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Created February 1, 2011 13:55
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examples for lazy high chart
##### controllers
@time_chart ='chart_tag') do |f|
f.chart({:zoomType =>'x', :defaultSeriesType => 'spline'})
f.title(:text => 'Flower Market')
f.x_axis({:type =>'datetime'})
f.y_axis({:title => 'flowers'})
chart_begin_js = "Date.UTC(#{@last_x_days[0].year}, #{@last_x_days[0].month-1}, #{@last_x_days[0].day})"
f.series(:name => 'violets', :data => generate_numbers(number), :pointInterval => 24*3600*1000)
f.series(:name => 'sunflowers', :data => generate_numbers(number), :pointInterval => 24*3600*1000)
@area_time ='chart_tag') do |f|
f.title(:text => 'Pollination')
f.chart(:defaultSeriesType => "timeseries")
f.x_axis({:type => 'datetime', :maxZoom => 14*24*3600*1000})
f.y_axis({:title => {:text => 'Square Miles'}, :min => 0.6, :startOnTicket => false, :showFirstLabel => false})
#f.plot_options({:area => {:lineWidth => 4, :fillColor => {:linearGradient => [0, 0, 0, 300]}}})
f.series(:type => 'area', :name => 'butterflies', :pointInterval => 24*3600*1000*30, :data => generate_numbers(100))
f.series(:type => 'area', :name => 'bees', :pointInterval => 24*3600*1000*30, :data => generate_numbers(100))
##### views
<%= high_chart("my_id5", @time_chart)%>
<%- high_chart("my_id6", @area_time) do %>
<%= "for (var i = 0; i < options.series.length; i++)
options.series[i].pointStart = Date.UTC(2005,10,10);"%>
<% end %>
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