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Created February 7, 2020 15:52
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FULL cheaters_global_key.dart example,
* first defines the cheaters_global_key,
* then a few helpers
* then at the bottom a usage example
BEGIN cheaters_global_keys.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class CheatersGlobalKey extends InheritedWidget {
this.cheatersKeys = const {},
Key key,
Widget child,
}) : super(key: key, child: child);
final Map<String, Key> cheatersKeys;
bool updateShouldNotify(CheatersGlobalKey oldWidget) {
return cheatersKeys != oldWidget.cheatersKeys;
static Key of(
BuildContext context,
String label,
) {
assert(context != null);
final route = ModalRoute.of(context);
// only the current route cans safely render a GlobalKey
if (!route.isCurrent) {
return Key(label);
// can't render a GlobalKey if it ain't there -
// this ensures the current tab gets the global key
final CheatersGlobalKey result =
if (result == null) {
return Key(label);
final keys = result?.cheatersKeys ?? {};
final key = keys[label] ??
Key(label); // we default to safely returning a regular key
return key;
class CheatersIndexedStack extends StatelessWidget {
Key key,
@required this.index,
@required this.cheatersKeys,
@required this.children,
List<String> contextLabels,
}) : this.contextLabels = contextLabels ??
(i) => 'cheater.index=$i',
super(key: key) {
assert(this.contextLabels.length == children.length);
final Set<String> cheatersKeys;
final List<String> contextLabels;
final List<Widget> children;
final int index;
Map<String, Key> keysFor(int childIndex) {
return index == childIndex
? Map.fromEntries(
(label) => MapEntry(
_CheatersGlobalKey(label, contextLabels[childIndex]),
: null;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return IndexedStack(
index: index,
children:, childIndex) {
return CheatersGlobalKey._(
// should change every tab switch
cheatersKeys: keysFor(childIndex),
child: child,
class _CheatersGlobalKey extends GlobalObjectKey {
const _CheatersGlobalKey(String globalLabel, this.contextLabel)
: super(globalLabel);
final String contextLabel;
String toString() {
return '[_CheatersGlobalKey#$hashCode value=$value, context=$contextLabel]';
END cheaters_global_keys.dart
BEGIN pointless_helpers.dart
typedef MapFn<A, B> = B Function(A a);
typedef IndexedMapFn<A, B> = B Function(A a, int index);
MapFn<A, B> withIndex<A, B>(IndexedMapFn<A, B> mapFn) {
int index = -1;
return (A a) => mapFn(a, ++index);
END pointless_helpers.dart
BEGIN full_example.dart
class TabBarExample extends StatefulWidget {
const TabBarExample({
Key key,
}) : super(key: key);
_TabBarExampleState createState() => _TabBarExampleState();
class _TabBarExampleState extends State<TabBarExample>
with TickerProviderStateMixin {
TabController tabController;
int tabIndex = 0;
void initState() {
tabController = TabController(
initialIndex: 0,
length: 3,
vsync: this,
static final tabs = [
.map((t) => Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
child: Text(t),
Widget tabOf(BuildContext context, int tabIndex) {
final key = CheatersGlobalKey.of(context, 'tabs');
return Column(mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, children: [
key: CheatersGlobalKey.of(context, 'tabs'),
onTap: onTapNav,
controller: tabController,
tabs: tabs,
height: 300,
width: 300,
child: Center(
child: Text(
style: Theme.of(context)
.copyWith(color: Colors.white),
Widget pageContent(BuildContext context, int selectedIndex) =>
index: selectedIndex,
cheatersKeys: const {'tabs'},
children: List.generate(
(tabIndex) => Builder(
builder: (context) => tabOf(context, tabIndex),
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.grey.shade800,
appBar: AppBar(
backgroundColor: Colors.indigo,
title: Text('AppBar!'),
body: pageContent(context, tabIndex),
void onTapNav(int index) {
if (mounted) {
setState(() {
tabIndex = index;
void main() {
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
home: TabBarExample(),
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micimize commented Feb 7, 2020

I was getting a pretty inscrutable error from this recently, and I think it was because there was a structure like ImplicitlyAnimated#CheatersGlobalKeyA(CheatersGlobalKeyB)). I believe the reason this started creating a problem was because flutter made widget disposal more optimal or something, but basically:

  • the top level widget is getting transitioned out, so it's children aren't updated
  • this means the nested global key isn't replaced, so a duplicate key error is thrown.

But, the tab animations seem fine, meaning there isn't actually a need to nest these global keys (for now)

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