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Last active October 22, 2020 22:14
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public with sharing class StreamingProxies {
* @Description This method checks for the existance of proxy records.
* @Param {List} A list of record Ids.
* @Return {List} A list of all found StreamingProxy__c records.
public static List<StreamingProxy__c> recordsExist(List<Id> recordIds) {
List<StreamingProxy__c> records = [
SELECT Id, RecordID__c, ObjectType__c FROM StreamingProxy__c WHERE RecordID__c IN :recordIds
return records;
* @Description This method either inserts or upserts a record for streaming purposes.
* @Param {SObject} An Salesforce object which we would like to stream or keep track of (ex. via push topics)
* @Return {StreamingProxy__c} Either the new or update object.
public static StreamingProxy__c upsertRecord(SObject obj) {
if(obj == null) return null;
// sets up the streaming proxy object
StreamingProxy__c sp = new StreamingProxy__c();
sp.ObjectType__c = obj.getSObjectType();
sp.RecordID__c = obj.Id;
// checks for an existing record
List<StreamingProxy__c> existing = recordsExist(new List<Id>{ sp.RecordID__c });
StreamingProxy__c found = existing != null && existing.size() > 0 ? existing[0]: null;
if(found != null){
// should preserve the id - so it is treated as an update should it already be there
sp = found.clone(true, true, true, true);
// upsert and return
upsert sp;
return sp;
* @Description This method either inserts or updates a list of records.
* @Param {List} A list of Salesforce objects that we wish to keep track of (ex. via push topics)
* @Return {List} A list of StreamingProxy__c objects.
public static List<StreamingProxy__c> upsertRecords(List<SObject> objs) {
if(objs == null) return null;
StreamingProxy__c proxy = null;
Map<Id, StreamingProxy__c> proxyMap = new Map<Id, StreamingProxy__c>();
// iterate through the objects to setup their streaming proxy counterparts
for(SObject obj: objs) {
proxy = new StreamingProxy__c();
proxy.ObjectType__c = obj.getSObjectType();
proxy.RecordID__c = obj.Id;
proxyMap.put(obj.Id, proxy);
// apply all existing id's should we find them
List<StreamingProxy__c> existing = recordsExist(proxyMap.keySet());
for(StreamingProxy__c sp: existing) {
proxyMap.get(sp.RecordID__c).Id = sp.Id;
// upsert and return values
List<StreamingProxy__c> results = proxyMap.values();
upsert results;
return results;
* @Description This method deletes a streaming record should it exist.
* @Param {SObject} The SObject that may have a paired streaming object.
* @Return {StreamingProxy__c} The deleted object entry.
public static StreamingProxy__c deleteRecord(SObject obj) {
if(obj == null) return null;
// sets up the streaming proxy object
StreamingProxy__c sp = new StreamingProxy__c();
sp.RecordID__c = obj.Id;
// checks for an existing record
List<StreamingProxy__c> existing = recordsExist(new List<Id>{ sp.RecordID__c });
delete existing;
return existing[0];
return null;
* @Description This method deletes a list of records should they exist.
* @Param {List} A list of Salesforce objects that we desire to delete.
* @Return {List} The list of deleted objects.
public static List<StreamingProxy__c> deleteRecords(List<SObject> objs) {
if(objs == null) return null;
// gather the record ids
List<Id> recordIds = new List<Id>();
for(SObject obj: objs) {
// checks for existing records
List<StreamingProxy__c> existing = recordsExist(recordIds);
if(!existing.isEmpty()) {
delete existing;
return existing;
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