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Upgrading to Ubuntu 17.10 on WSL

Note: This workaround is no longer necessary in Windows 10 Insider build 17046 and later. As of 2018-02-07, the patch hasn't yet made it to stable.

  1. Upgrade with do-release-upgrade, as you normally would. It will error out and leave your system in a partially upgraded state.
  2. Close all WSL terminals and ensure that all WSL processes have terminated
  3. Run as a normal user (not root): wget -O - | sh -s
  4. Answer any prompts (sudo password, version disambiguation)
  5. If there are errors, resolve them and re-run the script. It is idempotent, meaning that it is safe to run any number of times, even if it only partially completes.
michikora / gist:537a353fc05fe37ee4adcc34fd206acb
Created September 13, 2018 17:29





# dd if=/dev/zero of=作成するファイル名 bs=ブロックサイズ(byte) count=ブロック数
michikora /
Created June 5, 2021 18:31 — forked from tbutts/
For tmux configs: Merge deprecated/removed -fg, -bg, and -attr options into the -style option
#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8
# Back up your tmux old config, run the script and redirect stdout to your conf
# file. Example:
# $ cp ~/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf.orig
# $ python ./ ~/.tmux.conf.orig > ~/.tmux.conf