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Last active January 13, 2020 00:34
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import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
import os
# this is optional, if you want to save pictures of the trajectory
# later, then choose a folder where to save images
# Acceleration of gravity = 9.80665 m/s**2
class Projectile_motion(object):
# s0 is horizontal starting space, we assume that the projectile starts at y = 0
# v0 is the initial velocity
# theta is the launch angle in radiants
# v0x is the horizontal component of velocity
# v0y is the vertical component of velocity
def __init__(self,s0,v0,theta):
self.s0 = s0
self.v0 = v0
self.theta = theta
self.v0x = v0*math.cos(theta)
self.v0y = v0*math.sin(theta)
# The representation of an instance of this class
def __repr__(self):
return ("The projectile starts at %s with an initial velocity of %s meters per second") %(round(self.s0,2),round(self.v0,2))
# The maximum range of the instance
def range_(self):
space = (2* (self.v0)**2 * math.sin(self.theta) * math.cos(self.theta))/(9.81)
space_km = space/1000
return "The range is %s m, that's to say: %s km." %(space,space_km)
# The maximum achievable height
def max_height(self):
height = ((self.v0)**2 * math.sin(self.theta)**2)/(a*2)
height_km = height/1000
return "Maximum achievable height is %s m, that's to say: %s km." %(height,height_km)
# For how long does the projectile stay up in the air?
def time_in_air(self):
time = (2*self.v0*math.sin(self.theta))/a
return time
# This function gives the speed at each time t
def speed(self,t):
if t > self.time_in_air():
return "Projectile has already landed, please reduce t. Projectile landed at %s" %(self.time_in_air())
y = self.v0y - a*t
x = self.v0x
vel = math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
if y > 0:
return "At %s seconds: horizontal speed (constant): %s m/s. Vertical speed %sm/s upwards. Combined speed: %sm/s" %(round(t,0),round(x,0),round(y,2),round(vel,2))
elif y == 0:
return "At %s seconds: horizontal speed (constant): %s m/s. Vertical speed 0. Combined speed: %sm/s" %(round(t,0),round(x,0),round(y,2),round(vel,2))
return "At %s seconds: horizontal speed (constant): %s m/s. Vertical speed %sm/s downwards. Combined speed: %sm/s" %(round(t,0),round(x,0),round(y,2),round(vel,2))
# How far can it travel?
def how_far(self,t):
if t > self.time_in_air():
return "Projectile has already landed, please reduce t. Projectile landed at %s" %(self.time_in_air())
x = self.v0x*t - self.s0
x_km = x/1000
return "Horizontal space travelled in %s seconds is equal to %s m or, %s km" %(t,x,x_km)
# This function returns the position at every time t
def position(self,t):
if t > self.time_in_air():
return "Projectile has already landed, please reduce t. Projectile landed at %s" %(self.time_in_air())
x = self.s0 + self.v0x*t
y = self.s0 + self.v0y*t - 0.5*a*t**2
position_t = []
return position_t
# This is the most interesting function, it returns the graph of the trajectory
# Optionally you can save it or save a copy of each stage of graphing
def show_trajectory(self):
i = 0
x = []
y = []
while i <= self.time_in_air():
i += 1
plot = plt.plot(x,y,"ro")
# If you decide to print out a copy of the graph at each stage then remove
# "#"from the next line of code. This will save for each i a .png picture in the path specified above with os.chdir()
plt.ylabel("Y") = Projectile_motion(0,600,np.pi/3)
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