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Created August 12, 2018 22:54
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Format Olivetti faces dataset image data in R
# This script converts the images in the following format:
# X -> converted to a 399x4096 matrix. Each row represents an image of 64x64
# greyscale pixels
# y -> labels of the images
# Setup
# X: features
X_df <- read.csv("olivetti_X.csv") #%>% as.matrix()
# y: labels
y_df <- read.csv("olivetti_y.csv") %>% as.matrix()
# Function to plot image data
plt_img <- function(x){ image(x, col=grey(seq(0, 1, length=256)))}
# Format images
# First vector
img1 <- as.numeric(X_df[1, ])
# Image upside down
img2 <- matrix(img1, nrow=64, byrow=T)
# Image corrected
img3 <- t(img2)[, nrow(img2):1]
# Vector containing the image
img4 <- as.numeric(t(img3))
# plt_img(img2)
# plt_img(img3)
# Output data matrix (features)
out <- matrix(img4, nrow = 1)
# Format all the other images
for(i in 2:nrow(X_df))
# Vector
img1 <- as.numeric(X_df[i, ])
# Image upside down
img2 <- matrix(img1, nrow=64, byrow=T)
# Image corrected
img3 <- t(img2)[, nrow(img2):1]
# Vector containing the image
img4 <- as.numeric(t(img3))
out <- rbind(out, img4)
# Package the output and save an .Rdata file
# Remove row names
rownames(out) <- NULL
# Check a plot of the first image
plt_img(matrix(out[1, ], ncol=64, byrow=T))
# Save the output
save(out, y_df, file="images_formatted.Rdata")
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where could I find the "olivetti" dataset in .csv format?

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