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Last active April 7, 2022 04:59
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animated offset and a AnimatedCompositedTransformFollower based on flutter's internal slide animation
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class AnimationOptions {
this.curve = Curves.linear,
@required this.duration,
final Curve curve;
final Duration duration;
final VoidCallback onEnd;
typedef WithOffsetBuilder = Widget Function(
BuildContext context, Offset offset);
class AnimatedCompositedTransformFollower extends StatelessWidget {
/// Creates a composited transform target widget.
/// The [link] property must not be null. If it was also provided to a
/// [CompositedTransformTarget], that widget must come earlier in the paint
/// order.
/// The [showWhenUnlinked] and [offset] properties must also not be null.
const AnimatedCompositedTransformFollower({
Key key,
this.showWhenUnlinked = true,
this.offset =,
@required this.options,
}) : assert(link != null),
assert(showWhenUnlinked != null),
assert(offset != null),
super(key: key);
final Widget child;
final AnimationOptions options;
/// The link object that connects this [CompositedTransformFollower] with a
/// [CompositedTransformTarget].
/// This property must not be null.
final LayerLink link;
/// Whether to show the widget's contents when there is no corresponding
/// [CompositedTransformTarget] with the same [link].
/// When the widget is linked, the child is positioned such that it has the
/// same global position as the linked [CompositedTransformTarget].
/// When the widget is not linked, then: if [showWhenUnlinked] is true, the
/// child is visible and not repositioned; if it is false, then child is
/// hidden.
final bool showWhenUnlinked;
/// The offset to apply to the origin of the linked
/// [CompositedTransformTarget] to obtain this widget's origin.
final Offset offset;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return AnimatedOffset(
offset: offset,
curve: options.curve,
duration: options.duration,
onEnd: options.onEnd,
builder: (context, animatedOffset) => CompositedTransformFollower(
offset: animatedOffset,
link: link,
showWhenUnlinked: showWhenUnlinked,
child: child,
class AnimatedOffset extends ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget {
Key key,
WithOffsetBuilder builder,
Widget child,
Curve curve = Curves.linear,
@required Duration duration,
VoidCallback onEnd,
}) : builder = builder ?? translateBuilder(child),
super(key: key, curve: curve, duration: duration, onEnd: onEnd);
final WithOffsetBuilder builder;
// note hit tests will not overflow outside of container
static WithOffsetBuilder translateBuilder(
Widget child, {
/// Whether hit testing should be affected by the slide animation.
/// If false, hit testing will proceed as if the child was not translated at
/// all. Setting this value to false is useful for fast animations where you
/// expect the user to commonly interact with the child widget in its final
/// location and you want the user to benefit from "muscle memory".
bool transformHitTests,
/// The direction to use for the x offset described by the [position].
/// If [textDirection] is null, the x offset is applied in the coordinate
/// system of the canvas (so positive x offsets move the child towards the
/// right).
/// If [textDirection] is [TextDirection.rtl], the x offset is applied in the
/// reading direction such that x offsets move the child towards the left.
/// If [textDirection] is [TextDirection.ltr], the x offset is applied in the
/// reading direction such that x offsets move the child towards the right.
TextDirection textDirection,
}) =>
(c, offset) {
if (textDirection == TextDirection.rtl) {
offset = Offset(-offset.dx, offset.dy);
return Transform.translate(
offset: offset,
transformHitTests: transformHitTests,
child: child,
final Offset offset;
_AnimatedPositionedState createState() => _AnimatedPositionedState();
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
properties.add(DoubleProperty('offset.dx', offset.dx, defaultValue: null));
properties.add(DoubleProperty('offset.dy', offset.dy, defaultValue: null));
class _AnimatedPositionedState extends AnimatedWidgetBaseState<AnimatedOffset> {
Tween<double> _dx;
Tween<double> _dy;
void forEachTween(TweenVisitor<dynamic> visitor) {
_dx = visitor(
_dx, widget.offset.dx, (dynamic value) => Tween<double>(begin: value));
_dy = visitor(
_dy, widget.offset.dy, (dynamic value) => Tween<double>(begin: value));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
Offset offset = Offset(
return widget.builder(context, offset);
void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder description) {
description.add(ObjectFlagProperty<Tween<double>>.has('offset.dx', _dx));
description.add(ObjectFlagProperty<Tween<double>>.has('offset.dy', _dy));
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