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Michelle Sanver michellesanver

View GitHub Profile

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am michellesanver on github.
  • I am michelle ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 9F53 41F8 DE30 520F 87FE 6F07 6EDB DC4B ED39 1FDB

To claim this, I am signing this object:

|21:29:38| . RaiseUrDawngers got in #Michelle
|21:29:58| RaiseUrDawngers: Who the hell is Michelle?
|21:31:10| @michelle: RaiseUrDawngers: good question
|21:31:13| @michelle: I ask that myself sometimes.
|21:31:22| @Banez: i'd ask who the hell are you RaiseUrDawngers
|21:31:34| @michelle: A more interesting question tho, who the hell are you to join my channel and ask me who I am with swearing?
|21:31:50| @michelle: There's more polite ways :D
|21:32:03| RaiseUrDawngers: Depends on if you consider hell a swear word.
|21:32:09| @michelle: Dunno :P
|21:32:14| @michelle: So how did you find me anyway?
//So this is how it looks like in composer, so I do believe I have the latest version:
"doctrine/orm": "~2.5@dev",
"doctrine/common": "~2.5@dev",
"doctrine/dbal": "dev-retry-logic as 2.5",
"doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "~1.2",
"doctrine/migrations": "~1.0@dev",
"doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "~2.1@dev",
//My issue is with the following code that generates the error Fatal error:
Call to undefined method Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder::insert()

Zürich is a melting pot of cultures and languages. Its mix of residents and tourists lead to unique combinations and every tech group inherits this diversity. Much like Zürich, our development community is also diverse in many aspects, from our origins and culture to our choice of framework and language.

ZürichPHP wishes to create a friendly environment for every developer it encounters, everyone should feel comfortable and safe in our events and online community. More than that we wish this community to be a meeting point, a place where you can come and make new friends.

This CoC is a formalization of our beliefs, it is here to offer to you, our member, the guarantee that we will do our best to provide you with a safe environment in which to grow your knowledge base and your network. For this we count on you also, to be aware of our inherent differences and to respect different opinions and cultures, to be respectful and kind to others.

Organizers of ZürichPHP reserve the right to remove any participant,

michellesanver /
Last active November 19, 2015 16:28
Conference socials in bars: How culture doesn't match comfort

I was hesitant as to whether or not to publish this, but in an act to create awareness in a community where some people, including me, are left uncomfortable and no one notices, I decided to go ahead. Feel free to share your experiences too, to further spread awareness in our community, because awareness is the first step.

I noticed that I started being more and more reserved the more events I went to rather than the other way around. This worried me and I was up until late hours thinking, why is that?

What happens at the events may be part of that, so here I'm sharing to create awareness. Bear in mind that this is only a handful of things that happened to me at conference socials, to give you an idea as to why I'm nowadays inclined to only hangout with the people I know, or skip the conference socials all together.

When you notice that behaviour from me remember that: It's not you, it's me, feel free to say hi but please understand why I may be a bit shy at first.

Disclaimer: I didn’t repor

michellesanver / moin.tcl
Last active December 17, 2015 09:19 — forked from jaytaph/moin.tcl
namespace eval moin {
bind pubm -|- * moin::moin
proc moin::moin { nick host handle chan text } {
if {[regexp -nocase -- {(^moin|^mornin)} $text]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick moin"
if {[regexp -nocase -- {(^:)} $text]} {
michellesanver / gist:6760937
Created September 30, 2013 08:38
PHPWomen breakfast
One of the great thing about conferences is the variety of people that you meet. We have discovered that several PHPWomen members and supporters will be at the <a href="">PHPNW13 conference</a>.
Therefore we would like to invite everyone to come and have breakfast with us at the<a href=""> Paramount on Oxford Street</a> at 7am. This will be a chance to meet the PHP Women community that are attending the conference and grab some much needed fuel for the day ahead.
If you would like more information about the PHPWomen Breakfast, please feel free to contact us on <a href="">twitter</a> , via our <a href="">google group or our irc channel</a>.
Hope to see you there!
Too good of a convo from a stranger not to share.
|11:39:16| . Starting query in QN with med-trans
|11:39:16| med-trans: r u a real webmaster?
|11:42:20| Michelle: What defines real? I'm a developer for the web if that counts.
|11:42:31| med-trans: great
|11:42:58| med-trans: Michelle since I have luckily found a real webmaster, would you mind tell me a real method to earn $100 per day online
|11:43:10| Michelle: lol
|11:43:55| med-trans: yeah i m in financial constraints nowadays, can you help me letting me know as you people are genius to earn online
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<hello xmlns="urn:mapperservicewsdl">
<name xmlns="urn:hellowsdl">
<anything>RLY, anything.</anything>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<hello xmlns="urn:mapperservicewsdl">
<name xmlns="urn:hellowsdl">