcousineau: dcousineau is failing at his job
18:36 erikaheidi: yes you are
18:36 dcousineau: is PSchwisow creepin on you?
18:36 erikaheidi: im very disappointed
18:36 dcousineau: because (a) that's totally him
18:36 PSchwisow: dcousineau: You mean your job in this channel or your job in the real world?
18:36 dcousineau: and (b) that's my job
18:36 dcousineau: PSchwisow: yes
18:37 dcousineau: now excuse me, erikaheidi, while I go construct an effigy of you in my closet
18:37 erikaheidi: o_O
18:38 waerloga: o.O
18:38 PSchwisow: Hey... I'm just making hyperbolic statements about more poor skills at friendships so you cannot know exactly how bad I am
18:38 dcousineau: they ask for improper jokes
18:38 waerloga: mfrost503: since you were going on about sharks earlier...
18:38 dcousineau: they get improper jokes
18:38 PSchwisow: And dcousineau is suppost to rescue you from me?
18:39 dcousineau: I'm more of a mutually assured destruction kind of option
18:39 dcousineau: when you absolutely must derail
18:39 dcousineau: and collateral damage is an acceptable price
18:39 erikaheidi: ^ this
18:39 PSchwisow: dcousineau: Don't you have some beard-grooming that you should be doing?
18:40 . mkmcdonald got in #phpmentoring
18:40 erikaheidi: whenever you get an awkward moment on irc, you can call dcousineau and he will make another awkward joke then everybody will forget about the previous one
18:40 dcousineau: my butler is not yet hear with the shears
18:40 dcousineau: *here
18:40 dcousineau: erikaheidi: <3 u 2
18:41 dcousineau: Gotta be honest though, I love that this is the first and seemingly only impression you have of me :P
18:43 erikaheidi: dcousineau: awwwwn, i know you are not only jokes and awkward comments
18:44 erikaheidi: <3
18:44 dcousineau: that's right! occassionally I eat and sleep
18:44 PSchwisow: dcousineau: My first and seemingly only impression of you is that you grow an awesome beard
18:44 PSchwisow: not sure if that's better or worse
18:44 dcousineau: :P
18:45 erikaheidi: theres a whole set of bad jokes which can come from this simple awesome beard statement
18:46 erikaheidi: but Im not the one who is going to voice it
18:46 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: come on! You have to kick it off
18:46 erikaheidi: and i spent quite a long time to formulate these amazing sentences
18:47 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: spill it!
18:49 erikaheidi: i dunno, have you ever checked this obsession with beards... it may has a meaning
18:50 PSchwisow: What sort of meaning?
18:50 PSchwisow: Wait... are you suggesting dcousineau is obsessed with beard or *I* am?
18:50 erikaheidi: PSchwisow: you!
18:50 erikaheidi: lol
18:50 * dcousineau lols his way out to lunch
18:51 erikaheidi: im loling my way out home
18:51 PSchwisow: erikaheidi: I do have to admit I am a bit jealous
18:52 PSchwisow: party poopers!
18:52 erikaheidi: =P
18:53 erikaheidi: its 19h here, cmon
18:53 erikaheidi: im still in the office cause i spent too much time for lunch
18:53 erikaheidi: and im a good gurl
18:53 PSchwisow: Isn't that still early for Amsterdam?
18:54 erikaheidi: not for being at work
18:54 PSchwisow: OK, "good gurl"... go home and read a book :)
18:56 erikaheidi: bye, see you later ;)
18:57 PSchwisow: c-ya
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