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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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[JavaScript] AngularJS README Template

Project Name



$ git clone
$ cd project
$ npm install && bower install


$ grunt serve

If you receive any command not found errors, then you're probably missing one of the Yeoman dependencies. Try running npm install -g yo and then rerunning the failed tasks.


$ grunt test


$ grunt build
$ grunt deploy

...or you can also just run

$ grunt

...which runs all of the testing, build, and deployment tasks in sequence. It's good practice to run the build & deploy separately since build errors can prevent a successful deployment.

Builds are deployed to Heroku using the heroku-toolbelt cli. You'll need to have the Heroku Toolbelt setup with SSH keys configured and access to the repo to do deployments. If not, you may receive errors during deployment.

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