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Created March 17, 2016 07:46
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(function() {
var $c = function(a) {
this.w = a || []
$c.prototype.set = function(a) {
this.w[a] = !0
$c.prototype.encode = function() {
for (var a = [], b = 0; b < this.w.length; b++) this.w[b] && (a[Math.floor(b / 6)] ^= 1 << b % 6);
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_".charAt(a[b] || 0);
return a.join("") + "~"
var vd = new $c;
function J(a) {
var Nd = function(a, b) {
var c = new $c(Dd(a));
a.set(Gd, c.w)
Td = function(a) {
a = Dd(a);
a = new $c(a);
for (var b = vd.w.slice(), c = 0; c < a.w.length; c++) b[c] = b[c] || a.w[c];
return (new $c(b)).encode()
Dd = function(a) {
a = a.get(Gd);
ka(a) || (a = []);
return a
var ea = function(a) {
return "function" == typeof a
ka = function(a) {
return "[object Array]" ==
qa = function(a) {
return void 0 != a && -1 < (a.constructor + "").indexOf("String")
D = function(a, b) {
return 0 == a.indexOf(b)
sa = function(a) {
return a ? a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g, "") : ""
ta = function(a) {
var b = M.createElement("img");
b.width = 1;
b.height = 1;
b.src = a;
return b
ua = function() {},
K = function(a) {
if (encodeURIComponent instanceof Function) return encodeURIComponent(a);
return a
L = function(a, b, c, d) {
try {
a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !!d) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, c)
} catch (e) {
wa = function(a, b) {
if (a) {
var c = M.createElement("script");
c.type = "text/javascript";
c.async = !0;
c.src = a;
b && ( = b);
var d = M.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
d.parentNode.insertBefore(c, d)
Ud = function() {
return "https:" == M.location.protocol
xa = function() {
var a = "" + M.location.hostname;
return 0 == a.indexOf("www.") ? a.substring(4) : a
ya = function(a) {
var b = M.referrer;
if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(b)) {
if (a) return b;
a = "//" + M.location.hostname;
var c = b.indexOf(a);
if (5 == c || 6 == c)
if (a = b.charAt(c + a.length), "/" == a || "?" == a || "" == a || ":" == a) return;
return b
za = function(a, b) {
if (1 == b.length && null != b[0] && "object" === typeof b[0]) return b[0];
for (var c = {}, d = Math.min(a.length + 1, b.length), e = 0; e < d; e++)
if ("object" === typeof b[e]) {
for (var g in b[e]) b[e].hasOwnProperty(g) && (c[g] = b[e][g]);
} else e < a.length && (c[a[e]] = b[e]);
return c
var ee = function() {
this.keys = [];
this.values = {};
this.m = {}
ee.prototype.set = function(a, b, c) {
c ? this.m[":" + a] = b : this.values[":" + a] = b
ee.prototype.get = function(a) {
return this.m.hasOwnProperty(":" + a) ? this.m[":" + a] : this.values[":" + a]
}; = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < this.keys.length; b++) {
var c = this.keys[b],
d = this.get(c);
d && a(c, d)
var O = window,
M = document;
var Aa = function(a) {
var b = O._gaUserPrefs;
if (b && b.ioo && b.ioo() || a && !0 === O["ga-disable-" + a]) return !0;
try {
var c = O.external;
if (c && c._gaUserPrefs && "oo" == c._gaUserPrefs) return !0
} catch (d) {}
return !1
var Ca = function(a) {
var b = [],
c = M.cookie.split(";");
a = new RegExp("^\\s*" + a + "=\\s*(.*?)\\s*$");
for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
var e = c[d].match(a);
e && b.push(e[1])
return b
zc = function(a, b, c, d, e, g) {
e = Aa(e) ? !1 : eb.test(M.location.hostname) || "/" == c && vc.test(d) ? !1 : !0;
if (!e) return !1;
b && 1200 < b.length && (b = b.substring(0, 1200), J(24));
c = a + "=" + b + "; path=" + c + "; ";
g && (c += "expires=" + (new Date((new Date).getTime() + g)).toGMTString() + "; ");
d && "none" != d && (c += "domain=" + d + ";");
d = M.cookie;
M.cookie = c;
if (!(d = d != M.cookie)) a: {
a =
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++)
if (b == a[d]) {
d = !0;
break a
d = !1
return d
Cc = function(a) {
return K(a).replace(/\(/g, "%28").replace(/\)/g, "%29")
vc = /^(www\.)?google(\.com?)?(\.[a-z]{2})?$/,
eb = /(^|\.)doubleclick\.net$/i;
var oc = function() {
return (Ba || Ud() ? "https:" : "http:") + "//"
Da = function(a) { = "len";
this.message = a + "-8192"
ba = function(a, b, c) {
c = c || ua;
if (2036 >= b.length) wc(a, b, c);
else if (8192 >= b.length) x(a, b, c) || wd(a, b, c) || wc(a, b, c);
else throw ge("len", b.length), new Da(b.length);
wc = function(a, b, c) {
var d = ta(a + "?" + b);
d.onload = d.onerror = function() {
d.onload = null;
d.onerror = null;
wd = function(a, b, c) {
var d = O.XMLHttpRequest;
if (!d) return !1;
var e = new d;
if (!("withCredentials" in e)) return !1;"POST", a, !0);
e.withCredentials = !0;
e.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
e.onreadystatechange = function() {
4 == e.readyState && (c(), e = null)
return !0
x = function(a, b, c) {
return O.navigator.sendBeacon ? O.navigator.sendBeacon(a, b) ? (c(), !0) : !1 : !1
ge = function(a, b, c) {
1 <= 100 * Math.random() || Aa("?") || (a = ["t=error", "_e=" + a, "_v=j41", "sr=1"], b && a.push("_f=" + b), c && a.push("_m=" + K(c.substring(0, 100))), a.push("aip=1"), a.push("z=" + hd()), wc(oc() + "/collect", a.join("&"), ua))
var Ha = function() {
this.M = []
Ha.prototype.add = function(a) {
Ha.prototype.D = function(a) {
try {
for (var b = 0; b < this.M.length; b++) {
var c = a.get(this.M[b]);
c && ea(c) &&, a)
} catch (d) {}
b = a.get(Ia);
b != ua && ea(b) && (a.set(Ia, ua, !0), setTimeout(b, 10))
function Ja(a) {
if (100 != a.get(Ka) && La(P(a, Q)) % 1E4 >= 100 * R(a, Ka)) throw "abort";
function Ma(a) {
if (Aa(P(a, Na))) throw "abort";
function Oa() {
var a = M.location.protocol;
if ("http:" != a && "https:" != a) throw "abort";
function Pa(a) {
try {
O.navigator.sendBeacon ? J(42) : O.XMLHttpRequest && "withCredentials" in new O.XMLHttpRequest && J(40)
} catch (c) {}
a.set(ld, Td(a), !0);
a.set(Ac, R(a, Ac) + 1);
var b = [];, d) {
if (d.F) {
var e = a.get(c);
void 0 != e && e != d.defaultValue && ("boolean" == typeof e && (e *= 1), b.push(d.F + "=" + K("" + e)))
b.push("z=" + Bd());
a.set(Ra, b.join("&"), !0)
function Sa(a) {
var b = P(a, gd) || oc() + "/collect",
c = P(a, fa);
!c && a.get(Vd) && (c = "beacon");
if (c) {
var d = P(a, Ra),
e = a.get(Ia),
e = e || ua;
"image" == c ? wc(b, d, e) : "xhr" == c && wd(b, d, e) || "beacon" == c && x(b, d, e) || ba(b, d, e)
} else ba(b, P(a, Ra), a.get(Ia));
a.set(Ia, ua, !0)
function Hc(a) {
var b = O.gaData;
b && (b.expId && a.set(Nc, b.expId), b.expVar && a.set(Oc, b.expVar))
function cd() {
if (O.navigator && "preview" == O.navigator.loadPurpose) throw "abort";
function yd(a) {
var b = O.gaDevIds;
ka(b) && 0 != b.length && a.set("&did", b.join(","), !0)
function vb(a) {
if (!a.get(Na)) throw "abort";
var hd = function() {
return Math.round(2147483647 * Math.random())
Bd = function() {
try {
var a = new Uint32Array(1);
return a[0] & 2147483647
} catch (b) {
return hd()
function Ta(a) {
var b = R(a, Ua);
500 <= b && J(15);
var c = P(a, Va);
if ("transaction" != c && "item" != c) {
var c = R(a, Wa),
d = (new Date).getTime(),
e = R(a, Xa);
0 == e && a.set(Xa, d);
e = Math.round(2 * (d - e) / 1E3);
0 < e && (c = Math.min(c + e, 20), a.set(Xa, d));
if (0 >= c) throw "abort";
a.set(Wa, --c)
a.set(Ua, ++b)
var Ya = function() { = new ee
Qa = new ee,
Za = [];
Ya.prototype.get = function(a) {
var b = $a(a),
c =;
b && void 0 == c && (c = ea(b.defaultValue) ? b.defaultValue() : b.defaultValue);
return b && b.Z ? b.Z(this, a, c) : c
var P = function(a, b) {
var c = a.get(b);
return void 0 == c ? "" : "" + c
R = function(a, b) {
var c = a.get(b);
return void 0 == c || "" === c ? 0 : 1 * c
Ya.prototype.set = function(a, b, c) {
if (a)
if ("object" == typeof a)
for (var d in a) a.hasOwnProperty(d) && ab(this, d, a[d], c);
else ab(this, a, b, c)
var ab = function(a, b, c, d) {
if (void 0 != c) switch (b) {
case Na:
var e = $a(b);
e && e.o ? e.o(a, b, c, d) :, c, d)
bb = function(a, b, c, d, e) { = a;
this.F = b;
this.Z = d;
this.o = e;
this.defaultValue = c
$a = function(a) {
var b = Qa.get(a);
if (!b)
for (var c = 0; c < Za.length; c++) {
var d = Za[c],
e = d[0].exec(a);
if (e) {
b = d[1](e);
Qa.set(, b);
return b
yc = function(a) {
var b;, d) {
d.F == a && (b = d)
return b &&
S = function(a, b, c, d, e) {
a = new bb(a, b, c, d, e);
Qa.set(, a);
cb = function(a,
b) {
Za.push([new RegExp("^" + a + "$"), b])
T = function(a, b, c) {
return S(a, b, c, void 0, db)
db = function() {};
var gb = qa(window.GoogleAnalyticsObject) && sa(window.GoogleAnalyticsObject) || "ga",
Ba = !1,
he = S("_br"),
hb = T("apiVersion", "v"),
ib = T("clientVersion", "_v");
S("anonymizeIp", "aip");
var jb = S("adSenseId", "a"),
Va = S("hitType", "t"),
Ia = S("hitCallback"),
Ra = S("hitPayload");
S("nonInteraction", "ni");
S("currencyCode", "cu");
S("dataSource", "ds");
var Vd = S("useBeacon", void 0, !1),
fa = S("transport");
S("sessionControl", "sc", "");
S("sessionGroup", "sg");
S("queueTime", "qt");
var Ac = S("_s", "_s");
S("screenName", "cd");
var kb = S("location", "dl", ""),
lb = S("referrer", "dr"),
mb = S("page", "dp", "");
S("hostname", "dh");
var nb = S("language", "ul"),
ob = S("encoding", "de");
S("title", "dt", function() {
return M.title || void 0
cb("contentGroup([0-9]+)", function(a) {
return new bb(a[0], "cg" + a[1])
var pb = S("screenColors", "sd"),
qb = S("screenResolution", "sr"),
rb = S("viewportSize", "vp"),
sb = S("javaEnabled", "je"),
tb = S("flashVersion", "fl");
S("campaignId", "ci");
S("campaignName", "cn");
S("campaignSource", "cs");
S("campaignMedium", "cm");
S("campaignKeyword", "ck");
S("campaignContent", "cc");
var ub = S("eventCategory", "ec"),
xb = S("eventAction", "ea"),
yb = S("eventLabel", "el"),
zb = S("eventValue", "ev"),
Bb = S("socialNetwork", "sn"),
Cb = S("socialAction", "sa"),
Db = S("socialTarget", "st"),
Eb = S("l1", "plt"),
Fb = S("l2", "pdt"),
Gb = S("l3", "dns"),
Hb = S("l4", "rrt"),
Ib = S("l5", "srt"),
Jb = S("l6", "tcp"),
Kb = S("l7", "dit"),
Lb = S("l8", "clt"),
Mb = S("timingCategory", "utc"),
Nb = S("timingVar", "utv"),
Ob = S("timingLabel", "utl"),
Pb = S("timingValue", "utt");
S("appName", "an");
S("appVersion", "av", "");
S("appId", "aid", "");
S("appInstallerId", "aiid", "");
S("exDescription", "exd");
S("exFatal", "exf");
var Nc = S("expId", "xid"),
Oc = S("expVar", "xvar"),
Rc = S("_utma", "_utma"),
Sc = S("_utmz", "_utmz"),
Tc = S("_utmht", "_utmht"),
Ua = S("_hc", void 0, 0),
Xa = S("_ti", void 0, 0),
Wa = S("_to", void 0, 20);
cb("dimension([0-9]+)", function(a) {
return new bb(a[0], "cd" + a[1])
cb("metric([0-9]+)", function(a) {
return new bb(a[0], "cm" + a[1])
S("linkerParam", void 0, void 0, Bc, db);
var ld = S("usage", "_u"),
Gd = S("_um");
S("forceSSL", void 0, void 0, function() {
return Ba
}, function(a, b, c) {
Ba = !!c
var ed = S("_j1", "jid");
cb("\\&(.*)", function(a) {
var b = new bb(a[0], a[1]),
c = yc(a[0].substring(1));
c && (b.Z = function(a) {
return a.get(c)
}, b.o = function(a, b, g, ca) {
a.set(c, g, ca)
}, b.F = void 0);
return b
var Qb = T("_oot"),
dd = S("previewTask"),
Rb = S("checkProtocolTask"),
md = S("validationTask"),
Sb = S("checkStorageTask"),
Uc = S("historyImportTask"),
Tb = S("samplerTask"),
Vb = S("_rlt"),
Wb = S("buildHitTask"),
Xb = S("sendHitTask"),
Vc = S("ceTask"),
zd = S("devIdTask"),
Cd = S("timingTask"),
Ld = S("displayFeaturesTask"),
V = T("name"),
Q = T("clientId", "cid"),
Ad = S("userId", "uid"),
Na = T("trackingId", "tid"),
U = T("cookieName", void 0, "_ga"),
W = T("cookieDomain"),
Yb = T("cookiePath", void 0, "/"),
Zb = T("cookieExpires", void 0, 63072E3),
$b = T("legacyCookieDomain"),
Wc = T("legacyHistoryImport", void 0, !0),
ac = T("storage", void 0, "cookie"),
bc = T("allowLinker", void 0, !1),
cc = T("allowAnchor", void 0, !0),
Ka = T("sampleRate", "sf", 100),
dc = T("siteSpeedSampleRate", void 0, 1),
ec = T("alwaysSendReferrer", void 0, !1),
gd = S("transportUrl"),
Md = S("_r", "_r");
function X(a, b, c, d) {
b[a] = function() {
try {
return d && J(d), c.apply(this, arguments)
} catch (b) {
throw ge("exc", a, b &&, b;
var Od = function(a, b, c) {
this.V = 1E4;
this.fa = a;
this.$ = !1;
this.B = b;
this.ea = c || 1
Ed = function(a, b) {
var c;
if (a.fa && a.$) return 0;
a.$ = !0;
if (b) {
if (a.B && R(b, a.B)) return R(b, a.B);
if (0 == b.get(dc)) return 0
if (0 == a.V) return 0;
void 0 === c && (c = Bd());
return 0 == c % a.V ? Math.floor(c / a.V) % a.ea + 1 : 0
var ie = new Od(!0, he, 7),
je = function(a) {
if (!Ud() && !Ba) {
var b = Ed(ie, a);
if (b && !(!O.navigator.sendBeacon && 4 <= b && 6 >= b)) {
var c = (new Date).getHours(),
d = [Bd(), Bd(), Bd()].join(".");
a = (3 == b || 5 == b ? "https:" : "http:") + "//";
a += [b, "A", c, d].join(".");
var e = 1 != b % 3 ? "https:" : "http:",
e = e + "//",
e = e + [b, "B", c, d].join(".");
7 == b && (e = e.replace("//www.", "//ssl."));
c = function() {
4 <= b && 6 >= b ? O.navigator.sendBeacon(e, "") : ta(e)
Bd() % 2 ? (ta(a), c()) : (c(), ta(a))
function fc() {
var a, b, c;
if ((c = (c = O.navigator) ? c.plugins : null) && c.length)
for (var d = 0; d < c.length && !b; d++) {
var e = c[d]; - 1 <"Shockwave Flash") && (b = e.description)
if (!b) try {
a = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7"), b = a.GetVariable("$version")
} catch (g) {}
if (!b) try {
a = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6"), b = "WIN 6,0,21,0", a.AllowScriptAccess = "always", b = a.GetVariable("$version")
} catch (g) {}
if (!b) try {
a = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash"), b = a.GetVariable("$version")
} catch (g) {}
b &&
(a = b.match(/[\d]+/g)) && 3 <= a.length && (b = a[0] + "." + a[1] + " r" + a[2]);
return b || void 0
var gc = function(a, b) {
var c = Math.min(R(a, dc), 100);
if (!(La(P(a, Q)) % 100 >= c) && (c = {}, Ec(c) || Fc(c))) {
var d = c[Eb];
void 0 == d || Infinity == d || isNaN(d) || (0 < d ? (Y(c, Gb), Y(c, Jb), Y(c, Ib), Y(c, Fb), Y(c, Hb), Y(c, Kb), Y(c, Lb), b(c)) : L(O, "load", function() {
gc(a, b)
}, !1))
Ec = function(a) {
var b = O.performance || O.webkitPerformance,
b = b && b.timing;
if (!b) return !1;
var c = b.navigationStart;
if (0 == c) return !1;
a[Eb] = b.loadEventStart - c;
a[Gb] = b.domainLookupEnd - b.domainLookupStart;
a[Jb] = b.connectEnd - b.connectStart;
a[Ib] = b.responseStart - b.requestStart;
a[Fb] = b.responseEnd - b.responseStart;
a[Hb] = b.fetchStart - c;
a[Kb] = b.domInteractive - c;
a[Lb] = b.domContentLoadedEventStart - c;
return !0
Fc = function(a) {
if ( != O) return !1;
var b = O.external,
c = b && b.onloadT;
b && !b.isValidLoadTime && (c = void 0);
2147483648 < c && (c = void 0);
0 < c && b.setPageReadyTime();
if (void 0 == c) return !1;
a[Eb] = c;
return !0
Y = function(a, b) {
var c = a[b];
if (isNaN(c) || Infinity == c || 0 > c) a[b] = void 0
Fd = function(a) {
return function(b) {
"pageview" != b.get(Va) || a.I || (a.I = !0, gc(b, function(b) {
a.send("timing", b)
var hc = !1,
mc = function(a) {
if ("cookie" == P(a, ac)) {
var b = P(a, U),
c = nd(a),
d = kc(P(a, Yb)),
e = lc(P(a, W)),
g = 1E3 * R(a, Zb),
ca = P(a, Na);
if ("auto" != e) zc(b, c, d, e, ca, g) && (hc = !0);
else {
var l;
a: {
c = [];e = xa().split(".");
if (4 == e.length && (l = e[e.length - 1], parseInt(l, 10) == l)) {
l = ["none"];
break a
for (l = e.length - 2; 0 <= l; l--) c.push(e.slice(l).join("."));c.push("none");l = c
for (var k = 0; k < l.length; k++)
if (e = l[k],, e), c = nd(a), zc(b, c, d, e, ca, g)) {
hc = !0;
}, "auto")
nc = function(a) {
if ("cookie" == P(a, ac) &&
!hc && (mc(a), !hc)) throw "abort";
Yc = function(a) {
if (a.get(Wc)) {
var b = P(a, W),
c = P(a, $b) || xa(),
d = Xc("__utma", c, b);
d && (J(19), a.set(Tc, (new Date).getTime(), !0), a.set(Rc, d.R), (b = Xc("__utmz", c, b)) && d.hash == b.hash && a.set(Sc, b.R))
nd = function(a) {
var b = Cc(P(a, Q)),
c = ic(P(a, W));
a = jc(P(a, Yb));
1 < a && (c += "-" + a);
return ["GA1", c, b].join(".")
Gc = function(a, b, c) {
for (var d = [], e = [], g, ca = 0; ca < a.length; ca++) {
var l = a[ca];
l.H[c] == b ? d.push(l) : void 0 == g || l.H[c] < g ? (e = [l], g = l.H[c]) : l.H[c] == g && e.push(l)
return 0 < d.length ? d : e
lc = function(a) {
return 0 == a.indexOf(".") ? a.substr(1) : a
ic = function(a) {
return lc(a).split(".").length
kc = function(a) {
if (!a) return "/";
1 < a.length && a.lastIndexOf("/") == a.length - 1 && (a = a.substr(0, a.length - 1));
0 != a.indexOf("/") && (a = "/" + a);
return a
jc = function(a) {
a = kc(a);
return "/" == a ? 1 : a.split("/").length
function Xc(a, b, c) {
"none" == b && (b = "");
var d = [],
e = Ca(a);
a = "__utma" == a ? 6 : 2;
for (var g = 0; g < e.length; g++) {
var ca = ("" + e[g]).split(".");
ca.length >= a && d.push({
hash: ca[0],
R: e[g],
O: ca
return 0 == d.length ? void 0 : 1 == d.length ? d[0] : Zc(b, d) || Zc(c, d) || Zc(null, d) || d[0]
function Zc(a, b) {
var c, d;
null == a ? c = d = 1 : (c = La(a), d = La(D(a, ".") ? a.substring(1) : "." + a));
for (var e = 0; e < b.length; e++)
if (b[e].hash == c || b[e].hash == d) return b[e]
var od = new RegExp(/^https?:\/\/([^\/:]+)/),
pd = /(.*)([?&#])(?:_ga=[^&#]*)(?:&?)(.*)/;
function Bc(a) {
a = a.get(Q);
var b = Ic(a, 0);
return "_ga=1." + K(b + "." + a)
function Ic(a, b) {
for (var c = new Date, d = O.navigator, e = d.plugins || [], c = [a, d.userAgent, c.getTimezoneOffset(), c.getYear(), c.getDate(), c.getHours(), c.getMinutes() + b], d = 0; d < e.length; ++d) c.push(e[d].description);
return La(c.join("."))
var Dc = function(a) {
J(48); = a;
this.T = !1
}; = function(a, b) {
if (a.tagName) {
if ("a" == a.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
a.href && (a.href = qd(this, a.href, b));
if ("form" == a.tagName.toLowerCase()) return rd(this, a)
if ("string" == typeof a) return qd(this, a, b)
var qd = function(a, b, c) {
var d = pd.exec(b);
d && 3 <= d.length && (b = d[1] + (d[3] ? d[2] + d[3] : ""));
a ="linkerParam");
var e = b.indexOf("?"),
d = b.indexOf("#");
c ? b += (-1 == d ? "#" : "&") + a : (c = -1 == e ? "?" : "&", b = -1 == d ? b + (c + a) : b.substring(0, d) + c + a + b.substring(d));
return b = b.replace(/&+_ga=/, "&_ga=")
rd = function(a, b) {
if (b && b.action) {
var c ="linkerParam").split("=")[1];
if ("get" == b.method.toLowerCase()) {
for (var d = b.childNodes || [], e = 0; e < d.length; e++)
if ("_ga" == d[e].name) {
d[e].setAttribute("value", c);
d =
d.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
d.setAttribute("name", "_ga");
d.setAttribute("value", c);
} else "post" == b.method.toLowerCase() && (b.action = qd(a, b.action))
Dc.prototype.S = function(a, b, c) {
function d(c) {
try {
c = c || O.event;
var d;
a: {
var g = || c.srcElement;
for (c = 100; g && 0 < c;) {
if (g.href && g.nodeName.match(/^a(?:rea)?$/i)) {
d = g;
break a
g = g.parentNode;
d = {}
}("http:" == d.protocol || "https:" == d.protocol) && sd(a, d.hostname || "") && d.href && (d.href = qd(e, d.href, b))
} catch (w) {
var e = this;
this.T || (this.T = !0, L(M, "mousedown", d, !1), L(M, "keyup", d, !1));
if (c) {
c = function(b) {
b = b || O.event;
if ((b = || b.srcElement) && b.action) {
var c = b.action.match(od);
c && sd(a, c[1]) && rd(e,
for (var g = 0; g < M.forms.length; g++) L(M.forms[g], "submit", c)
function sd(a, b) {
if (b == M.location.hostname) return !1;
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
if (a[c] instanceof RegExp) {
if (a[c].test(b)) return !0
} else if (0 <= b.indexOf(a[c])) return !0;
return !1
var Jd = function(a, b, c) {
this.U = ed;
this.aa = b;
(b = c) || (b = (b = P(a, V)) && "t0" != b ? Wd.test(b) ? "_gat_" + Cc(P(a, Na)) : "_gat_" + Cc(b) : "_gat");
this.Y = b
Rd = function(a, b) {
var c = b.get(Wb);
b.set(Wb, function(b) {
Pd(a, b);
var d = c(b);
Qd(a, b);
return d
var d = b.get(Xb);
b.set(Xb, function(b) {
var c = d(b);
Id(a, b);
return c
Pd = function(a, b) {
b.get(a.U) || ("1" == Ca(a.Y)[0] ? b.set(a.U, "", !0) : b.set(a.U, "" + hd(), !0))
Qd = function(a, b) {
b.get(a.U) && zc(a.Y, "1", b.get(Yb), b.get(W), b.get(Na), 6E5)
Id = function(a, b) {
if (b.get(a.U)) {
var c = new ee,
d = function(a) {
$a(a).F && c.set($a(a).F, b.get(a))
c.set($a(ld).F, Td(b));
var e = a.aa;, b) {
e += K(a) + "=";
e += K("" + b) + "&"
e += "z=" + hd();
b.set(a.U, "", !0)
Wd = /^gtm\d+$/;
var fd = function(a, b) {
var c = a.b;
if (!c.get("dcLoaded")) {
Nd(c, 29);
b = b || {};
var d;
b[U] && (d = Cc(b[U]));
d = new Jd(c, "", d);
Rd(d, c);
c.set("dcLoaded", !0)
var Sd = function(a) {
if (!a.get("dcLoaded") && "cookie" == a.get(ac)) {
Nd(a, 51);
var b = new Jd(a);
Pd(b, a);
Qd(b, a);
a.get(b.U) && (a.set(Md, 1, !0), a.set(gd, oc() + "/r/collect", !0))
var Lc = function() {
var a = O.gaGlobal = O.gaGlobal || {};
return a.hid = a.hid || hd()
var ad, bd = function(a, b, c) {
if (!ad) {
var d;
d = M.location.hash;
var e =,
g = /^#?gaso=([^&]*)/;
if (e = (d = (d = d && d.match(g) || e && e.match(g)) ? d[1] : Ca("GASO")[0] || "") && d.match(/^(?:!([-0-9a-z.]{1,40})!)?([-.\w]{10,1200})$/i)) zc("GASO", "" + d, c, b, a, 0), window._udo || (window._udo = b), window._utcp || (window._utcp = c), a = e[1], wa("" + (a ? "prefix=" + a + "&" : "") + hd(), "_gasojs");
ad = !0
var wb = /^(UA|YT|MO|GP)-(\d+)-(\d+)$/,
pc = function(a) {
function b(a, b) {, b)
function c(a, c) {
b(a, c);
var d = this;
this.b = new Ya;
this.filters = new Ha;
b(V, a[V]);
b(Na, sa(a[Na]));
b(U, a[U]);
b(W, a[W] || xa());
b(Yb, a[Yb]);
b(Zb, a[Zb]);
b($b, a[$b]);
b(Wc, a[Wc]);
b(bc, a[bc]);
b(cc, a[cc]);
b(Ka, a[Ka]);
b(dc, a[dc]);
b(ec, a[ec]);
b(ac, a[ac]);
b(Ad, a[Ad]);
b(hb, 1);
b(ib, "j41");
c(Qb, Ma);
c(dd, cd);
c(Rb, Oa);
c(md, vb);
c(Sb, nc);
c(Uc, Yc);
c(Tb, Ja);
c(Vb, Ta);
c(Vc, Hc);
c(zd, yd);
c(Ld, Sd);
c(Wb, Pa);
c(Xb, Sa);
c(Cd, Fd(this));
Jc(this.b, a[Q]);
this.b.set(jb, Lc());
bd(this.b.get(Na), this.b.get(W), this.b.get(Yb))
Jc = function(a, b) {
if ("cookie" == P(a, ac)) {
hc = !1;
var c;
b: {
var d = Ca(P(a, U));
if (d && !(1 > d.length)) {
c = [];
for (var e = 0; e < d.length; e++) {
var g;
g = d[e].split(".");
var ca = g.shift();
("GA1" == ca || "1" == ca) && 1 < g.length ? (ca = g.shift().split("-"), 1 == ca.length && (ca[1] = "1"), ca[0] *= 1, ca[1] *= 1, g = {
H: ca,
s: g.join(".")
}) : g = void 0;
g && c.push(g)
if (1 == c.length) {
c = c[0].s;
break b
if (0 == c.length) J(12);
else {
d = ic(P(a, W));
c = Gc(c,
d, 0);
if (1 == c.length) {
c = c[0].s;
break b
d = jc(P(a, Yb));
c = Gc(c, d, 1);
c = c[0] && c[0].s;
break b
c = void 0
c || (c = P(a, W), d = P(a, $b) || xa(), c = Xc("__utma", d, c), void 0 != c ? (J(10), c = c.O[1] + "." + c.O[2]) : c = void 0);
c && (, c), hc = !0)
c = a.get(cc);
if (e = (c = M.location[c ? "href" : "search"].match("(?:&|#|\\?)" + K("_ga").replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1") + "=([^&#]*)")) && 2 == c.length ? c[1] : "") a.get(bc) ? (c = e.indexOf("."), -1 == c ? J(22) : (d = e.substring(c + 1), "1" != e.substring(0, c) ? J(22) : (c = d.indexOf("."), -1 == c ? J(22) : (e =
d.substring(0, c), c = d.substring(c + 1), e != Ic(c, 0) && e != Ic(c, -1) && e != Ic(c, -2) ? J(23) : (J(11),, c)))))) : J(21);
b && (J(9),, K(b)));
if (!a.get(Q))
if (c = (c = O.gaGlobal && O.gaGlobal.vid) && -1 !=^(?:utma\.)?\d+\.\d+$/) ? c : void 0) J(17),, c);
else {
c = O.navigator.userAgent + (M.cookie ? M.cookie : "") + (M.referrer ? M.referrer : "");
d = c.length;
for (e = O.history.length; 0 < e;) c += e-- ^ d++;, [hd() ^ La(c) & 2147483647, Math.round((new Date).getTime() / 1E3)].join("."))
Kc = function(a) {
var b =
c = O.screen,
d = M.location;
a.set(lb, ya(a.get(ec)));
if (d) {
var e = d.pathname || "";
"/" != e.charAt(0) && (J(31), e = "/" + e);
a.set(kb, d.protocol + "//" + d.hostname + e +
c && a.set(qb, c.width + "x" + c.height);
c && a.set(pb, c.colorDepth + "-bit");
var c = M.documentElement,
g = (e = M.body) && e.clientWidth && e.clientHeight,
ca = [];
c && c.clientWidth && c.clientHeight && ("CSS1Compat" === M.compatMode || !g) ? ca = [c.clientWidth, c.clientHeight] : g && (ca = [e.clientWidth, e.clientHeight]);
c = 0 >= ca[0] || 0 >= ca[1] ? "" : ca.join("x");
a.set(rb, c);
a.set(ob, M.characterSet || M.charset);
a.set(sb, b && "function" === typeof b.javaEnabled && b.javaEnabled() || !1);
a.set(nb, (b && (b.language || b.browserLanguage) || "").toLowerCase());
if (d && a.get(cc) && (b = M.location.hash)) {
b = b.split(/[?&#]+/);
d = [];
for (c = 0; c < b.length; ++c)(D(b[c], "utm_id") || D(b[c], "utm_campaign") || D(b[c], "utm_source") || D(b[c], "utm_medium") || D(b[c], "utm_term") || D(b[c], "utm_content") || D(b[c], "gclid") || D(b[c], "dclid") || D(b[c], "gclsrc")) && d.push(b[c]);
0 < d.length && (b = "#" + d.join("&"), a.set(kb, a.get(kb) +
pc.prototype.get = function(a) {
return this.b.get(a)
pc.prototype.set = function(a, b) {
this.b.set(a, b)
var qc = {
pageview: [mb],
event: [ub, xb, yb, zb],
social: [Bb, Cb, Db],
timing: [Mb, Nb, Pb, Ob]
pc.prototype.send = function(a) {
if (!(1 > arguments.length)) {
var b, c;
"string" === typeof arguments[0] ? (b = arguments[0], c = [], 1)) : (b = arguments[0] && arguments[0][Va], c = arguments);
b && (c = za(qc[b] || [], c), c[Va] = b, this.b.set(c, void 0, !0), this.filters.D(this.b), = {}, je(this.b))
var rc = function(a) {
if ("prerender" == M.visibilityState) return !1;
return !0
var td = /^(?:(\w+)\.)?(?:(\w+):)?(\w+)$/,
sc = function(a) {
if (ea(a[0])) this.u = a[0];
else {
var b = td.exec(a[0]);
null != b && 4 == b.length && (this.c = b[1] || "t0", this.K = b[2] || "", this.C = b[3], this.a = [], 1), this.K || (this.A = "create" == this.C, this.i = "require" == this.C, this.g = "provide" == this.C, = "remove" == this.C), this.i && (3 <= this.a.length ? (this.X = this.a[1], this.W = this.a[2]) : this.a[1] && (qa(this.a[1]) ? this.X = this.a[1] : this.W = this.a[1])));
b = a[1];
a = a[2];
if (!this.C) throw "abort";
if (this.i && (!qa(b) || "" == b)) throw "abort";
if (this.g && (!qa(b) || "" == b || !ea(a))) throw "abort";
if (ud(this.c) || ud(this.K)) throw "abort";
if (this.g && "t0" != this.c) throw "abort";
function ud(a) {
return 0 <= a.indexOf(".") || 0 <= a.indexOf(":")
var Yd, Zd, $d;
Yd = new ee;
$d = new ee;
Zd = {
ec: 45,
ecommerce: 46,
linkid: 47
var ae = function(a) {
function b(a) {
var b = (a.hostname || "").split(":")[0].toLowerCase(),
c = (a.protocol || "").toLowerCase(),
c = 1 * a.port || ("http:" == c ? 80 : "https:" == c ? 443 : "");
a = a.pathname || "";
D(a, "/") || (a = "/" + a);
return [b, "" + c, a]
var c = M.createElement("a");
c.href = M.location.href;
var d = (c.protocol || "").toLowerCase(),
e = b(c),
g = || "",
ca = d + "//" + e[0] + (e[1] ? ":" + e[1] : "");
D(a, "//") ? a = d + a : D(a, "/") ? a = ca + a : !a || D(a, "?") ? a = ca + e[2] + (a || g) : 0 > a.split("/")[0].indexOf(":") && (a = ca + e[2].substring(0, e[2].lastIndexOf("/")) +
"/" + a);
c.href = a;
d = b(c);
return {
protocol: (c.protocol || "").toLowerCase(),
host: d[0],
port: d[1],
path: d[2],
query: || "",
url: a || ""
var Z = {
ga: function() {
Z.f = []
Z.D = function(a) {
var b = Z.J.apply(Z, arguments),
b = Z.f.concat(b);
for (Z.f = []; 0 < b.length && !Z.v(b[0]) && !(b.shift(), 0 < Z.f.length););
Z.f = Z.f.concat(b)
Z.J = function(a) {
for (var b = [], c = 0; c < arguments.length; c++) try {
var d = new sc(arguments[c]);
if (d.g) Yd.set(d.a[0], d.a[1]);
else {
if (d.i) {
var e = d,
g = e.a[0];
if (!ea(Yd.get(g)) && !$d.get(g)) {
Zd.hasOwnProperty(g) && J(Zd[g]);
var ca = e.X;
!ca && Zd.hasOwnProperty(g) ? (J(39), ca = g + ".js") : J(43);
if (ca) {
ca && 0 <= ca.indexOf("/") || (ca = (Ba || Ud() ? "https:" : "http:") + "//" + ca);
var l = ae(ca),
e = void 0;
var k = l.protocol,
w = M.location.protocol,
e = "https:" == k || k == w ? !0 : "http:" != k ? !1 : "http:" == w;
var Xd;
if (Xd = e) {
var e =
be = ae(M.location.href);
if (e.query || 0 <= e.url.indexOf("?") || 0 <= e.path.indexOf("://")) Xd = !1;
else if ( == && e.port == be.port) Xd = !0;
else {
var ce = "http:" == e.protocol ? 80 : 443;
Xd = "" == && (e.port || ce) == ce && D(e.path, "/plugins/") ? !0 : !1
Xd && (wa(l.url), $d.set(g, !0))
} catch (de) {}
return b
Z.v = function(a) {
try {
if (a.u), N.j("t0"));
else {
var b = a.c == gb ? N : N.j(a.c);
if (a.A) "t0" == a.c && N.create.apply(N, a.a);
else if ( N.remove(a.c);
else if (b)
if (a.i) {
var c;
var d = a.a[0],
e = a.W;
b == N || b.get(V);
var g = Yd.get(d);
ea(g) ? (b.plugins_ = b.plugins_ || new ee, b.plugins_.get(d) || b.plugins_.set(d, new g(b, e || {})), c = !0) : c = !1;
if (!c) return !0
} else if (a.K) {
var ca = a.C,
l = a.a,
k = b.plugins_.get(a.K);
k[ca].apply(k, l)
} else b[a.C].apply(b, a.a)
} catch (w) {}
var N = function(a) {
Z.D.apply(Z, [arguments])
N.h = {};
N.P = [];
N.L = 0;
N.answer = 42;
var uc = [Na, W, V];
N.create = function(a) {
var b = za(uc, [];
b[V] || (b[V] = "t0");
var c = "" + b[V];
if (N.h[c]) return N.h[c];
b = new pc(b);
N.h[c] = b;
return b
N.remove = function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < N.P.length; b++)
if (N.P[b].get(V) == a) {
N.P.splice(b, 1);
N.h[a] = null;
N.j = function(a) {
return N.h[a]
N.getAll = function() {
return N.P.slice(0)
N.N = function() {
"ga" != gb && J(49);
var a = O[gb];
if (!a || 42 != a.answer) {
N.L = a && a.l;
N.loaded = !0;
var b = O[gb] = N;
X("create", b, b.create);
X("remove", b, b.remove);
X("getByName", b, b.j, 5);
X("getAll", b, b.getAll, 6);
b = pc.prototype;
X("get", b, b.get, 7);
X("set", b, b.set, 4);
X("send", b, b.send);
b = Ya.prototype;
X("get", b, b.get);
X("set", b, b.set);
if (!Ud() && !Ba) {
a: {
for (var b = M.getElementsByTagName("script"), c = 0; c < b.length && 100 > c; c++) {
var d = b[c].src;
if (d && 0 == d.indexOf("")) {
b = !0;
break a
b = !1
b && (Ba = !0)
Ud() || Ba || !Ed(new Od) || (J(36), Ba = !0);
(O.gaplugins = O.gaplugins || {}).Linker = Dc;
b = Dc.prototype;
Yd.set("linker", Dc);
X("decorate", b,, 20);
X("autoLink", b, b.S, 25);
Yd.set("displayfeatures", fd);
Yd.set("adfeatures", fd);
a = a && a.q;
ka(a) ? Z.D.apply(N, a) : J(50)
N.da = function() {
for (var a = N.getAll(), b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b].get(V)
(function() {
var a = N.N;
if (!rc(a)) {
var b = !1,
c = function() {
if (!b && rc(a)) {
b = !0;
var d = c,
e = M;
e.removeEventListener ? e.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", d, !1) : e.detachEvent && e.detachEvent("onvisibilitychange", d)
L(M, "visibilitychange", c)
function La(a) {
var b = 1,
c = 0,
if (a)
for (b = 0, d = a.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--) c = a.charCodeAt(d), b = (b << 6 & 268435455) + c + (c << 14), c = b & 266338304, b = 0 != c ? b ^ c >> 21 : b;
return b
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