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Created February 9, 2014 18:57
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a version of py2.nim that triggers a compiler error: py2.nim(97, 9) Error: identifier expected, but found '`()`*'
# A high-level wrapper for python 2.x (thus the name "py2.nim" rather than "py.nim")
# short-term TODO:
# * check whether the destructor gets called at all
# * support more of the API
# mid-range TODO:
# * don't print exceptions, retrieve the exception information into nimrod
# long-range TODO:
# * find a better syntax for member access
import python except expr
import macros
# A non-borrowed (counted) reference. Avoid copying these around! Nimrod doesn't have
# the equivalent of an assignment constructor (yet?), so any copy of PyRef must be counted (use dup for that).
PyRef = object {.inheritable, byref.}
p: PPyObject
PPyRef* = ref PyRef
EPyException = object of E_Base
Context = object
globals*, locals*: PPyRef
PContext = ref Context
# forward declarations
proc getattr*(o: PPyRef, name: cstring) : PPyRef
proc handle_error(s : string) =
raise newException(EPyException, s)
proc check(p: PPyObject) : PPyObject =
if p == nil: handle_error("check(nil)")
result = p
proc check(x: int) : int =
if x == -1: handle_error("check(-1)")
result = x
converter to_PPyRef*(p: PPyObject) : PPyRef =
new result
result.p = check(p)
proc new_dict*(): PPyRef = PyDict_New()
proc new_list*(size: int): PPyRef = PyList_New(size)
proc new_tuple*(size: int): PPyRef = PyTuple_New(size)
converter to_py*(f: float) : PPyRef = PyFloat_fromDouble(f)
converter to_py*(i: int) : PPyRef = PyInt_FromLong(int32(i))
converter to_py*(s: cstring) : PPyRef = PyString_fromString(s)
converter to_py*(s: string) : PPyRef = to_py(cstring(s))
converter to_list*(vals: openarray[PPyRef]): PPyRef =
result = new_list(len(vals))
for i in 0..len(vals)-1:
let p = vals[i].p
discard check(PyList_SetItem(result.p, i, p))
converter to_py*[T](vals: openarray[T]): PPyRef =
to_list(map[T,PPyRef](vals, to_py))
converter to_py*[T](vals: seq[T]): PPyRef =
to_list(map[T,PPyRef](vals, to_py))
converter to_tuple*(vals: openarray[PPyRef]): PPyRef =
result = new_tuple(len(vals))
for i in 0..len(vals)-1:
let p = vals[i].p
discard check(PyTuple_SetItem(result.p, i, p))
Py_INCREF(p) # the tuple 'steals' references
proc `$`*(o: PPyRef) : string =
let s = to_PPyRef(PyObject_Str(o.p))
converter from_py_int*(o: PPyRef) : int = PyInt_AsLong(o.p)
proc len*(o: PPyRef) : int =
proc `()`*(f: PPyRef, args: varargs[PPyRef]): PPyRef =
let args_tup = to_tuple(args)
PyObject_CallObject(f.p, args_tup.p)
proc `()`*(field: string, obj: PPyRef): PPyRef =
echo field, " in argless delegator"
result = getattr(obj, field)
proc `()`*(field: string, obj: PPyRef, args: varargs[PPyRef]): PPyRef {.delegator.} =
echo field, " in argful delegator"
let args_tup = to_tuple(args)
PyObject_CallObject(getattr(obj.p, field).p, args_tup.p)
macro `->`*(a: expr, b:expr) : expr {.immediate.} =
let name = toStrLit(b)
result = newNimNode(nnkCall)
proc dup*(src: PPyRef) : PPyRef =
new result
result.p = src.p
proc destroy(o: var PyRef) {.destructor.} =
if o.p != nil:
echo "decrefing"
o.p = nil
proc getattr*(o: PPyRef, name: cstring) : PPyRef =
result = to_PPyRef(PyObject_GetAttrString(o.p, name))
proc py_import*(name : cstring) : PPyRef =
proc `[]`*(v: PPyRef, key: PPyRef) : PPyRef =
to_PPyRef(PyObject_GetItem(v.p, key.p))
proc `[]=`*(mapping, key, val: PPyRef): void =
discard check(PyObject_SetItem(mapping.p, key.p, val.p))
proc eval*(c: PContext, src: cstring) : PPyRef =
PyRun_String(src, eval_input, c.globals.p, c.locals.p)
proc builtins*() : PPyRef = PyEval_GetBuiltins()
proc new_context*() : PContext =
new result
result.locals = new_dict()
result.globals = new_dict()
result.globals["__builtins__"] = builtins()
result.globals["__builtins__"] = builtins()
Interpreter = object {.bycopy.}
proc make_interpreter() : Interpreter =
result = Interpreter()
proc destroy(interpreter : Interpreter) {.destructor.} =
var py_interpreter = make_interpreter()
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