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Created September 1, 2010 10:08
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Generic URI parsing for python with a ZODB example
"""Generic URI parsing
Intended to be more generally applicable than urlparse.
import cgi
import re
import urllib
URI_RE = re.compile(r"""
(?P<scheme>[^:]+): # file: or http:
(// # match :// schemes
(?P<username>[^:@]+) # username:password or username@
(:)? # optional : between username and password
(?P<password>[^@]+)? # :password
@)? # username and password if there is an @
(?P<hostname>[^/:?#;]*) #
(:(?P<port>[0-9]+))? # 8080
(?P<path>/[^?#;]*)? # /foo/bar
(;(?P<params>[^?#]+))? # ;params
(\?(?P<query>[^#]*))? # ?foo=bar&ham=spam
(\#(?P<fragment>.*))? # #fragment
(?P<value>.*) # for other schemes just return a value
""", re.VERBOSE)
class URIParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, uri):
self.uri = uri
def __str__(self):
return "Can't parse %r" % self.uri
def uriparse(uri, flatten_query=False, unquote=True):
"""Parse a URI and return a dictionary of the uri parts
See RFC2396.
:param uri: The URI string to parse, it is assumed this has already been
decoded and escaped.
:param flatten_query: If this is True the dict for the query results is
a flat key -> val instead of key -> [val1, val2, ...].
:param unquote: If this is True then the uri will be unquoted first.
(e.g. %20 -> space).
:returns: A dictionary of the URI parts.
Keys returned:
* scheme: The URI's scheme (e.g. http or file).
* username: Username for authentication.
* password: Password for authentication.
* hostname: The hostname.
* port: Port on host, as an int.
* path: Path to the resource.
* params: Params portion of the URI (i.e. ;params).
* query: Query params passed in the URI, as a dictionary (i.e. ?ham=spam).
* fragment: Fragment identifier (i.e. #fragment).
If a URI without the :// after the scheme is used (e.g. mailto:) then only
the value is returned. i.e. keys scheme and value are returned
>>> parts = uriparse("")
>>> parts["scheme"]
>>> parts["hostname"]
>>> parts["path"]
>>> parts = uriparse("myscheme://")
>>> parts["scheme"]
>>> parts["hostname"]
>>> parts["port"]
>>> parts["query"]
{'ham': ['spam']}
Use flatten_query to flatten out the dict. This should be used with some
caution as information can be lost.
>>> parts = uriparse("myscheme://", flatten_query=True)
>>> parts["query"]
{'ham': 'spam'}
>>> parts = uriparse("myscheme://", flatten_query=True)
>>> parts["query"]
{'ham': 'spam'}
>>> parts = uriparse("")
>>> parts["scheme"]
>>> parts["value"]
if unquote:
uri = urllib.unquote(uri)
m = URI_RE.match(uri)
if m is None:
raise URIParseError(uri)
parts = m.groupdict()
if parts["port"] is not None:
parts["port"] = int(parts["port"])
if parts["query"] is not None:
parts["query"] = cgi.parse_qs(parts["query"])
if flatten_query:
parts["query"] = dict((key, val[0]) for key, val in parts["query"].items())
return parts
def selftest():
"""Runs a series of tests on the module
import doctest
for uri, expected in (
("file:///tmp/foo.fs", dict(scheme="file", path="/tmp/foo.fs")),
("file:///tmp/foo.fs?foo=bar&ham=spam", dict(scheme="file", path="/tmp/foo.fs", query={"foo": ["bar"], "ham": ["spam"]})),
("zeo://", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="")),
("zeo://;someparams", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", params="someparams")),
("zeo://;someparams?foo=bar", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", params="someparams", query={"foo": ["bar"]})),
("zeo://;someparams?foo=bar#fragment", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", params="someparams", query={"foo": ["bar"]}, fragment="fragment")),
("zeo://", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", port=8074, path="/")),
("zeo://", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", port=8074)),
("zeo://", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", port=8074, path="/1")),
("zeo://", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", port=8074, path="/1/")),
("zeo://", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", port=8074, path="/1/", fragment="bar")),
("zeo://", dict(scheme="zeo", hostname="", port=8074, query={"client": ["zope"], "var":["/tmp"]})),
("", dict(scheme="http", hostname="", path="/mydoc.html", fragment="contents")),
("", dict(scheme="http", hostname="", username="user", path="/mydoc.html", fragment="contents")),
("", dict(scheme="http", hostname="", username="user", password="pass", path="/mydoc.html", fragment="contents")),
("", dict(scheme="mailto", value="")),
("", dict(scheme="ftp", hostname="", path="/rfc/rfc1808.txt")),
("gopher://", dict(scheme="gopher", hostname="", path="/00/Weather/California/Los Angeles")),
results = uriparse(uri)
for key, val in expected.items():
assert results[key] == val, "results[%r] = %r != %r" % (key, results[key], val)
for key in results:
if key not in expected:
assert (results[key] is None) or (results[key] == ""), "Expecting nothing for %r, got %r" % (key, results[key])
except AssertionError, e:
print e
print uri, results
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""ZODB and ZEO related utilities
import logging
import optparse
import re
from ZODB import DB
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from ZEO.ClientStorage import ClientStorage
import transaction
from uriparse import uriparse
def connect(uri):
"""Given a uri returns a storage connection
file:///tmp/cooking.fs for a file storage
zeo:// for zeo to instance 2
zeo:// with params
This saves faffing around with zodb conf files or ClientStorage vs
parts = uriparse(uri, flatten_query=True)
if parts["scheme"] == "file":
return FileStorage(parts["path"])
if parts["scheme"] == "zeo":
params = dict(parts["query"] or {})
if parts["path"]:
params["storage"] ="([0-9]+)", parts["path"]).groups()[0]
return ClientStorage((parts["hostname"], parts["port"] or 8074), **params)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
options, args = parser.parse_args()
uri = args[0]
local_ns = dict(storage=connect(uri))
local_ns["db"] = DB(local_ns["storage"])
local_ns["connection"] = local_ns["db"].open()
local_ns["root"] = local_ns["connection"].root()
local_ns["transaction"] = transaction
from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed
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