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Created May 20, 2019 12:18
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To split your identity from your pod:

Set up a pod

It doesn't have to support IDP functionality. I used and deployed it to

Set up a WebID

I registered the user 'michiel-at-heroku' on, then used a private browsing tab to log in as that user (so that it wouldn't log me in as my main identity) and edited by adding three prefixes (pod:, inbox: and settings:) and linking to those:

@prefix solid: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix pim: <>.
@prefix schema: <>.
@prefix ldp: <>.

@prefix pod: <>.
@prefix inbox: <>.
@prefix settings: <>.

    a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ;
    foaf:maker <> ;
    foaf:primaryTopic <> .

    a foaf:Person ;
    a schema:Person ;

    foaf:name "Michiel at Heroku" ;

    solid:account pod: ;  # link to the account uri
    pim:storage pod: ;    # root storage

    ldp:inbox inbox: ;

    pim:preferencesFile settings:prefs.ttl ;  # private settings/preferences
    solid:publicTypeIndex settings:publicTypeIndex.ttl ;
    solid:privateTypeIndex settings:privateTypeIndex.ttl .

Now I can log in to e.g. with my identity and then my data will be stored at instead of at

Copy link

all 4 statements are correct!

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