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Created January 30, 2014 15:44
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From @lyrixx github
## Common bash function
alias sudo="sudo " # Hack, for sudo an aliases
alias ls="ls --color"
alias l="ls -lh --color"
alias ll="ls -lh --color"
alias lla="ll -a --color"
alias df="df -h"
alias du="du -h"
alias free="free -m"
alias cp="cp -i"
alias mv="mv -i"
alias grep='grep --exclude-dir ".svn" --exclude-dir ".git" --exclude tagsi --color=tty'
alias ack="ack-grep"
alias sed="sed --follow-symlinks"
## Apt
alias agi="apt-get install"
alias agua="apt-get update"
alias agup="apt-get upgrade"
alias aguap="apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"
alias adel=" apt-get remove"
alias asearch="apt-cache search"
## Archive
alias untar="tar xvf"
alias ungz="gunzip"
alias unzip2="bzip2 -d"
alias untargz="tar zxvf"
alias untarbz1="tar jxvf"
alias ungz2="bunzip2 -k"
## Cool shortcut
alias top_process="ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10"
alias mysql="mysql --sigint-ignore"
alias whatsmyip="curl -s|sed -e 's/.*Current IP Address: //' -e 's/<.*$//'"
alias reload_bash="source ~/.bashrc" # reload ~/.bashrc
alias p="cd ~/Projects"
alias s="/home/mickaelandrieu/Logiciels/SublimeText2/sublime_text"
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