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Last active November 24, 2016 23:18
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DOM Component abstraction issues encountered with Eve

Abstraction Issues

This is a rundown of all the DOM Component abstraction issues I encountered while attempting to modularize my Eve code. I made each major issue an h2 header, provided examples as h3 headers.

Component system via search/bind very limited

The nested search/bind componentizing pattern only works for very simple data structures, as it seems the DOM is first rendered, then searched for tags.

Test Data

#time-string instead of #time to reduce surface area of what might be going wrong

    title: "Morning Meditation"
    interval: [#interval start: "7:15" end: "8:35"]]
    title: "Lunch"
    interval: [#interval start: "12:15" end: "13:15"]]

Time Formatter Component

search @browser @virtual-dom
  time-view = [#time-view time]

bind @browser  @virtual-dom
  time-view <- [#span class: "time" text: time]

Interval Formatter Component

// This search is the failure point on #interval,
// Presumably because the variable interval in the root app
// isn't expanded before searching
search @browser  @virtual-dom
  interval = [#interval start, end] 

bind @browser  @virtual-dom
  interval <- [#span interval children:
    [#time-view time: start],
    [#span class: "divider" text: "-"],
    [#time-view time: end]]

Experience List Root Component

// with full destructuring and restructuring
  experience = [#experience title,
    interval: [#interval start, end]]

bind @browser
  [#div class: "experience-list" children:
    [#h3 text: "Experience List with full destructuring:"]
    [#div experience class: "experience" children:
      [#interval start, end],
      [#span class: "divider" text: ": "]
      [#span text: title]]]

Variables are not found in searches and rebound

If I try to avoid destructuring and restructuring #interval, then the variable is not found in the component searches, and thus not rebound

Experience List with Variable

// with interval as variable, [#interval] isn't matched
  experience = [#experience interval, title]

bind @browser
  [#div class: "experience-list" text: "foo" children:
    [#h3 text: "Experience List with Variable:"]
    [#div experience class: "experience" children: (
      [#span class: "divider" text: ": "],
      [#span text: title])]]

@browser only renders literal records

Virtual DOM attempt

This is an attempt to bind to a @virtual-dom database, which will then be search/rebound, and then rendered to the @browser. It doesn't work at all, because the browser only renders literal records, and won't render searched for records:

  experience = [#experience interval, title]

bind @virtual-dom
  [#app #div class: "experience-list" children:
    [#h3 text: "Virtual Dom Experience List:"]
    [#div experience class: "experience" children: (
      [#span class: "divider" text: ": "],
      [#span text: title])]]
search @virtual-dom
  app = [#app class children]
bind @browser
	[#div text: "Virtual Dom for class: {{class}}" children: app]


The issue distilled:

  [#snippet #span text: "Example tag-as-record"]
  snippet = [#snippet]
bind @browser
	[#div children: (
    [#h3 text: "Snippets:"]
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Issues addressed in the related google groups thread. Essentially you just have to query @browser @session and merge into @browser, like so:


search @browser @session
  experience-display = [#display experience]
bind @browser
  experience-display <- [#div experience class: "experience" children:
      [#display interval: experience.interval]
      [#span class: "divider" text: " : "]
      [#span text: experience.title]]

Experience List

  experience = [#experience title interval]
bind @browser
  [#div class: "experience-list" children:
    [#h3 text: "Experience List:"]
    [#display experience]]

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