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Created October 20, 2016 22:45
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ELMO-8 HelloWorld.elm
{-| PICO-8's Hello.lua redone in ELMO-8
import Elmo8.Console as Console
type alias Model = {
t : Int
init : Model
init = { t = 0 }
update : Model -> Model
update model =
{ model | t = model.t + 1 }
draw_letter : Int -> Int -> Int -> List Console.Command
draw_letter t i j0 =
j = 7 - j0
col = 7 + j
t1 = t + i*4 - j*2
-- x = cos(t) * 5
-- PICO-8 example: cos(nil) * 5 -> 1 * 5
x = 5
y = 38 + j + cos(t1/3.5) * 5
[ Console.sprite (16+i) (8+i*8 + x + 2) (round y + 2)
, Console.sprite (32+i) (8+i*8 + x + 1) (round y + 1)
, Console.sprite (48+i) (8+i*8 + x) (round y)
draw : Console.Console Model -> Model -> List Console.Command
draw console model =
[ List.map2 (\i j -> draw_letter model.t i j) [1..11] [0..10] |> List.concat
, (\i -> Console.putPixel i 0 i) [0..15]
, [ Console.sprite 1 60 100
, Console.putPixel 9 79 10
, Console.print "Welcome to ELMO-8!" 10 80 9
, Console.print "Hello World" 0 1 6
, Console.print "Ö" 60 120 5
] |> List.concat
main : Program Never
main =
{ draw = draw
, init = init
, update = update
, spritesUri = "/hello_world.png"
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