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Created December 2, 2019 05:12
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dante renderer example from redraft
* You can use inline styles or classNames inside your callbacks
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import redraft from 'redraft'
var Prism = require('prismjs');
const handlePrismRenderer = (syntax, children)=>{
const code => o.flat() ).join("")
const formattedCode = Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.javascript, 'javascript');
return {__html: formattedCode }
const styles = {
code: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
fontFamily: '"Inconsolata", "Menlo", "Consolas", monospace',
fontSize: 16,
padding: 2,
codeBlock: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
fontFamily: '"Inconsolata", "Menlo", "Consolas", monospace',
fontSize: 16,
padding: 20,
// just a helper to add a <br /> after a block
const addBreaklines = (children) => => [child, <br />]);
function getImageUrl(url, props){
if(url.includes("://")) return url
return `${props.domain}${url}`
* Define the renderers
function renderers(props) {
return {
* Those callbacks will be called recursively to render a nested structure
inline: {
// The key passed here is just an index based on rendering order inside a block
BOLD: (children, { key }) => <strong key={key}>{children}</strong>,
ITALIC: (children, { key }) => <em key={key}>{children}</em>,
UNDERLINE: (children, { key }) => <u key={key}>{children}</u>,
//CODE: (children, { key }) => <span key={key} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={handlePrismRenderer(children)} />,
* Blocks receive children and depth
* Note that children are an array of blocks with same styling,
blocks: {
unstyled: (children, { keys }) => {
(o, i)=> ( <p key={keys[i]} className="graf graf--p">{o}</p>)
blockquote: (children, { keys }) => <blockquote
className="graf graf--blockquote">
'header-one': (children, { keys }) => <h1 key={keys[0]} className="graf graf--h2">{children}</h1>,
'header-two': (children, { keys }) => <h2 key={keys[0]} className="graf graf--h3">{children}</h2>,
// You can also access the original keys of the blocks
'code-block': (children, { keys, data }) => {
return <pre className="graf graf--code"
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={handlePrismRenderer(data.syntax, children)}>
// or depth for nested lists
'unordered-list-item': (children, { depth, keys }) => <ul key={keys[keys.length - 1]} className={`ul-level-${depth}`}>
{ => <li className="graf graf--insertunorderedlist">
'ordered-list-item': (children, { depth, keys }) => <ol key={keys.join('|')} className={`ol-level-${depth}`}>{, index) => <li key={keys[index]} className="graf graf--insertorderedlist">
'image': (children, {keys, data}) => {
const data2 = data[0]
const {url, aspect_ratio, caption} = data2
var height = "100%"
var width = "100%"
var ratio = "100%"
var { height, width, ratio} = aspect_ratio
return <figure key={keys[0]} className="graf graf--figure">
<div className="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked"
//style={{maxWidth: '1000px', maxHeight: `${height}px`}}
<div className="aspect-ratio-fill"
style={{paddingBottom: `${ratio}%`}}>
<img src={getImageUrl(url, props)}
caption &&
caption != "type a caption (optional)"
<figcaption className="imageCaption">
<span data-text="true">{children}</span>
embed: (children, {keys, data})=>{
const {provisory_text, type, embed_data } = data[0]
const {images, title, media, provider_url, description, url } = embed_data
return <div key={keys[0]} className="graf graf--mixtapeEmbed">
images[0].url ?
<a target="_blank" className="js-mixtapeImage mixtapeImage"
style={{ backgroundImage: `url(${images[0].url})` }}>
</a> : null
<a className="markup--anchor markup--mixtapeEmbed-anchor"
<strong className="markup--strong markup--mixtapeEmbed-strong">
<em className="markup--em markup--mixtapeEmbed-em">
video: (children, {keys, data})=>{
const {provisory_text, type, embed_data } = data[0]
const {html} = embed_data
return <figure key={keys[0]} className="graf--figure graf--iframe graf--first" tabindex="0">
<div className="iframeContainer" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={
{ __html: `${html}` }
provisory_text &&
provisory_text === "type a caption (optional)"
<figcaption className="imageCaption">
<div className="public-DraftStyleDefault-block public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">
'recorded-video': (children, {keys, data})=>{
const {url, text} = data[0]
return <figure key={keys[0]} className="graf--figure graf--iframe graf--first"
<div className="iframeContainer">
style={{width:"100%" }}
<figcaption className="imageCaption">
<div className="public-DraftStyleDefault-block public-DraftStyleDefault-ltr">
/*AppPackage: (children, { keys, data }) => {
return <AppPackagePublicBlock
// If your blocks use meta data it can also be accessed like keys
//atomic: (children, { keys, data }) =>, i) => <Atomic key={keys[i]} {[i]} />),
* Entities receive children and the entity data
entities: {
// key is the entity key value from raw
LINK: (children, data, { key }) =>
<a key={key} href={data.url} target="_blank">
* Array of decorators,
* Entities receive children and the entity data,
* inspired by
* it's also possible to pass a custom Decorator class that matches the [DraftDecoratorType](
/*decorators: [
// by default linkStrategy receives a ContentBlock stub (more info under Creating the ContentBlock)
// strategy only receives first two arguments, contentState is yet not provided
strategy: linkStrategy,
// component - a callback as with other renderers
// decoratedText a plain string matched by the strategy
// if your decorator depends on draft-js contentState you need to provide convertFromRaw in redraft options
component: ({ children, decoratedText }) => <a href={decoratedText}>{children}</a>,
new CustomDecorator(someOptions),
export default class Renderer extends Component {
/*static propTypes = {
raw: PropTypes.object
renderWarning() {
if(this.props.message && this.props.message.message.htmlContent){
return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={
{__html: this.props.message.message.htmlContent }
return <div>---</div>;
render() {
const { raw } = this.props;
if (!raw) {
return this.renderWarning();
const rendered = redraft(raw, renderers(this.props));
// redraft returns a null if there's nothing to render
if (!rendered) {
return this.renderWarning();
return (
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