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Last active May 28, 2019 02:02
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  • Save michoelchaikin/80af08856144d340b335d69aa383dbe7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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sudo adduser autoprint
sudo apt-get install fetchmail postfix




set daemon 60
set no softbounce

poll XXXX
    via XXXX
    protocol imap
    service 993
    user 'xxx' there
    pass 'xxx'
    is autoprint here

chmod 600 /etc/fetchmailrc
chown fetchmail /etc/fetchmailrc




#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use MIME::Parser;

my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
my $entity = $parser->read(\*STDIN) || die "couldn't parse MIME stream";

my $head = $entity->head;
my $subject = $head->get('Subject');
my ($printer) = $subject =~ /^([^:]+):/;

for my $part ($entity->parts()) {
    if ($part->mime_type eq 'application/pdf') {
        my $file = $part->bodyhandle->path;
        `lp -d $printer "$file"`;

* Scripts to automate printing of sales orders to warehouse
* Dependencies:
* * Custom Fields
* |------------------------|---------------------------|-----------------|----------------|
* | Custom Field Type | ID | Type | Description |
* |------------------------|---------------------------|-----------------|----------------|
* | Transaction Body Field | custbody_mos_printcount | Integer Number | Print Count |
* |------------------------|---------------------------|-----------------|----------------|
* * Custom Record
* ID = customrecord_mos_printlog
* |--------------------------------------|---------------------------|--------------|--------------------------------------|
* | ID | Type | Description | Notes |
* |--------------------------------------|---------------------------|--------------|--------------------------------------|
* | custrecord_mos_printlog_user | List/Record (Employee) | User | Dynamic Default - Current User |
* | custrecord_mos_printlog_timedate | Date/Time | Date/Time | Dynamic Default - Current Date/Time |
* | custrecord_mos_printlog_transaction | List/Record (Transaction) | Transaction | |
* | custrecord_mos_printlog_file | Document | File | |
* |--------------------------------------|---------------------------|--------------|--------------------------------------|
* Add 'Print to Warehouse' button to Sales Orders and Transfer Orders
* Script ID: customscript_mos_salesorderprint_ue
* Script Type: User Event
* Deployed to: Sales Order, Transfer Order
function beforeload(type, form) {
var status = nlapiGetFieldValue('status');
var isopen = (
status !== 'Pending Billing' &&
status !== 'Billed' &&
status !== 'Closed' &&
status !== 'Rejected' &&
status !== 'Pending Approval' &&
status !== 'Received'
if (type == 'view' && isopen) {
form.addButton('custpage_printshippinglabel', 'Print to Warehouse', 'printToWarehouse()');
* Client script to print Sales Order directly to warehouse printer
* Script ID: customscript_mos_salesorderprint_client
* Script Type: Client Script
* Deployed to: <not deployed>
function checkForMOSLocation() {
return nlapiSearchRecord('transaction', null, [['internalid', 'is', nlapiGetRecordId()], 'and', ['location', 'anyof', 1]]) !== null;
function printToWarehouse() {
if(nlapiGetRecordType() == 'salesorder' && ! nlapiLookupField('salesorder', nlapiGetRecordId(), 'custbody_reviewed_by')) {{ title: 'Order not reviewed yet!', msg: 'This Sales Order has not been reviewed yet, and cannot be printed.', buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR });
if(! checkForMOSLocation()) {{ title: 'Order location not MOS!', msg: 'This Sales Order does not have stock location of MOS and cannot be printed to MOS Warehouse.', buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR });
}{title: 'Printing sales order', msg: 'Please wait..', wait: true, width: 250 });
var url = nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET', 'customscript_mos_salesorderprint_sl', 'customdeploy_mos_salesorderprint_sl');
nlapiRequestURL(url, {custom_id: nlapiGetRecordId(), custom_type: nlapiGetRecordType()}, null, function(response) {
var result = response.getBody();
if(result === 'SUCCESS') {{ title: 'Sales Order printed', msg: 'Sales Order printed to warehouse', buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.INFO });
} else {{ title: 'Error Printing!', msg: result, buttons: Ext.MessageBox.OK, icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR });
* Suitelet called by Client script that actually does the printing
* Script ID: customscript_mos_salesorderprint_sl
* Script Type: Suitelet
// Returns the internal id of a folder to save the packing slip to based on the (UTC) date, creating it if it doesn't exist
function getFolderID() {
var PARENT_FOLDER_ID = 58130;
var name = new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10);
var filters = [['parent', 'anyOf', PARENT_FOLDER_ID], 'and', ['name', 'is', name]];
var results = nlapiSearchRecord('folder', null, filters);
if(results) {
return results[0].getId();
} else {
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('folder');
record.setFieldValue('name', name);
record.setFieldValue('parent', PARENT_FOLDER_ID);
return nlapiSubmitRecord(record);
function generatePDF(id) {
// retry generating pdf up to three times in case of timeouts
var count = 0;
var maxTries = 3;
while(true) {
try {
var pdf = nlapiPrintRecord('PICKINGTICKET', id, 'PDF');
return pdf;
} catch (err) {
nlapiLogExecution('ERROR', 'Error printing', err.message);
if (++count == maxTries) throw err;
function suitelet(request, response) {
try {
var id = request.getParameter('custom_id');
var type = request.getParameter('custom_type');
if(! id || ! type) {
response.write('invalid parameters');
} else {
var pdf = generatePDF(id);
pdf.setName(id + '~' + new Date().toISOString() + '.pdf');
var fileid = nlapiSubmitFile(pdf);
var record = nlapiCreateRecord('customrecord_mos_printlog');
record.setFieldValue('custrecord_mos_printlog_file', fileid);
record.setFieldValue('custrecord_mos_printlog_transaction', id);
var results = nlapiSearchRecord('customrecord_mos_printlog', null, ['custrecord_mos_printlog_transaction', 'anyOf', id]);
var count = (results || []).length;
nlapiSubmitField(type, id, 'custbody_mos_printcount', count);
nlapiSendEmail(nlapiGetUser(), 'XXXXX', 'HP4350-20:' + id, id, null, null, null, pdf, true);
} catch(err) {
response.write(err + ' (line number: ' + err.lineno + ')');
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