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Created January 31, 2018 22:37
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BlockBits Contract Flattened
pragma solidity ^0.4.17;
contract TokenSCADAVariable {
Funding FundingEntity;
bool public SCADA_requires_hard_cap = true;
function TokenSCADAVariable( address _fundingContract ) public {
FundingEntity = Funding(_fundingContract);
function requiresHardCap() public view returns (bool) {
return SCADA_requires_hard_cap;
function getTokensForValueInCurrentStage(uint256 _value) public view returns (uint256) {
return getTokensForValueInStage(FundingEntity.currentFundingStage(), _value);
function getTokensForValueInStage(uint8 _stage, uint256 _value) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 amount = FundingEntity.getStageAmount(_stage);
return _value * amount;
function getBoughtTokens( address _vaultAddress, bool _direct ) public view returns (uint256) {
FundingVault vault = FundingVault(_vaultAddress);
if(_direct) {
uint256 DirectTokens = getTokensForValueInStage(1, vault.stageAmountsDirect(1));
DirectTokens+= getTokensForValueInStage(2, vault.stageAmountsDirect(2));
return DirectTokens;
} else {
uint256 TotalTokens = getTokensForValueInStage(1, vault.stageAmounts(1));
TotalTokens+= getTokensForValueInStage(2, vault.stageAmounts(2));
return TotalTokens;
contract ApplicationAsset {
event EventAppAssetOwnerSet(bytes32 indexed _name, address indexed _owner);
event EventRunBeforeInit(bytes32 indexed _name);
event EventRunBeforeApplyingSettings(bytes32 indexed _name);
mapping (bytes32 => uint8) public EntityStates;
mapping (bytes32 => uint8) public RecordStates;
uint8 public CurrentEntityState;
event EventEntityProcessor(bytes32 indexed _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required);
event DebugEntityRequiredChanges( bytes32 _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required );
bytes32 public assetName;
/* Asset records */
uint8 public RecordNum = 0;
/* Asset initialised or not */
bool public _initialized = false;
/* Asset settings present or not */
bool public _settingsApplied = false;
/* Asset owner ( ApplicationEntity address ) */
address public owner = address(0x0) ;
address public deployerAddress;
function ApplicationAsset() public {
deployerAddress = msg.sender;
function setInitialApplicationAddress(address _ownerAddress) public onlyDeployer requireNotInitialised {
owner = _ownerAddress;
function setInitialOwnerAndName(bytes32 _name) external
returns (bool)
// init states
assetName = _name;
// set initial state
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("NEW");
_initialized = true;
EventAppAssetOwnerSet(_name, owner);
return true;
function setAssetStates() internal {
// Asset States
EntityStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
EntityStates["NEW"] = 1;
// Funding Stage States
RecordStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
function getRecordState(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint8) {
return RecordStates[name];
function getEntityState(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint8) {
return EntityStates[name];
function runBeforeInitialization() internal requireNotInitialised {
function applyAndLockSettings()
_settingsApplied = true;
return true;
function runBeforeApplyingSettings() internal requireInitialised requireSettingsNotApplied {
function transferToNewOwner(address _newOwner) public requireInitialised onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(owner != address(0x0) && _newOwner != address(0x0));
owner = _newOwner;
EventAppAssetOwnerSet(assetName, owner);
return true;
function getApplicationAssetAddressByName(bytes32 _name)
address asset = ApplicationEntityABI(owner).getAssetAddressByName(_name);
if( asset != address(0x0) ) {
return asset;
} else {
function getApplicationState() public view returns (uint8) {
return ApplicationEntityABI(owner).CurrentEntityState();
function getApplicationEntityState(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint8) {
return ApplicationEntityABI(owner).getEntityState(name);
function getAppBylawUint256(bytes32 name) public view requireInitialised returns (uint256) {
ApplicationEntityABI CurrentApp = ApplicationEntityABI(owner);
return CurrentApp.getBylawUint256(name);
function getAppBylawBytes32(bytes32 name) public view requireInitialised returns (bytes32) {
ApplicationEntityABI CurrentApp = ApplicationEntityABI(owner);
return CurrentApp.getBylawBytes32(name);
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
modifier onlyApplicationEntity() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
modifier requireInitialised() {
require(_initialized == true);
modifier requireNotInitialised() {
require(_initialized == false);
modifier requireSettingsApplied() {
require(_settingsApplied == true);
modifier requireSettingsNotApplied() {
require(_settingsApplied == false);
modifier onlyDeployer() {
require(msg.sender == deployerAddress);
modifier onlyAsset(bytes32 _name) {
address AssetAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName(_name);
require( msg.sender == AssetAddress);
function getTimestamp() view public returns (uint256) {
return now;
contract ApplicationEntity {
/* Source Code Url */
bytes32 sourceCodeUrl;
/* Entity initialised or not */
bool public _initialized = false;
/* Entity locked or not */
bool public _locked = false;
/* Current Entity State */
uint8 public CurrentEntityState;
/* Available Entity State */
mapping (bytes32 => uint8) public EntityStates;
/* GatewayInterface address */
address public GatewayInterfaceAddress;
/* Parent Entity Instance */
GatewayInterface GatewayInterfaceEntity;
/* Asset Entities */
Proposals public ProposalsEntity;
Funding public FundingEntity;
Milestones public MilestonesEntity;
Meetings public MeetingsEntity;
BountyManager public BountyManagerEntity;
TokenManager public TokenManagerEntity;
ListingContract public ListingContractEntity;
FundingManager public FundingManagerEntity;
NewsContract public NewsContractEntity;
/* Asset Collection */
mapping (bytes32 => address) public AssetCollection;
mapping (uint8 => bytes32) public AssetCollectionIdToName;
uint8 public AssetCollectionNum = 0;
event EventAppEntityReady ( address indexed _address );
event EventAppEntityCodeUpgradeProposal ( address indexed _address, bytes32 indexed _sourceCodeUrl );
event EventAppEntityInitAsset ( bytes32 indexed _name, address indexed _address );
event EventAppEntityInitAssetsToThis ( uint8 indexed _assetNum );
event EventAppEntityAssetsToNewApplication ( address indexed _address );
event EventAppEntityLocked ( address indexed _address );
address public deployerAddress;
function ApplicationEntity() public {
deployerAddress = msg.sender;
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("NEW");
function setEntityStates() internal {
// ApplicationEntity States
EntityStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
EntityStates["NEW"] = 1;
EntityStates["WAITING"] = 2;
EntityStates["IN_FUNDING"] = 3;
EntityStates["IN_DEVELOPMENT"] = 5;
EntityStates["IN_CODE_UPGRADE"] = 50;
EntityStates["UPGRADED"] = 100;
EntityStates["IN_GLOBAL_CASHBACK"] = 150;
EntityStates["LOCKED"] = 200;
EntityStates["DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE"] = 250;
function getEntityState(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint8) {
return EntityStates[name];
* Initialize Application and it's assets
* If gateway is freshly deployed, just link
* else, create a voting proposal that needs to be accepted for the linking
* @param address _newAddress
* @param bytes32 _sourceCodeUrl
* @modifiers requireNoParent, requireNotInitialised
function linkToGateway(
address _GatewayInterfaceAddress,
bytes32 _sourceCodeUrl
GatewayInterfaceAddress = _GatewayInterfaceAddress;
sourceCodeUrl = _sourceCodeUrl;
// init gateway entity and set app address
GatewayInterfaceEntity = GatewayInterface(GatewayInterfaceAddress);
GatewayInterfaceEntity.requestCodeUpgrade( address(this), sourceCodeUrl );
function setUpgradeState(uint8 state) public onlyGatewayInterface {
CurrentEntityState = state;
For the sake of simplicity, and solidity warnings about "unknown gas usage" do this.. instead of sending
an array of addresses
function addAssetProposals(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
ProposalsEntity = Proposals(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("Proposals", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetFunding(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
FundingEntity = Funding(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("Funding", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetMilestones(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
MilestonesEntity = Milestones(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("Milestones", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetMeetings(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
MeetingsEntity = Meetings(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("Meetings", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetBountyManager(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
BountyManagerEntity = BountyManager(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("BountyManager", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetTokenManager(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
TokenManagerEntity = TokenManager(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("TokenManager", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetFundingManager(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
FundingManagerEntity = FundingManager(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("FundingManager", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetListingContract(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
ListingContractEntity = ListingContract(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("ListingContract", _assetAddresses);
function addAssetNewsContract(address _assetAddresses) external requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
NewsContractEntity = NewsContract(_assetAddresses);
assetInitialized("NewsContract", _assetAddresses);
function assetInitialized(bytes32 name, address _assetAddresses) internal {
if(AssetCollection[name] == 0x0) {
AssetCollectionIdToName[AssetCollectionNum] = name;
AssetCollection[name] = _assetAddresses;
} else {
// just replace
AssetCollection[name] = _assetAddresses;
EventAppEntityInitAsset(name, _assetAddresses);
function getAssetAddressByName(bytes32 _name) public view returns (address) {
return AssetCollection[_name];
/* Application Bylaws mapping */
mapping (bytes32 => uint256) public BylawsUint256;
mapping (bytes32 => bytes32) public BylawsBytes32;
function setBylawUint256(bytes32 name, uint256 value) public requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
BylawsUint256[name] = value;
function getBylawUint256(bytes32 name) public view requireInitialised returns (uint256) {
return BylawsUint256[name];
function setBylawBytes32(bytes32 name, bytes32 value) public requireNotInitialised onlyDeployer {
BylawsBytes32[name] = value;
function getBylawBytes32(bytes32 name) public view requireInitialised returns (bytes32) {
return BylawsBytes32[name];
function initialize() external requireNotInitialised onlyGatewayInterface returns (bool) {
_initialized = true;
EventAppEntityReady( address(this) );
return true;
function getParentAddress() external view returns(address) {
return GatewayInterfaceAddress;
function createCodeUpgradeProposal(
address _newAddress,
bytes32 _sourceCodeUrl
returns (uint256)
// proposals create new.. code upgrade proposal
EventAppEntityCodeUpgradeProposal ( _newAddress, _sourceCodeUrl );
// return true;
return ProposalsEntity.addCodeUpgradeProposal(_newAddress, _sourceCodeUrl);
* Only a proposal can update the ApplicationEntity Contract address
* @param address _newAddress
* @modifiers onlyProposalsAsset
function acceptCodeUpgradeProposal(address _newAddress) external onlyProposalsAsset {
GatewayInterfaceEntity.approveCodeUpgrade( _newAddress );
function initializeAssetsToThisApplication() external onlyGatewayInterface returns (bool) {
for(uint8 i = 0; i < AssetCollectionNum; i++ ) {
bytes32 _name = AssetCollectionIdToName[i];
address current = AssetCollection[_name];
if(current != address(0x0)) {
if(!"setInitialOwnerAndName(bytes32)")), _name) ) {
} else {
EventAppEntityInitAssetsToThis( AssetCollectionNum );
return true;
function transferAssetsToNewApplication(address _newAddress) external onlyGatewayInterface returns (bool){
for(uint8 i = 0; i < AssetCollectionNum; i++ ) {
bytes32 _name = AssetCollectionIdToName[i];
address current = AssetCollection[_name];
if(current != address(0x0)) {
if(!"transferToNewOwner(address)")), _newAddress) ) {
} else {
EventAppEntityAssetsToNewApplication ( _newAddress );
return true;
* Only the gateway interface can lock current app after a successful code upgrade proposal
* @modifiers onlyGatewayInterface
function lock() external onlyGatewayInterface returns (bool) {
_locked = true;
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("UPGRADED");
return true;
DUMMY METHOD, to be replaced in a future Code Upgrade with a check to determine if sender should be able to initiate a code upgrade
specifically used after milestone development completes
address testAddressAllowUpgradeFrom;
function canInitiateCodeUpgrade(address _sender) public view returns(bool) {
// suppress warning
if(testAddressAllowUpgradeFrom != 0x0 && testAddressAllowUpgradeFrom == _sender) {
return true;
return false;
* Throws if called by any other entity except GatewayInterface
modifier onlyGatewayInterface() {
require(GatewayInterfaceAddress != address(0) && msg.sender == GatewayInterfaceAddress);
* Throws if called by any other entity except Proposals Asset Contract
modifier onlyProposalsAsset() {
require(msg.sender == address(ProposalsEntity));
modifier requireNoParent() {
require(GatewayInterfaceAddress == address(0x0));
modifier requireNotInitialised() {
require(_initialized == false && _locked == false);
modifier requireInitialised() {
require(_initialized == true && _locked == false);
modifier onlyDeployer() {
require(msg.sender == deployerAddress);
event DebugApplicationRequiredChanges( uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required );
event EventApplicationEntityProcessor(uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required);
We could create a generic method that iterates through all assets, and using assembly language get the return
value of the "hasRequiredStateChanges" method on each asset. Based on return, run doStateChanges on them or not.
Or we could be using a generic ABI contract that only defines the "hasRequiredStateChanges" and "doStateChanges"
methods thus not requiring any assembly variable / memory management
Problem with both cases is the fact that our application needs to change only specific asset states depending
on it's own current state, thus making a generic call wasteful in gas usage.
Let's stay away from that and follow the same approach as we do inside an asset.
- view method: -> get required state changes
- view method: -> has state changes
- processor that does the actual changes.
- doStateChanges recursive method that runs the processor if views require it to.
// pretty similar to FundingManager
function doStateChanges() public {
if(!_locked) {
// process assets first so we can initialize them from NEW to WAITING
var (returnedCurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
bool callAgain = false;
DebugApplicationRequiredChanges( returnedCurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
callAgain = true;
} else {
function hasRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (bool) {
bool hasChanges = false;
if(!_locked) {
var (returnedCurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
// suppress unused local variable warning
returnedCurrentEntityState = 0;
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
hasChanges = true;
if(anyAssetHasChanges()) {
hasChanges = true;
return hasChanges;
function anyAssetHasChanges() public view returns (bool) {
if( FundingEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
return true;
if( FundingManagerEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
return true;
if( MilestonesEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
return true;
if( ProposalsEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
return true;
return extendedAnyAssetHasChanges();
// use this when extending "has changes"
function extendedAnyAssetHasChanges() internal view returns (bool) {
if(_initialized) {}
return false;
// use this when extending "asset state processor"
function extendedAssetProcessor() internal {
// does not exist, but we check anyway to bypass compier warning about function state mutability
if ( CurrentEntityState == 255 ) {
// view methods decide if changes are to be made
// in case of tasks, we do them in the Processors.
function AssetProcessor() internal {
if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("NEW") ) {
// move all assets that have states to "WAITING"
if(FundingEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges()) {
if(FundingManagerEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges()) {
if( MilestonesEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING") ) {
if( FundingEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_FUNDING") ) {
if( FundingEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
if( FundingManagerEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT") ) {
if( FundingManagerEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges() ) {
if(MilestonesEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges()) {
if(ProposalsEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges()) {
else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE") ) {
if(ProposalsEntity.hasRequiredStateChanges()) {
function EntityProcessor(uint8 EntityStateRequired) internal {
EventApplicationEntityProcessor( CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
// Update our Entity State
CurrentEntityState = EntityStateRequired;
// Do State Specific Updates
if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("IN_FUNDING") ) {
// run Funding state changer
// doStateChanges
// EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_FUNDING");
// Funding Failed
if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_START") ) {
// set ProcessVaultList Task
currentTask = getHash("FUNDING_FAILED_START", "");
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_PROGRESS") ) {
// Funding Successful
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START") ) {
// init SCADA variable cache.
if(TokenSCADAEntity.initCacheForVariables()) {
// start processing vaults
currentTask = getHash("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START", "");
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS");
} else {
// something went really wrong, just bail out for now
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_START");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS") ) {
// Milestones
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_START") ) {
currentTask = getHash("MILESTONE_PROCESS_START", getCurrentMilestoneId() );
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
// Completion
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_START") ) {
currentTask = getHash("COMPLETE_PROCESS_START", "");
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
* Method: Get Entity Required State Changes
* @access public
* @type method
* @return ( uint8 CurrentEntityState, uint8 EntityStateRequired )
function getRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (uint8, uint8) {
uint8 EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("__IGNORED__");
if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("NEW") ) {
// general so we know we initialized
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING") ) {
// Funding Started
if( FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("IN_PROGRESS") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_FUNDING");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_FUNDING") ) {
if(FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL_FINAL")) {
// SUCCESSFUL_FINAL means FUNDING was successful, and FundingManager has finished distributing tokens and ether
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT");
} else if(FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("FAILED_FINAL")) {
// Funding failed..
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_GLOBAL_CASHBACK");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT") ) {
// this is where most things happen
// milestones get developed
// code upgrades get initiated
// proposals get created and voted
if(ProposalsEntity.CurrentEntityState() == ProposalsEntity.getEntityState("CODE_UPGRADE_ACCEPTED")) {
// check if we have an upgrade proposal that is accepted and move into said state
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("START_CODE_UPGRADE");
if(MilestonesEntity.CurrentEntityState() == MilestonesEntity.getEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE")) {
// check if we finished developing all milestones .. and if so move state to complete.
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE");
if(MilestonesEntity.CurrentEntityState() == MilestonesEntity.getEntityState("DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_FAILED")) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_GLOBAL_CASHBACK");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("START_CODE_UPGRADE") ) {
// check stuff to move into IN_CODE_UPGRADE
// EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_CODE_UPGRADE");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_CODE_UPGRADE") ) {
// check stuff to finish
// EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FINISHED_CODE_UPGRADE");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FINISHED_CODE_UPGRADE") ) {
// EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE");
// EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FINISHED_CODE_UPGRADE");
return (CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired);
function getTimestamp() view public returns (uint256) {
return now;
contract ApplicationEntityABI {
address public ProposalsEntity;
address public FundingEntity;
address public MilestonesEntity;
address public MeetingsEntity;
address public BountyManagerEntity;
address public TokenManagerEntity;
address public ListingContractEntity;
address public FundingManagerEntity;
address public NewsContractEntity;
address public deployerAddress;
uint8 public CurrentEntityState;
function getAssetAddressByName(bytes32 _name) public view returns (address);
function getBylawUint256(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint256);
function getBylawBytes32(bytes32 name) public view returns (bytes32);
function getEntityState(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint8);
function canInitiateCodeUpgrade(address _sender) public view returns(bool);
function acceptCodeUpgradeProposal(address _newAddress) external ;
contract BountyManager is ApplicationAsset {
Funding FundingEntity;
Token TokenEntity;
function runBeforeApplyingSettings()
address FundingAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Funding');
FundingEntity = Funding(FundingAddress);
address TokenManagerAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('TokenManager');
TokenManager TokenManagerEntity = TokenManager(TokenManagerAddress);
TokenEntity = Token(TokenManagerEntity.TokenEntity());
function sendBounty( address _receiver, uint256 _amount )
if( FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL_FINAL") ) {
TokenEntity.transfer( _receiver, _amount );
} else {
contract Funding is ApplicationAsset {
address public multiSigOutputAddress;
FundingInputDirect public DirectInput;
FundingInputMilestone public MilestoneInput;
// mapping (bytes32 => uint8) public FundingMethods;
enum FundingMethodIds {
TokenManager public TokenManagerEntity;
FundingManager public FundingManagerEntity;
event FundingStageCreated( uint8 indexed index, bytes32 indexed name );
struct FundingStage {
bytes32 name;
uint8 state;
uint256 time_start;
uint256 time_end;
uint256 amount_cap_soft; // 0 = not enforced
uint256 amount_cap_hard; // 0 = not enforced
uint256 amount_raised; // 0 = not enforced
// funding method settings
uint256 minimum_entry;
uint8 methods; // FundingMethodIds
// token settings
uint256 fixed_tokens;
uint8 price_addition_percentage; //
uint8 token_share_percentage;
uint8 index;
mapping (uint8 => FundingStage) public Collection;
uint8 public FundingStageNum = 0;
uint8 public currentFundingStage = 1;
// funding settings
uint256 public AmountRaised = 0;
uint256 public MilestoneAmountRaised = 0;
uint256 public GlobalAmountCapSoft = 0;
uint256 public GlobalAmountCapHard = 0;
uint8 public TokenSellPercentage = 0;
uint256 public Funding_Setting_funding_time_start = 0;
uint256 public Funding_Setting_funding_time_end = 0;
uint256 public Funding_Setting_cashback_time_start = 0;
// end time is ignored at this stage, anyone can cashback forever if funding fails.
uint256 public Funding_Setting_cashback_time_end = 0;
// to be taken from application bylaws
uint256 public Funding_Setting_cashback_before_start_wait_duration = 7 days;
uint256 public Funding_Setting_cashback_duration = 365 days;
event LifeCycle();
event DebugRecordRequiredChanges( bytes32 indexed _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required );
event DebugCallAgain(uint8 indexed _who);
event EventEntityProcessor(bytes32 indexed _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required);
event EventRecordProcessor(bytes32 indexed _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required);
event DebugAction(bytes32 indexed _name, bool indexed _allowed);
event EventFundingReceivedPayment(address indexed _sender, uint8 indexed _payment_method, uint256 indexed _amount );
function runBeforeInitialization() internal requireNotInitialised {
DirectInput = new FundingInputDirect();
MilestoneInput = new FundingInputMilestone();
// instantiate token manager, moved from runBeforeApplyingSettings
TokenManagerEntity = TokenManager( getApplicationAssetAddressByName('TokenManager') );
FundingManagerEntity = FundingManager( getApplicationAssetAddressByName('FundingManager') );
function setAssetStates() internal {
// Asset States
EntityStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
EntityStates["NEW"] = 1;
EntityStates["WAITING"] = 2;
EntityStates["IN_PROGRESS"] = 3;
EntityStates["COOLDOWN"] = 4;
EntityStates["FUNDING_ENDED"] = 5;
EntityStates["FAILED"] = 6;
EntityStates["FAILED_FINAL"] = 7;
EntityStates["SUCCESSFUL"] = 8;
EntityStates["SUCCESSFUL_FINAL"]= 9;
// Funding Stage States
RecordStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
RecordStates["NEW"] = 1;
RecordStates["IN_PROGRESS"] = 2;
RecordStates["FINAL"] = 3;
function addSettings(address _outputAddress, uint256 soft_cap, uint256 hard_cap, uint8 sale_percentage )
if(soft_cap > hard_cap) {
multiSigOutputAddress = _outputAddress;
GlobalAmountCapSoft = soft_cap;
GlobalAmountCapHard = hard_cap;
if(sale_percentage > 90) {
TokenSellPercentage = sale_percentage;
function addFundingStage(
bytes32 _name,
uint256 _time_start,
uint256 _time_end,
uint256 _amount_cap_soft,
uint256 _amount_cap_hard, // required > 0
uint8 _methods,
uint256 _minimum_entry,
uint256 _fixed_tokens,
uint8 _price_addition_percentage,
uint8 _token_share_percentage
// make sure end time is later than start time
if(_time_end <= _time_start) {
// make sure hard cap exists!
if(_amount_cap_hard == 0) {
// make sure soft cap is not higher than hard cap
if(_amount_cap_soft > _amount_cap_hard) {
if(_token_share_percentage > 0) {
FundingStage storage prevRecord = Collection[FundingStageNum];
if(FundingStageNum > 0) {
// new stage does not start before the previous one ends
if( _time_start <= prevRecord.time_end ) {
if(TokenManagerEntity.getTokenSCADARequiresHardCap() == false)
// make sure previous stage + new stage token percentage does not amount to over 90%
if( _token_share_percentage + prevRecord.token_share_percentage > 90 ) {
FundingStage storage record = Collection[++FundingStageNum]; = _name;
record.time_start = _time_start;
record.time_end = _time_end;
record.amount_cap_soft = _amount_cap_soft;
record.amount_cap_hard = _amount_cap_hard;
// funding method settings
record.methods = _methods;
record.minimum_entry = _minimum_entry;
// token settings
record.fixed_tokens = _fixed_tokens;
record.price_addition_percentage = _price_addition_percentage;
record.token_share_percentage = _token_share_percentage;
// state new
record.state = getRecordState("NEW");
record.index = FundingStageNum;
FundingStageCreated( FundingStageNum, _name );
function adjustFundingSettingsBasedOnNewFundingStage() internal {
if(TokenManagerEntity.getTokenSCADARequiresHardCap() == false) {
uint8 local_TokenSellPercentage;
for(uint8 i = 1; i <= FundingStageNum; i++) {
FundingStage storage rec = Collection[i];
// cumulate sell percentages
local_TokenSellPercentage+= rec.token_share_percentage;
TokenSellPercentage = local_TokenSellPercentage;
// set funding start
Funding_Setting_funding_time_start = Collection[1].time_start;
// set funding end
Funding_Setting_funding_time_end = Collection[FundingStageNum].time_end;
// cashback starts 1 day after funding status is failed
Funding_Setting_cashback_time_start = Funding_Setting_funding_time_end + Funding_Setting_cashback_before_start_wait_duration;
Funding_Setting_cashback_time_end = Funding_Setting_cashback_time_start + Funding_Setting_cashback_duration;
function getStageAmount(uint8 StageId) public view returns ( uint256 ) {
return Collection[StageId].fixed_tokens;
function allowedPaymentMethod(uint8 _payment_method) public pure returns (bool) {
_payment_method == uint8(FundingMethodIds.DIRECT_ONLY) ||
_payment_method == uint8(FundingMethodIds.MILESTONE_ONLY)
return true;
} else {
return false;
function receivePayment(address _sender, uint8 _payment_method)
// check that msg.value is higher than 0, don't really want to have to deal with minus in case the network breaks this somehow
if(allowedPaymentMethod(_payment_method) && canAcceptPayment(msg.value) ) {
uint256 contributed_value = msg.value;
uint256 amountOverCap = getValueOverCurrentCap(contributed_value);
if ( amountOverCap > 0 ) {
// calculate how much we can accept
// update contributed value
contributed_value -= amountOverCap;
Collection[currentFundingStage].amount_raised+= contributed_value;
AmountRaised+= contributed_value;
if(_payment_method == uint8(FundingMethodIds.MILESTONE_ONLY)) {
EventFundingReceivedPayment(_sender, _payment_method, contributed_value);
if( FundingManagerEntity.receivePayment.value(contributed_value)( _sender, _payment_method, currentFundingStage ) ) {
if(amountOverCap > 0) {
// last step, if we received more than we can accept, send remaining back
// amountOverCap sent back
if( _sender.send(this.balance) ) {
return true;
else {
} else {
return true;
} else {
} else {
modifier onlyInputPaymentMethod() {
require(msg.sender != 0x0 && ( msg.sender == address(DirectInput) || msg.sender == address(MilestoneInput) ));
function canAcceptPayment(uint256 _amount) public view returns (bool) {
if( _amount > 0 ) {
// funding state should be IN_PROGRESS, no state changes should be required
if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_PROGRESS") && hasRequiredStateChanges() == false) {
return true;
return false;
function getValueOverCurrentCap(uint256 _amount) public view returns (uint256) {
FundingStage memory record = Collection[currentFundingStage];
uint256 remaining = record.amount_cap_hard - AmountRaised;
if( _amount > remaining ) {
return _amount - remaining;
return 0;
* Update Existing FundingStage
* @param uint8 _record_id
* @param uint8 _new_state
* @param uint8 _duration
* @access public
* @type method
* @modifiers onlyOwner, requireInitialised, updateAllowed
* @return void
function updateFundingStage( uint8 _new_state )
returns (bool)
FundingStage storage rec = Collection[currentFundingStage];
rec.state = _new_state;
return true;
* Modifier: Validate if record updates are allowed
* @type modifier
* @param uint8 _record_id
* @param uint8 _new_state
* @param uint256 _duration
* @return bool
modifier FundingStageUpdateAllowed(uint8 _new_state) {
require( isFundingStageUpdateAllowed( _new_state ) );
* Method: Validate if record can be updated to requested state
* @access public
* @type method
* @param uint8 _record_id
* @param uint8 _new_state
* @return bool
function isFundingStageUpdateAllowed(uint8 _new_state ) public view returns (bool) {
var (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
CurrentRecordState = 0;
EntityStateRequired = 0;
if(_new_state == uint8(RecordStateRequired)) {
return true;
return false;
* Funding Phase changes
* Method: Get FundingStage Required State Changes
* @access public
* @type method
* @modifiers onlyOwner
* @return uint8 RecordStateRequired
function getRecordStateRequiredChanges() public view returns (uint8) {
FundingStage memory record = Collection[currentFundingStage];
uint8 RecordStateRequired = getRecordState("__IGNORED__");
if(record.state == getRecordState("FINAL")) {
return getRecordState("__IGNORED__");
If funding stage is not started and timestamp is after start time:
- we need to change state to IN_PROGRESS so we can start receiving funds
if( getTimestamp() >= record.time_start ) {
RecordStateRequired = getRecordState("IN_PROGRESS");
This is where we're accepting payments unless we can change state to FINAL
1. Check if timestamp is after record time_end
2. Check hard caps
All lead to state change => FINAL
// Time check
if(getTimestamp() >= record.time_end) {
// Funding Phase ended passed
return getRecordState("FINAL");
// will trigger in pre-ico
// Record Hard Cap Check
if(AmountRaised >= record.amount_cap_hard) {
// record hard cap reached
return getRecordState("FINAL");
// will trigger in ico
// Global Hard Cap Check
if(AmountRaised >= GlobalAmountCapHard) {
// hard cap reached
return getRecordState("FINAL");
if( record.state == RecordStateRequired ) {
RecordStateRequired = getRecordState("__IGNORED__");
return RecordStateRequired;
function doStateChanges() public {
var (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
bool callAgain = false;
DebugRecordRequiredChanges( assetName, CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired );
DebugEntityRequiredChanges( assetName, CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
if( RecordStateRequired != getRecordState("__IGNORED__") ) {
// process record changes.
RecordProcessor(CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired);
callAgain = true;
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
// process entity changes.
// if(CurrentEntityState != EntityStateRequired) {
callAgain = true;
function hasRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (bool) {
bool hasChanges = false;
var (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
CurrentRecordState = 0;
if( RecordStateRequired != getRecordState("__IGNORED__") ) {
hasChanges = true;
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
hasChanges = true;
return hasChanges;
// view methods decide if changes are to be made
// in case of tasks, we do them in the Processors.
function RecordProcessor(uint8 CurrentRecordState, uint8 RecordStateRequired) internal {
EventRecordProcessor( assetName, CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired );
updateFundingStage( RecordStateRequired );
if( RecordStateRequired == getRecordState("FINAL") ) {
if(currentFundingStage < FundingStageNum) {
// jump to next stage
function EntityProcessor(uint8 EntityStateRequired) internal {
EventEntityProcessor( assetName, CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
// Do State Specific Updates
// Update our Entity State
CurrentEntityState = EntityStateRequired;
if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_ENDED") ) {
@Processor hook
Action: Check if funding is successful or not, and move state to "FAILED" or "SUCCESSFUL"
// Global Hard Cap Check
if(AmountRaised >= GlobalAmountCapSoft) {
// hard cap reached
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL");
} else {
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("FAILED");
* Method: Get Record and Entity State Changes
* @access public
* @type method
* @modifiers onlyOwner
* @return ( uint8 CurrentRecordState, uint8 RecordStateRequired, uint8 EntityStateRequired)
function getRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (uint8, uint8, uint8) {
// get FundingStage current state
FundingStage memory record = Collection[currentFundingStage];
uint8 CurrentRecordState = record.state;
uint8 RecordStateRequired = getRecordStateRequiredChanges();
uint8 EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("__IGNORED__");
// Funding Record State Overrides
// if(CurrentRecordState != RecordStateRequired) {
if(RecordStateRequired != getRecordState("__IGNORED__"))
// direct state overrides by funding stage
if(RecordStateRequired == getRecordState("IN_PROGRESS") ) {
// both funding stage and entity states need to move to IN_PROGRESS
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_PROGRESS");
} else if (RecordStateRequired == getRecordState("FINAL")) {
// funding stage moves to FINAL
if (currentFundingStage == FundingStageNum) {
// if current funding is last
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_ENDED");
else {
// start cooldown between funding stages
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("COOLDOWN");
} else {
// Records do not require any updates.
// Do Entity Checks
if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("NEW") ) {
Processor Action: Allocate Tokens to Funding / Owners then Update to WAITING
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_ENDED") ) {
Processor Action: Check if funding is successful or not, and move state to "SUCCESSFUL" or "FAILED"
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL") ) {
Processor Action: none
External Action:
FundingManager - Run Internal Processor ( deliver tokens, deliver direct funding eth )
// check funding manager has processed the FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL Task, if true => FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_DONE
if(FundingManagerEntity.taskByHash( FundingManagerEntity.getHash("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START", "") ) == true) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL_FINAL");
if( FundingManagerEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingManagerEntity.getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_DONE") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL_FINAL");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FAILED") ) {
Processor Action: none
External Action:
FundingManager - Run Internal Processor (release tokens to owner) ( Cashback is available )
// check funding manager state, if FUNDING_NOT_PROCESSED -> getEntityState("__IGNORED__")
if(FundingManagerEntity.taskByHash( FundingManagerEntity.getHash("FUNDING_FAILED_START", "") ) == true) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FAILED_FINAL");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL_FINAL") ) {
Processor Action: none
External Action:
Application: Run Internal Processor ( Change State to IN_DEVELOPMENT )
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FAILED_FINAL") ) {
Processor Action: none
External Action:
Application: Run Internal Processor ( Change State to FUNDING_FAILED )
return (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired);
contract FundingManager is ApplicationAsset {
Funding FundingEntity;
TokenManager TokenManagerEntity;
Token TokenEntity;
TokenSCADAVariable TokenSCADAEntity;
Proposals ProposalsEntity;
Milestones MilestonesEntity;
uint256 public LockedVotingTokens = 0;
event EventFundingManagerReceivedPayment(address indexed _vault, uint8 indexed _payment_method, uint256 indexed _amount );
event EventFundingManagerProcessedVault(address _vault, uint256 id );
mapping (address => address) public vaultList;
mapping (uint256 => address) public vaultById;
uint256 public vaultNum = 0;
function setAssetStates() internal {
// Asset States
EntityStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
EntityStates["NEW"] = 1;
EntityStates["WAITING"] = 2;
EntityStates["FUNDING_FAILED_START"] = 10;
EntityStates["FUNDING_FAILED_DONE"] = 12;
EntityStates["MILESTONE_PROCESS_DONE"] = 32;
EntityStates["EMERGENCY_PROCESS_DONE"] = 42;
EntityStates["COMPLETE_PROCESS_START"] = 100;
EntityStates["COMPLETE_PROCESS_DONE"] = 102;
// Funding Stage States
RecordStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
function runBeforeApplyingSettings()
address FundingAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Funding');
FundingEntity = Funding(FundingAddress);
address TokenManagerAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('TokenManager');
TokenManagerEntity = TokenManager(TokenManagerAddress);
TokenEntity = Token(TokenManagerEntity.TokenEntity());
address TokenSCADAAddress = TokenManagerEntity.TokenSCADAEntity();
TokenSCADAEntity = TokenSCADAVariable(TokenSCADAAddress) ;
address MilestonesAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Milestones');
MilestonesEntity = Milestones(MilestonesAddress) ;
address ProposalsAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Proposals');
ProposalsEntity = Proposals(ProposalsAddress) ;
function receivePayment(address _sender, uint8 _payment_method, uint8 _funding_stage)
// check that msg.value is higher than 0, don't really want to have to deal with minus in case the network breaks this somehow
if(msg.value > 0) {
FundingVault vault;
// no vault present
if(!hasVault(_sender)) {
// create and initialize a new one
vault = new FundingVault();
)) {
// store new vault address.
vaultList[_sender] = vault;
// increase internal vault number
// assign vault to by int registry
vaultById[vaultNum] = vault;
} else {
} else {
// use existing vault
vault = FundingVault(vaultList[_sender]);
EventFundingManagerReceivedPayment(vault, _payment_method, msg.value);
if( vault.addPayment.value(msg.value)( _payment_method, _funding_stage ) ) {
// if payment is received in the vault then mint tokens based on the received value! vault, TokenSCADAEntity.getTokensForValueInCurrentStage(msg.value) );
return true;
} else {
} else {
function getMyVaultAddress(address _sender) public view returns (address) {
return vaultList[_sender];
function hasVault(address _sender) internal view returns(bool) {
if(vaultList[_sender] != address(0x0)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool public fundingProcessed = false;
uint256 public lastProcessedVaultId = 0;
uint8 public VaultCountPerProcess = 10;
bytes32 public currentTask = "";
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public taskByHash;
function setVaultCountPerProcess(uint8 _perProcess) external onlyDeployer {
if(_perProcess > 0) {
VaultCountPerProcess = _perProcess;
} else {
function getHash(bytes32 actionType, bytes32 arg1) public pure returns ( bytes32 ) {
return keccak256(actionType, arg1);
function getCurrentMilestoneProcessed() public view returns (bool) {
return taskByHash[ getHash("MILESTONE_PROCESS_START", getCurrentMilestoneIdHash() ) ];
function ProcessVaultList(uint8 length) internal {
if(taskByHash[currentTask] == false) {
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_PROGRESS") ||
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS") ||
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ||
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ||
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_PROGRESS")
) {
uint256 start = lastProcessedVaultId + 1;
uint256 end = start + length - 1;
if(end > vaultNum) {
end = vaultNum;
// first run
if(start == 1) {
// reset LockedVotingTokens, as we reindex them
LockedVotingTokens = 0;
for(uint256 i = start; i <= end; i++) {
address currentVault = vaultById[i];
EventFundingManagerProcessedVault(currentVault, i);
if(lastProcessedVaultId >= vaultNum ) {
// reset iterator and set task state to true so we can't call it again.
lastProcessedVaultId = 0;
taskByHash[currentTask] = true;
} else {
} else {
function processFundingFailedFinished() public view returns (bool) {
bytes32 thisHash = getHash("FUNDING_FAILED_START", "");
return taskByHash[thisHash];
function processFundingSuccessfulFinished() public view returns (bool) {
bytes32 thisHash = getHash("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START", "");
return taskByHash[thisHash];
function getCurrentMilestoneIdHash() internal view returns (bytes32) {
return bytes32(MilestonesEntity.currentRecord());
function processMilestoneFinished() public view returns (bool) {
bytes32 thisHash = getHash("MILESTONE_PROCESS_START", getCurrentMilestoneIdHash());
return taskByHash[thisHash];
function processEmergencyFundReleaseFinished() public view returns (bool) {
bytes32 thisHash = getHash("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_START", bytes32(0));
return taskByHash[thisHash];
function ProcessFundingVault(address vaultAddress ) internal {
FundingVault vault = FundingVault(vaultAddress);
if(vault.allFundingProcessed() == false) {
if(CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS")) {
// tokens are minted and allocated to this vault when it receives payments.
// vault should now hold as many tokens as the investor bought using direct and milestone funding,
// as well as the ether they sent
// "direct funding" release -> funds to owner / tokens to investor
if(!vault.ReleaseFundsAndTokens()) {
} else if(CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS")) {
// release funds to owner / tokens to investor
if(!vault.ReleaseFundsAndTokens()) {
} else if(CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_PROGRESS")) {
// release emergency funds to owner / tokens to investor
if(!vault.releaseTokensAndEtherForEmergencyFund()) {
// For proposal voting, we need to know how many investor locked tokens remain.
LockedVotingTokens+= getAfterTransferLockedTokenBalances(vaultAddress, true);
function getAfterTransferLockedTokenBalances(address vaultAddress, bool excludeCurrent) public view returns (uint256) {
FundingVault vault = FundingVault(vaultAddress);
uint8 currentMilestone = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
uint256 LockedBalance = 0;
// handle emergency funding first
if(vault.emergencyFundReleased() == false) {
// get token balances starting from current
uint8 start = currentMilestone;
if(CurrentEntityState != getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS")) {
if(excludeCurrent == true) {
for(uint8 i = start; i < vault.BalanceNum() ; i++) {
return LockedBalance;
function VaultRequestedUpdateForLockedVotingTokens(address owner) public {
// validate sender
address vaultAddress = vaultList[owner];
if(msg.sender == vaultAddress){
// get token balances starting from current
LockedVotingTokens-= getAfterTransferLockedTokenBalances(vaultAddress, false);
bool FundingPoolBalancesAllocated = false;
function AllocateAfterFundingBalances() internal {
// allocate owner, advisor, bounty pools
if(FundingPoolBalancesAllocated == false) {
// mint em!
uint256 mintedSupply = TokenEntity.totalSupply();
uint256 salePercent = getAppBylawUint256("token_sale_percentage");
// find one percent
uint256 onePercent = (mintedSupply * 1 / salePercent * 100) / 100;
// bounty tokens
uint256 bountyPercent = getAppBylawUint256("token_bounty_percentage");
uint256 bountyValue = onePercent * bountyPercent;
address BountyManagerAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName("BountyManager"); BountyManagerAddress, bountyValue );
// project tokens
// should be 40
uint256 projectPercent = 100 - salePercent - bountyPercent;
uint256 projectValue = onePercent * projectPercent;
// project tokens get minted to Token Manager's address, and are locked there TokenManagerEntity, projectValue );
FundingPoolBalancesAllocated = true;
function doStateChanges() public {
var (returnedCurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
bool callAgain = false;
DebugEntityRequiredChanges( assetName, returnedCurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
callAgain = true;
function hasRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (bool) {
bool hasChanges = false;
var (returnedCurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
// suppress unused local variable warning
returnedCurrentEntityState = 0;
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
hasChanges = true;
return hasChanges;
function EntityProcessor(uint8 EntityStateRequired) internal {
EventEntityProcessor( assetName, CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
// Update our Entity State
CurrentEntityState = EntityStateRequired;
// Do State Specific Updates
// Funding Failed
if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_START") ) {
// set ProcessVaultList Task
currentTask = getHash("FUNDING_FAILED_START", "");
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_PROGRESS") ) {
// Funding Successful
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START") ) {
// init SCADA variable cache.
//if(TokenSCADAEntity.initCacheForVariables()) {
// start processing vaults
currentTask = getHash("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START", "");
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS") ) {
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_ALLOCATE") ) {
// Milestones
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_START") ) {
currentTask = getHash("MILESTONE_PROCESS_START", getCurrentMilestoneIdHash() );
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
// Emergency funding release
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_START") ) {
currentTask = getHash("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_START", bytes32(0) );
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
// Completion
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_START") ) {
currentTask = getHash("COMPLETE_PROCESS_START", "");
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else if ( EntityStateRequired == getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
// release platform owner tokens from token manager
TokenManagerEntity.ReleaseOwnersLockedTokens( FundingEntity.multiSigOutputAddress() );
CurrentEntityState = getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_DONE");
* Method: Get Entity Required State Changes
* @access public
* @type method
* @return ( uint8 CurrentEntityState, uint8 EntityStateRequired )
function getRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (uint8, uint8) {
uint8 EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("__IGNORED__");
if(ApplicationInFundingOrDevelopment()) {
if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING") ) {
This is where we decide if we should process something
// For funding
if(FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("FAILED")) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_START");
else if(FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL")) {
// make sure we haven't processed this yet
if(taskByHash[ getHash("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START", "") ] == false) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_START");
else if(FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL_FINAL")) {
if ( processMilestoneFinished() == false) {
MilestonesEntity.CurrentEntityState() == MilestonesEntity.getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_YES") ||
MilestonesEntity.CurrentEntityState() == MilestonesEntity.getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_NO_FINAL")
) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_START");
if(processEmergencyFundReleaseFinished() == false) {
if(ProposalsEntity.EmergencyFundingReleaseApproved() == true) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_START");
// else, check if all milestones have been processed and try finalising development process
// EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_START");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS") ) {
// still in progress? check if we should move to done
if ( processFundingSuccessfulFinished() ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_ALLOCATE");
} else {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_ALLOCATE") ) {
if(FundingPoolBalancesAllocated) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_DONE");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_DONE") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING");
// Funding Failed
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_PROGRESS") ) {
// still in progress? check if we should move to done
if ( processFundingFailedFinished() ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_DONE");
} else {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("FUNDING_FAILED_PROGRESS");
// Milestone process
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
// still in progress? check if we should move to done
if ( processMilestoneFinished() ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_DONE");
} else {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_DONE") ) {
if(processMilestoneFinished() == false) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING");
} else if(MilestonesEntity.currentRecord() == MilestonesEntity.RecordNum()) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_START");
// Emergency funding release
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
// still in progress? check if we should move to done
if ( processEmergencyFundReleaseFinished() ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_DONE");
} else {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("EMERGENCY_PROCESS_DONE") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING");
// Completion
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_PROGRESS") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_PROGRESS");
} else {
if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("NEW") ) {
// general so we know we initialized
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING");
return (CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired);
function ApplicationInFundingOrDevelopment() public view returns(bool) {
uint8 AppState = getApplicationState();
AppState == getApplicationEntityState("IN_FUNDING") ||
AppState == getApplicationEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT")
) {
return true;
return false;
contract FundingVault {
/* Asset initialised or not */
bool public _initialized = false;
vaultOwner - the address of the wallet that stores purchases in this vault ( investor address )
outputAddress - address where funds go upon successful funding or successful milestone release
managerAddress - address of the "FundingManager"
address public vaultOwner ;
address public outputAddress;
address public managerAddress;
Lock and BlackHole settings
bool public allFundingProcessed = false;
bool public DirectFundingProcessed = false;
// ApplicationEntityABI public ApplicationEntity;
Funding FundingEntity;
FundingManager FundingManagerEntity;
Milestones MilestonesEntity;
Proposals ProposalsEntity;
// TokenManager TokenManagerEntity;
TokenSCADAVariable TokenSCADAEntity;
// address TokenSCADAAddress;
Token TokenEntity ;
uint256 public amount_direct = 0;
uint256 public amount_milestone = 0;
// bylaws
bool public emergencyFundReleased = false;
uint8 emergencyFundPercentage = 0;
uint256 BylawsCashBackOwnerMiaDuration;
uint256 BylawsCashBackVoteRejectedDuration;
uint256 BylawsProposalVotingDuration;
struct PurchaseStruct {
uint256 unix_time;
uint8 payment_method;
uint256 amount;
uint8 funding_stage;
uint16 index;
mapping(uint16 => PurchaseStruct) public purchaseRecords;
uint16 public purchaseRecordsNum;
event EventPaymentReceived(uint8 indexed _payment_method, uint256 indexed _amount, uint16 indexed _index );
event VaultInitialized(address indexed _owner);
function initialize(
address _owner,
address _output,
address _fundingAddress,
address _milestoneAddress,
address _proposalsAddress
outputAddress = _output;
vaultOwner = _owner;
// whomever creates this contract is the manager.
managerAddress = msg.sender;
// assets
FundingEntity = Funding(_fundingAddress);
FundingManagerEntity = FundingManager(managerAddress);
MilestonesEntity = Milestones(_milestoneAddress);
ProposalsEntity = Proposals(_proposalsAddress);
address TokenManagerAddress = FundingEntity.getApplicationAssetAddressByName("TokenManager");
TokenManager TokenManagerEntity = TokenManager(TokenManagerAddress);
address TokenAddress = TokenManagerEntity.TokenEntity();
TokenEntity = Token(TokenAddress);
address TokenSCADAAddress = TokenManagerEntity.TokenSCADAEntity();
TokenSCADAEntity = TokenSCADAVariable(TokenSCADAAddress);
// set Emergency Fund Percentage if available.
address ApplicationEntityAddress = TokenManagerEntity.owner();
ApplicationEntityABI ApplicationEntity = ApplicationEntityABI(ApplicationEntityAddress);
// get Application Bylaws
emergencyFundPercentage = uint8( ApplicationEntity.getBylawUint256("emergency_fund_percentage") );
BylawsCashBackOwnerMiaDuration = ApplicationEntity.getBylawUint256("cashback_owner_mia_dur") ;
BylawsCashBackVoteRejectedDuration = ApplicationEntity.getBylawUint256("cashback_investor_no") ;
BylawsProposalVotingDuration = ApplicationEntity.getBylawUint256("proposal_voting_duration") ;
// init
_initialized = true;
return true;
The funding contract decides if a vault should receive payments or not, since it's the one that creates them,
no point in creating one if you can't accept payments.
mapping (uint8 => uint256) public stageAmounts;
mapping (uint8 => uint256) public stageAmountsDirect;
function addPayment(
uint8 _payment_method,
uint8 _funding_stage
returns (bool)
if(msg.value > 0 && FundingEntity.allowedPaymentMethod(_payment_method)) {
// store payment
PurchaseStruct storage purchase = purchaseRecords[++purchaseRecordsNum];
purchase.unix_time = now;
purchase.payment_method = _payment_method;
purchase.amount = msg.value;
purchase.funding_stage = _funding_stage;
purchase.index = purchaseRecordsNum;
// assign payment to direct or milestone
if(_payment_method == 1) {
amount_direct+= purchase.amount;
if(_payment_method == 2) {
amount_milestone+= purchase.amount;
// in order to not iterate through purchase records, we just increase funding stage amount.
// issue with iterating over them, while processing vaults, would be that someone could create a large
// number of payments, which would result in an "out of gas" / stack overflow issue, that would lock
// our contract, so we don't really want to do that.
// doing it this way also saves some gas
EventPaymentReceived( purchase.payment_method, purchase.amount, purchase.index );
return true;
} else {
function getBoughtTokens() public view returns (uint256) {
return TokenSCADAEntity.getBoughtTokens( address(this), false );
function getDirectBoughtTokens() public view returns (uint256) {
return TokenSCADAEntity.getBoughtTokens( address(this), true );
mapping (uint8 => uint256) public etherBalances;
mapping (uint8 => uint256) public tokenBalances;
uint8 public BalanceNum = 0;
bool public BalancesInitialised = false;
function initMilestoneTokenAndEtherBalances() internal
if(BalancesInitialised == false) {
uint256 milestoneTokenBalance = TokenEntity.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 milestoneEtherBalance = this.balance;
// no need to worry about fractions because at the last milestone, we send everything that's left.
// emergency fund takes it's percentage from initial balances.
if(emergencyFundPercentage > 0) {
tokenBalances[0] = milestoneTokenBalance / 100 * emergencyFundPercentage;
etherBalances[0] = milestoneEtherBalance / 100 * emergencyFundPercentage;
// milestones percentages are then taken from what's left.
for(uint8 i = 1; i <= MilestonesEntity.RecordNum(); i++) {
uint8 perc = MilestonesEntity.getMilestoneFundingPercentage(i);
tokenBalances[i] = milestoneTokenBalance / 100 * perc;
etherBalances[i] = milestoneEtherBalance / 100 * perc;
BalanceNum = i;
BalancesInitialised = true;
function ReleaseFundsAndTokens()
returns (bool)
// first make sure cashback is not possible, and that we've not processed everything in this vault
if(!canCashBack() && allFundingProcessed == false) {
if(FundingManagerEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingManagerEntity.getEntityState("FUNDING_SUCCESSFUL_PROGRESS")) {
// case 1, direct funding only
if(amount_direct > 0 && amount_milestone == 0) {
// if we have direct funding and no milestone balance, transfer everything and lock vault
// to save gas in future processing runs.
// transfer tokens to the investor
TokenEntity.transfer(vaultOwner, TokenEntity.balanceOf( address(this) ) );
// transfer ether to the owner's wallet
// lock vault.. and enable black hole methods
allFundingProcessed = true;
} else {
// case 2 and 3, direct funding only
if(amount_direct > 0 && DirectFundingProcessed == false ) {
TokenEntity.transfer(vaultOwner, getDirectBoughtTokens() );
// transfer "direct funding" ether to the owner's wallet
DirectFundingProcessed = true;
// process and initialize milestone balances, emergency fund, etc, once
return true;
} else if(FundingManagerEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingManagerEntity.getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_PROGRESS")) {
// get current milestone so we know which one we need to release funds for.
uint8 milestoneId = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
uint256 transferTokens = tokenBalances[milestoneId];
uint256 transferEther = etherBalances[milestoneId];
if(milestoneId == BalanceNum - 1) {
// we're processing the last milestone and balance, this means we're transferring everything left.
// this is done to make sure we've transferred everything, even "ether that got mistakenly sent to this address"
// as well as the emergency fund if it has not been used.
transferTokens = TokenEntity.balanceOf(address(this));
transferEther = this.balance;
// set balances to 0 so we can't transfer multiple times.
// tokenBalances[milestoneId] = 0;
// etherBalances[milestoneId] = 0;
// transfer tokens to the investor
TokenEntity.transfer(vaultOwner, transferTokens );
// transfer ether to the owner's wallet
if(milestoneId == BalanceNum - 1) {
// lock vault.. and enable black hole methods
allFundingProcessed = true;
return true;
return false;
function releaseTokensAndEtherForEmergencyFund()
returns (bool)
if( emergencyFundReleased == false && emergencyFundPercentage > 0) {
// transfer tokens to the investor
TokenEntity.transfer(vaultOwner, tokenBalances[0] );
// transfer ether to the owner's wallet
emergencyFundReleased = true;
return true;
return false;
function ReleaseFundsToInvestor()
if(canCashBack()) {
// IF we're doing a cashback
// transfer vault tokens back to owner address
// send all ether to wallet owner
// get token balance
uint256 myBalance = TokenEntity.balanceOf(address(this));
// transfer all vault tokens to owner
if(myBalance > 0) {
TokenEntity.transfer(outputAddress, myBalance );
// now transfer all remaining ether back to investor address
// update FundingManager Locked Token Amount, so we don't break voting
FundingManagerEntity.VaultRequestedUpdateForLockedVotingTokens( vaultOwner );
// disallow further processing, so we don't break Funding Manager.
// this method can still be called to collect future black hole ether to this vault.
allFundingProcessed = true;
1 - if the funding of the project Failed, allows investors to claim their locked ether back.
2 - if the Investor votes NO to a Development Milestone Completion Proposal, where the majority
also votes NO allows investors to claim their locked ether back.
3 - project owner misses to set the time for a Development Milestone Completion Meeting allows investors
to claim their locked ether back.
function canCashBack() public view requireInitialised returns (bool) {
// case 1
if(checkFundingStateFailed()) {
return true;
// case 2
if(checkMilestoneStateInvestorVotedNoVotingEndedNo()) {
return true;
// case 3
if(checkOwnerFailedToSetTimeOnMeeting()) {
return true;
return false;
function checkFundingStateFailed() public view returns (bool) {
if(FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingEntity.getEntityState("FAILED_FINAL") ) {
return true;
// also check if funding period ended, and 7 days have passed and no processing was done.
if( FundingEntity.getTimestamp() >= FundingEntity.Funding_Setting_cashback_time_start() ) {
// should only be possible if funding entity has been stuck in processing for more than 7 days.
if( FundingEntity.CurrentEntityState() != FundingEntity.getEntityState("SUCCESSFUL_FINAL") ) {
return true;
return false;
function checkMilestoneStateInvestorVotedNoVotingEndedNo() public view returns (bool) {
if(MilestonesEntity.CurrentEntityState() == MilestonesEntity.getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_NO") ) {
// first we need to make sure we actually voted.
if( ProposalsEntity.getHasVoteForCurrentMilestoneRelease(vaultOwner) == true) {
// now make sure we voted NO, and if so return true
if( ProposalsEntity.getMyVoteForCurrentMilestoneRelease( vaultOwner ) == false) {
return true;
return false;
function checkOwnerFailedToSetTimeOnMeeting() public view returns (bool) {
// Looks like the project owner is missing in action
// they only have to do 1 thing, which is set the meeting time 7 days before the end of the milestone so that
// investors know when they need to show up for a progress report meeting
// as they did not, we consider them missing in action and allow investors to retrieve their locked ether back
if( MilestonesEntity.CurrentEntityState() == MilestonesEntity.getEntityState("DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_FAILED") ) {
return true;
return false;
modifier isOwner() {
require(msg.sender == vaultOwner);
modifier onlyManager() {
require(msg.sender == managerAddress);
modifier requireInitialised() {
require(_initialized == true);
modifier requireNotInitialised() {
require(_initialized == false);
contract ListingContract is ApplicationAsset {
address public managerAddress;
// child items
struct item {
bytes32 name;
address itemAddress;
bool status;
uint256 index;
mapping ( uint256 => item ) public items;
uint256 public itemNum = 0;
event EventNewChildItem(bytes32 _name, address _address, uint256 _index);
function ListingContract() ApplicationAsset() public {
// deployer address, sets the address who is allowed to add entries, in order to avoid a code upgrade at first milestone.
function setManagerAddress(address _manager) public onlyDeployer {
managerAddress = _manager;
function addItem(bytes32 _name, address _address) public requireInitialised {
require(msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == managerAddress); // only application
item storage child = items[++itemNum]; = _name;
child.itemAddress = _address;
child.status = true;
child.index = itemNum;
EventNewChildItem( _name, _address, itemNum);
* Get current News Contract address
* @return address NewsContractEntity
function getNewsContractAddress(uint256 _childId) external view returns (address) {
item memory child = items[_childId];
if(child.itemAddress != address(0x0)) {
ApplicationEntityABI ChildApp = ApplicationEntityABI(child.itemAddress);
return ChildApp.NewsContractEntity();
} else {
function canBeDelisted(uint256 _childId) public view returns (bool) {
item memory child = items[_childId];
if(child.status == true) {
ApplicationEntityABI ChildApp = ApplicationEntityABI(child.itemAddress);
ChildApp.CurrentEntityState() == ChildApp.getEntityState("WAITING") ||
ChildApp.CurrentEntityState() == ChildApp.getEntityState("NEW"))
return true;
return ;
function getChildStatus( uint256 _childId ) public view returns (bool) {
item memory child = items[_childId];
return child.status;
// update so that this checks the child status, and only delists IF funding has not started yet.
function delistChild( uint256 _childId ) public onlyAsset("Proposals") requireInitialised {
require(canBeDelisted(_childId) == true );
item storage child = items[_childId];
child.status = false;
contract Meetings is ApplicationAsset {
function add() public view onlyOwner {
// find out AppEntity delivery state and based on that decide if initiator has access to call this or not
struct Record {
bytes32 hash;
bytes32 name;
uint8 state;
uint256 time_start; // start at unixtimestamp
uint256 duration;
uint8 index;
mapping (uint8 => Record) public Collection;
contract Milestones is ApplicationAsset {
FundingManager FundingManagerEntity;
Proposals ProposalsEntity;
Meetings MeetingsEntity;
struct Record {
bytes32 name;
string description; // will change to hash pointer ( external storage )
uint8 state;
uint256 duration;
uint256 time_start; // start at unixtimestamp
uint256 last_state_change_time; // time of last state change
uint256 time_end; // estimated end time >> can be increased by proposal
uint256 time_ended; // actual end time
uint256 meeting_time;
uint8 funding_percentage;
uint8 index;
mapping (uint8 => Record) public Collection;
uint8 public currentRecord = 1;
event DebugRecordRequiredChanges( bytes32 indexed _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required );
event DebugCallAgain(uint8 indexed _who);
event EventEntityProcessor(bytes32 indexed _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required);
event EventRecordProcessor(bytes32 indexed _assetName, uint8 indexed _current, uint8 indexed _required);
event DebugAction(bytes32 indexed _name, bool indexed _allowed);
function setAssetStates() internal {
// Contract States
EntityStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
EntityStates["NEW"] = 1;
EntityStates["WAITING"] = 2;
EntityStates["IN_DEVELOPMENT"] = 5;
EntityStates["WAITING_MEETING_TIME"] = 10;
EntityStates["VOTING_IN_PROGRESS"] = 20;
// EntityStates["VOTING_ENDED"] = 21;
EntityStates["VOTING_ENDED_YES"] = 22;
EntityStates["VOTING_ENDED_NO"] = 23;
EntityStates["VOTING_ENDED_NO_FINAL"] = 25;
EntityStates["VOTING_FUNDS_PROCESSED"] = 30;
EntityStates["FINAL"] = 50;
EntityStates["CASHBACK_OWNER_MIA"] = 99;
EntityStates["DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE"] = 250;
// Funding Stage States
RecordStates["__IGNORED__"] = 0;
RecordStates["NEW"] = 1;
RecordStates["IN_PROGRESS"] = 2;
RecordStates["FINAL"] = 3;
function runBeforeInitialization() internal requireNotInitialised {
FundingManagerEntity = FundingManager( getApplicationAssetAddressByName('FundingManager') );
MeetingsEntity = Meetings( getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Meetings') );
ProposalsEntity = Proposals( getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Proposals') );
function runBeforeApplyingSettings() internal requireInitialised requireSettingsNotApplied {
// setup first milestone
Record storage rec = Collection[currentRecord];
rec.time_start = getBylawsProjectDevelopmentStart();
rec.time_end = rec.time_start + rec.duration;
function getBylawsProjectDevelopmentStart() public view returns (uint256) {
return getAppBylawUint256("development_start");
function getBylawsMinTimeInTheFutureForMeetingCreation() public view returns (uint256) {
return getAppBylawUint256("meeting_time_set_req");
function getBylawsCashBackVoteRejectedDuration() public view returns (uint256) {
return getAppBylawUint256("cashback_investor_no");
* Add Record
* @param bytes32 _name
* @param string _description
* @param uint256 _duration
* @param uint256 _funding_percentage
* @access public
* @type method
* @modifiers onlyDeployer, requireNotInitialised
function addRecord(
bytes32 _name,
string _description,
uint256 _duration,
uint8 _perc
Record storage rec = Collection[++RecordNum]; = _name;
rec.description = _description;
rec.duration = _duration;
rec.funding_percentage = _perc;
rec.state = getRecordState("NEW");
rec.index = RecordNum;
function getMilestoneFundingPercentage(uint8 recordId) public view returns (uint8){
return Collection[recordId].funding_percentage;
function doStateChanges() public {
var (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
bool callAgain = false;
DebugRecordRequiredChanges( assetName, CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired );
DebugEntityRequiredChanges( assetName, CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
if( RecordStateRequired != getRecordState("__IGNORED__") ) {
// process record changes.
RecordProcessor(CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired);
callAgain = true;
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
// process entity changes.
callAgain = true;
function MilestonesCanChange() internal view returns (bool) {
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING") ||
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT") ||
CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_FUNDS_PROCESSED")
) {
return true;
return false;
* Method: Get Record Required State Changes
* @access public
* @type method
* @return uint8 RecordStateRequired
function getRecordStateRequiredChanges() public view returns (uint8) {
Record memory record = Collection[currentRecord];
uint8 RecordStateRequired = getRecordState("__IGNORED__");
if( ApplicationIsInDevelopment() && MilestonesCanChange() ) {
if( record.state == getRecordState("NEW") ) {
if( getTimestamp() >= record.time_start ) {
RecordStateRequired = getRecordState("IN_PROGRESS");
} else if( record.state == getRecordState("IN_PROGRESS") ) {
if( getTimestamp() >= record.time_end || ( getTimestamp() >= record.meeting_time && record.meeting_time > 0 ) ) {
RecordStateRequired = getRecordState("FINAL");
if( record.state == RecordStateRequired ) {
RecordStateRequired = getRecordState("__IGNORED__");
return RecordStateRequired;
function hasRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (bool) {
bool hasChanges = false;
var (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
CurrentRecordState = 0;
if( RecordStateRequired != getRecordState("__IGNORED__") ) {
hasChanges = true;
if(EntityStateRequired != getEntityState("__IGNORED__") ) {
hasChanges = true;
return hasChanges;
// view methods decide if changes are to be made
// in case of tasks, we do them in the Processors.
function RecordProcessor(uint8 CurrentRecordState, uint8 RecordStateRequired) internal {
EventRecordProcessor( assetName, CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired );
updateRecord( RecordStateRequired );
function EntityProcessor(uint8 EntityStateRequired) internal {
EventEntityProcessor( assetName, CurrentEntityState, EntityStateRequired );
// Do State Specific Updates
// Update our Entity State
CurrentEntityState = EntityStateRequired;
if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_YES") ) {
// create meeting
// Meetings.create("internal", "MILESTONE_END", "");
} else if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_IN_PROGRESS") ) {
// create proposal and start voting on it
} else if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING_MEETING_TIME") ) {
} else if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_YES") ) {
} else if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_NO") ) {
// possible cashback time starts from now
MilestoneCashBackTime = getTimestamp();
} else if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_FUNDS_PROCESSED") ) {
MilestoneCashBackTime = 0;
mapping (bytes32 => bool) public MilestonePostponingHash;
function PostponeMeetingIfApproved() internal {
if(MilestonePostponingHash[ bytes32(currentRecord) ] == false ) {
if(PostponeForCurrentMilestoneIsApproved()) {
uint256 time = ProposalsEntity.getCurrentMilestonePostponingProposalDuration();
Record storage record = Collection[currentRecord];
record.time_end = record.time_end + time;
MilestonePostponingHash[ bytes32(currentRecord) ] = true;
function PostponeForCurrentMilestoneIsApproved() internal view returns ( bool ) {
uint8 ProposalActionType = ProposalsEntity.getActionType("MILESTONE_POSTPONING");
uint8 ProposalRecordState = ProposalsEntity.getCurrentMilestoneProposalStatusForType( ProposalActionType );
if(ProposalRecordState == ProposalsEntity.getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_YES") ) {
return true;
return false;
uint256 public MilestoneCashBackTime = 0;
function afterVoteNoCashBackTime() public view returns ( bool ) {
uint256 time = MilestoneCashBackTime + getBylawsCashBackVoteRejectedDuration();
// after cash back time
if(getTimestamp() > time) {
return true;
return false;
function getHash(uint8 actionType, bytes32 arg1, bytes32 arg2) public pure returns ( bytes32 ) {
return keccak256(actionType, arg1, arg2);
function getCurrentHash() public view returns ( bytes32 ) {
return getHash(1, bytes32(currentRecord), 0);
mapping (bytes32 => uint256) public ProposalIdByHash;
function createMilestoneAcceptanceProposal() internal {
if(ProposalIdByHash[ getCurrentHash() ] == 0x0 ) {
ProposalIdByHash[ getCurrentHash() ] = ProposalsEntity.createMilestoneAcceptanceProposal();
function getCurrentProposalId() internal view returns ( uint256 ) {
return ProposalIdByHash[ getCurrentHash() ];
function setCurrentMilestoneMeetingTime(uint256 _meeting_time) public onlyDeployer {
if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING_MEETING_TIME") ) {
if(MeetingTimeSetFailure() == false ) {
Record storage record = Collection[currentRecord];
// minimum x days into the future
uint256 min = getTimestamp() + getBylawsMinTimeInTheFutureForMeetingCreation();
// minimum days before end date
uint256 max = record.time_end + 24 * 3600;
if(_meeting_time > min && _meeting_time < max ) {
record.meeting_time = _meeting_time;
} else {
} else {
function startNextMilestone() internal {
Record storage rec = Collection[currentRecord];
// set current record end date etc
rec.time_ended = getTimestamp();
rec.state = getRecordState("FINAL");
if(currentRecord < RecordNum) {
// jump to next milestone
Record storage nextRec = Collection[currentRecord];
nextRec.time_start = rec.time_ended;
nextRec.time_end = rec.time_ended + nextRec.duration;
* Update Existing Record
* @param uint8 _record_id
* @param uint8 _new_state
* @param uint8 _duration
* @access public
* @type method
* @modifiers onlyOwner, requireInitialised, RecordUpdateAllowed
* @return void
function updateRecord( uint8 _new_state )
returns (bool)
Record storage rec = Collection[currentRecord];
rec.state = _new_state;
return true;
* Modifier: Validate if record updates are allowed
* @type modifier
* @param uint8 _record_id
* @param uint8 _new_state
* @param uint256 _duration
* @return bool
modifier RecordUpdateAllowed(uint8 _new_state) {
require( isRecordUpdateAllowed( _new_state ) );
* Method: Validate if record can be updated to requested state
* @access public
* @type method
* @param uint8 _record_id
* @param uint8 _new_state
* @return bool
function isRecordUpdateAllowed(uint8 _new_state ) public view returns (bool) {
var (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired) = getRequiredStateChanges();
CurrentRecordState = 0;
EntityStateRequired = 0;
if(_new_state == uint8(RecordStateRequired)) {
return true;
return false;
* Method: Get Record and Entity State Changes
* @access public
* @type method
* @return ( uint8 CurrentRecordState, uint8 RecordStateRequired, uint8 EntityStateRequired)
function getRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (uint8, uint8, uint8) {
Record memory record = Collection[currentRecord];
uint8 CurrentRecordState = record.state;
uint8 RecordStateRequired = getRecordStateRequiredChanges();
uint8 EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("__IGNORED__");
if( ApplicationIsInDevelopment() ) {
// Do Entity Checks
if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING") ) {
if(RecordStateRequired == getRecordState("IN_PROGRESS") ) {
// both record and entity states need to move to IN_PROGRESS
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING_MEETING_TIME");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("WAITING_MEETING_TIME") ) {
if(record.meeting_time > 0) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_YES");
} else {
if(MilestonePostponingHash[ bytes32(currentRecord) ] == false) {
if(PostponeForCurrentMilestoneIsApproved()) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING_MEETING_TIME");
if(MeetingTimeSetFailure()) {
// Force Owner Missing in Action - Cash Back Procedure
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_FAILED");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_FAILED") ) {
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("DEADLINE_MEETING_TIME_YES") ) {
// create proposal
// start voting if time passed
if(getTimestamp() >= record.meeting_time ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("VOTING_IN_PROGRESS");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_IN_PROGRESS") ) {
uint8 ProposalRecordState = ProposalsEntity.getProposalState( getCurrentProposalId() );
if ( ProposalRecordState == ProposalsEntity.getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_YES") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_YES");
if (ProposalRecordState == ProposalsEntity.getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_NO") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_NO");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_YES") ) {
if( FundingManagerEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingManagerEntity.getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_DONE")) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("VOTING_FUNDS_PROCESSED");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_NO") ) {
// check if milestone cashout period has passed and if so process fund releases
if(afterVoteNoCashBackTime()) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_NO_FINAL");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_ENDED_NO_FINAL") ) {
if( FundingManagerEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingManagerEntity.getEntityState("MILESTONE_PROCESS_DONE")) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("VOTING_FUNDS_PROCESSED");
} else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("VOTING_FUNDS_PROCESSED") ) {
if(currentRecord < RecordNum) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT");
} else {
if(FundingManagerEntity.getCurrentMilestoneProcessed() == true) {
if(FundingManagerEntity.CurrentEntityState() == FundingManagerEntity.getEntityState("COMPLETE_PROCESS_DONE")) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE");
} else {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("VOTING_FUNDS_PROCESSED");
} else {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT");
else if ( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE") ) {
} else {
if( CurrentEntityState == getEntityState("NEW") ) {
EntityStateRequired = getEntityState("WAITING");
return (CurrentRecordState, RecordStateRequired, EntityStateRequired);
function ApplicationIsInDevelopment() public view returns(bool) {
if( getApplicationState() == getApplicationEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT") ) {
return true;
return false;
function MeetingTimeSetFailure() public view returns (bool) {
Record memory record = Collection[currentRecord];
uint256 meetingCreationMaxTime = record.time_end - getBylawsMinTimeInTheFutureForMeetingCreation();
if(getTimestamp() >= meetingCreationMaxTime ) {
return true;
return false;
contract NewsContract is ApplicationAsset {
// state types
// 1 - generic news item
// news items
struct item {
string hash;
uint8 itemType;
uint256 length;
mapping ( uint256 => item ) public items;
uint256 public itemNum = 0;
event EventNewsItem(string _hash);
event EventNewsState(uint8 itemType);
function NewsContract() ApplicationAsset() public {
function addInternalMessage(uint8 state) public requireInitialised {
require(msg.sender == owner); // only application
item storage child = items[++itemNum];
child.itemType = state;
function addItem(string _hash, uint256 _length) public onlyAppDeployer requireInitialised {
item storage child = items[++itemNum];
child.hash = _hash;
child.itemType = 1;
child.length = _length;
modifier onlyAppDeployer() {
ApplicationEntityABI currentApp = ApplicationEntityABI(owner);
require(msg.sender == currentApp.deployerAddress());
contract Proposals is ApplicationAsset {
ApplicationEntityABI public Application;
ListingContract public ListingContractEntity;
Funding public FundingEntity;
FundingManager public FundingManagerEntity;
TokenManager public TokenManagerEntity;
Token public TokenEntity;
Milestones public MilestonesEntity;
function getRecordState(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint8) {
return RecordStates[name];
function getActionType(bytes32 name) public view returns (uint8) {
return ActionTypes[name];
function getProposalState(uint256 _proposalId) public view returns (uint8) {
return ProposalsById[_proposalId].state;
mapping (bytes32 => uint8) public ActionTypes;
function setActionTypes() internal {
// owner initiated
ActionTypes["MILESTONE_DEADLINE"] = 1;
// shareholder initiated
ActionTypes["PROJECT_DELISTING"] = 75;
function setAssetStates() internal {
RecordStates["NEW"] = 1;
RecordStates["ACCEPTING_VOTES"] = 2;
RecordStates["VOTING_ENDED"] = 3;
RecordStates["VOTING_RESULT_YES"] = 10;
RecordStates["VOTING_RESULT_NO"] = 20;
event EventNewProposalCreated ( bytes32 indexed _hash, uint256 indexed _proposalId );
function runBeforeApplyingSettings()
address FundingAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Funding');
FundingEntity = Funding(FundingAddress);
address FundingManagerAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('FundingManager');
FundingManagerEntity = FundingManager(FundingManagerAddress);
address TokenManagerAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('TokenManager');
TokenManagerEntity = TokenManager(TokenManagerAddress);
TokenEntity = Token(TokenManagerEntity.TokenEntity());
address ListingContractAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('ListingContract');
ListingContractEntity = ListingContract(ListingContractAddress);
address MilestonesContractAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Milestones');
MilestonesEntity = Milestones(MilestonesContractAddress);
function getBylawsProposalVotingDuration() public view returns (uint256) {
return getAppBylawUint256("proposal_voting_duration");
function getBylawsMilestoneMinPostponing() public view returns (uint256) {
return getAppBylawUint256("min_postponing");
function getBylawsMilestoneMaxPostponing() public view returns (uint256) {
return getAppBylawUint256("max_postponing");
function getHash(uint8 actionType, bytes32 arg1, bytes32 arg2) public pure returns ( bytes32 ) {
return keccak256(actionType, arg1, arg2);
// need to implement a way to just iterate through active proposals, and remove the ones we already processed
// otherwise someone with malicious intent could add a ton of proposals, just to make our contract cost a ton of gas.
// to that end, we allow individual proposal processing. so that we don't get affected by people with too much
// money and time on their hands.
// whenever the system created a proposal, it will store the id, and process it when required.
// not that much of an issue at this stage because:
// NOW:
// - only the system can create - MILESTONE_DEADLINE
// - PROJECT_DELISTING is tied into an existing "listing id" which will be created by the system ( if requested by
// someone, but at quite a significant cost )
mapping (uint8 => uint256) public ActiveProposalIds;
uint8 public ActiveProposalNum = 0;
mapping (uint256 => bool) public ExpiredProposalIds;
function process() public onlyApplicationEntity {
for(uint8 i = 0; i < ActiveProposalNum; i++) {
getProposalType(ActiveProposalIds[i]) == getActionType("PROJECT_DELISTING") ||
getProposalType(ActiveProposalIds[i]) == getActionType("AFTER_COMPLETE_CODE_UPGRADE")
) {
ProcessVoteTotals( ActiveProposalIds[i], VoteCountPerProcess );
} else {
// try expiry ending
function hasRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (bool) {
for(uint8 i = 0; i < ActiveProposalNum; i++) {
if( needsProcessing( ActiveProposalIds[i] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
function getRequiredStateChanges() public view returns (uint8) {
if(hasRequiredStateChanges()) {
return ActiveProposalNum;
return 0;
function addCodeUpgradeProposal(address _addr, bytes32 _sourceCodeUrl)
onlyApplicationEntity // shareholder check is done directly in Gateway by calling applicationEntity to confirm
returns (uint256)
// hash enforces only 1 possible voting of this type per record.
// basically if a vote failed, you need to deploy it with changes to a new address. that simple.
// depending on the application overall state, we have 2 different voting implementations.
uint8 thisAction;
if(getApplicationState() == getApplicationEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT") ) {
thisAction = getActionType("IN_DEVELOPMENT_CODE_UPGRADE");
} else if(getApplicationState() == getApplicationEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE") ) {
thisAction = getActionType("AFTER_COMPLETE_CODE_UPGRADE");
return createProposal(
getHash( thisAction, bytes32(_addr), 0 ),
function createMilestoneAcceptanceProposal()
returns (uint256)
uint8 recordId = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
return createProposal(
getHash( getActionType("MILESTONE_DEADLINE"), bytes32( recordId ), 0 ),
function createMilestonePostponingProposal(uint256 _duration)
returns (uint256)
if(_duration >= getBylawsMilestoneMinPostponing() && _duration <= getBylawsMilestoneMaxPostponing() ) {
uint8 recordId = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
return createProposal(
getHash( getActionType("MILESTONE_POSTPONING"), bytes32( recordId ), 0 ),
} else {
function getCurrentMilestonePostponingProposalDuration() public view returns (uint256) {
uint8 recordId = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
bytes32 hash = getHash( getActionType("MILESTONE_POSTPONING"), bytes32( recordId ), 0 );
ProposalRecord memory proposal = ProposalsById[ ProposalIdByHash[hash] ];
return proposal.extra;
function getCurrentMilestoneProposalStatusForType(uint8 _actionType ) public view returns (uint8) {
if(_actionType == getActionType("MILESTONE_DEADLINE") || _actionType == getActionType("MILESTONE_POSTPONING")) {
uint8 recordId = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
bytes32 hash = getHash( _actionType, bytes32( recordId ), 0 );
uint256 ProposalId = ProposalIdByHash[hash];
ProposalRecord memory proposal = ProposalsById[ProposalId];
return proposal.state;
return 0;
function createEmergencyFundReleaseProposal()
returns (uint256)
return createProposal(
getHash( getActionType("EMERGENCY_FUND_RELEASE"), 0, 0 ),
function createDelistingProposal(uint256 _projectId)
returns (uint256)
// let's validate the project is actually listed first in order to remove any spamming ability.
if( ListingContractEntity.canBeDelisted(_projectId) == true) {
return createProposal(
getHash( getActionType("PROJECT_DELISTING"), bytes32(_projectId), 0 ),
} else {
modifier onlyTokenHolder() {
require( getTotalTokenVotingPower(msg.sender) > 0 );
struct ProposalRecord {
address creator;
bytes32 name;
uint8 actionType;
uint8 state;
bytes32 hash; // action name + args hash
address addr;
bytes32 sourceCodeUrl;
uint256 extra;
uint256 time_start;
uint256 time_end;
uint256 index;
mapping (uint256 => ProposalRecord) public ProposalsById;
mapping (bytes32 => uint256) public ProposalIdByHash;
function createProposal(
address _creator,
bytes32 _name,
bytes32 _hash,
uint8 _action,
address _addr,
bytes32 _sourceCodeUrl,
uint256 _extra
returns (uint256)
// if(_action > 0) {
if(ProposalIdByHash[_hash] == 0) {
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[++RecordNum];
proposal.creator = _creator; = _name;
proposal.actionType = _action;
proposal.addr = _addr;
proposal.sourceCodeUrl = _sourceCodeUrl;
proposal.extra = _extra;
proposal.hash = _hash;
proposal.state = getRecordState("NEW");
proposal.time_start = getTimestamp();
proposal.time_end = getTimestamp() + getBylawsProposalVotingDuration();
proposal.index = RecordNum;
ProposalIdByHash[_hash] = RecordNum;
} else {
// already exists!
EventNewProposalCreated ( _hash, RecordNum );
return RecordNum;
} else {
// no action?!
function acceptCodeUpgrade(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
// reinitialize this each time, because we rely on "owner" as the address, and it will change
Application = ApplicationEntityABI(owner);
function initProposalVoting(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
ResultRecord storage result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
if(getApplicationState() == getApplicationEntityState("IN_DEVELOPMENT") ) {
if(proposal.actionType == getActionType("PROJECT_DELISTING") ) {
// while in development project delisting can be voted by all available tokens, except owner
uint256 ownerLockedTokens = TokenEntity.balanceOf(TokenManagerEntity);
result.totalAvailable = TokenEntity.totalSupply() - ownerLockedTokens;
// since we're counting unlocked tokens, we need to recount votes each time we want to end the voting period
result.requiresCounting = true;
} else {
// any other proposal is only voted by "locked ether", thus we use locked tokens
result.totalAvailable = FundingManagerEntity.LockedVotingTokens();
// locked tokens do not require recounting.
result.requiresCounting = false;
} else if(getApplicationState() == getApplicationEntityState("DEVELOPMENT_COMPLETE") ) {
// remove residual token balance from TokenManagerEntity.
uint256 residualLockedTokens = TokenEntity.balanceOf(TokenManagerEntity);
result.totalAvailable = TokenEntity.totalSupply() - residualLockedTokens;
// since we're counting unlocked tokens, we need to recount votes each time we want to end the voting period
result.requiresCounting = true;
result.requiredForResult = result.totalAvailable / 2; // 50%
proposal.state = getRecordState("ACCEPTING_VOTES");
struct VoteStruct {
address voter;
uint256 time;
bool vote;
uint256 power;
bool annulled;
uint256 index;
struct ResultRecord {
uint256 totalAvailable;
uint256 requiredForResult;
uint256 totalSoFar;
uint256 yes;
uint256 no;
bool requiresCounting;
mapping (uint256 => mapping (uint256 => VoteStruct) ) public VotesByProposalId;
mapping (uint256 => mapping (address => VoteStruct) ) public VotesByCaster;
mapping (uint256 => uint256 ) public VotesNumByProposalId;
mapping (uint256 => ResultRecord ) public ResultsByProposalId;
function RegisterVote(uint256 _proposalId, bool _myVote) public {
address Voter = msg.sender;
// get voting power
uint256 VoterPower = getVotingPower(_proposalId, Voter);
// get proposal for state
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
// make sure voting power is greater than 0
// make sure proposal.state allows receiving votes
// make sure proposal.time_end has not passed.
if(VoterPower > 0 && proposal.state == getRecordState("ACCEPTING_VOTES")) {
// first check if this Voter has a record registered,
// and if they did, annul initial vote, update results, and add new one
if( hasPreviousVote(_proposalId, Voter) ) {
undoPreviousVote(_proposalId, Voter);
registerNewVote(_proposalId, Voter, _myVote, VoterPower);
// this is where we can end voting before time if result.yes or > totalSoFar
} else {
function hasPreviousVote(uint256 _proposalId, address _voter) public view returns (bool) {
VoteStruct storage previousVoteByCaster = VotesByCaster[_proposalId][_voter];
if( previousVoteByCaster.power > 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
function undoPreviousVote(uint256 _proposalId, address _voter) internal {
VoteStruct storage previousVoteByCaster = VotesByCaster[_proposalId][_voter];
// if( previousVoteByCaster.power > 0 ) {
previousVoteByCaster.annulled = true;
VoteStruct storage previousVoteByProposalId = VotesByProposalId[_proposalId][previousVoteByCaster.index];
previousVoteByProposalId.annulled = true;
ResultRecord storage result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
// update total so far as well
result.totalSoFar-= previousVoteByProposalId.power;
if( == true) {
result.yes-= previousVoteByProposalId.power;
// } else if( == false) {
} else { previousVoteByProposalId.power;
// }
function registerNewVote(uint256 _proposalId, address _voter, bool _myVote, uint256 _power) internal {
// handle new vote
uint256 currentVoteId = VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId]++;
VoteStruct storage vote = VotesByProposalId[_proposalId][currentVoteId];
vote.voter = _voter;
vote.time = getTimestamp(); = _myVote;
vote.power = _power;
vote.index = currentVoteId;
VotesByCaster[_proposalId][_voter] = VotesByProposalId[_proposalId][currentVoteId];
addVoteIntoResult(_proposalId, _myVote, _power );
event EventAddVoteIntoResult ( uint256 indexed _proposalId, bool indexed _type, uint256 indexed _power );
function addVoteIntoResult(uint256 _proposalId, bool _type, uint256 _power ) internal {
EventAddVoteIntoResult(_proposalId, _type, _power );
ResultRecord storage newResult = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
newResult.totalSoFar+= _power;
if(_type == true) {
newResult.yes+= _power;
} else { _power;
function getTotalTokenVotingPower(address _voter) public view returns ( uint256 ) {
address VaultAddress = FundingManagerEntity.getMyVaultAddress(_voter);
uint256 VotingPower = TokenEntity.balanceOf(VaultAddress);
VotingPower+= TokenEntity.balanceOf(_voter);
return VotingPower;
function getVotingPower(uint256 _proposalId, address _voter) public view returns ( uint256 ) {
uint256 VotingPower = 0;
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
if(proposal.actionType == getActionType("AFTER_COMPLETE_CODE_UPGRADE")) {
return TokenEntity.balanceOf(_voter);
} else {
address VaultAddress = FundingManagerEntity.getMyVaultAddress(_voter);
if(VaultAddress != address(0x0)) {
VotingPower = TokenEntity.balanceOf(VaultAddress);
if( proposal.actionType == getActionType("PROJECT_DELISTING") ) {
// for project delisting, we want to also include tokens in the voter's wallet.
VotingPower+= TokenEntity.balanceOf(_voter);
return VotingPower;
mapping( uint256 => uint256 ) public lastProcessedVoteIdByProposal;
mapping( uint256 => uint256 ) public ProcessedVotesByProposal;
mapping( uint256 => uint256 ) public VoteCountAtProcessingStartByProposal;
uint256 public VoteCountPerProcess = 10;
function setVoteCountPerProcess(uint256 _perProcess) external onlyDeployer {
if(_perProcess > 0) {
VoteCountPerProcess = _perProcess;
} else {
event EventProcessVoteTotals ( uint256 indexed _proposalId, uint256 indexed start, uint256 indexed end );
function ProcessVoteTotals(uint256 _proposalId, uint256 length) public onlyApplicationEntity {
uint256 start = lastProcessedVoteIdByProposal[_proposalId] + 1;
uint256 end = start + length - 1;
if(end > VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId]) {
end = VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId];
EventProcessVoteTotals(_proposalId, start, end);
// first run
if(start == 1) {
// save vote count at start, so we can reset if it changes
VoteCountAtProcessingStartByProposal[_proposalId] = VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId];
// reset vote totals to 0
ResultRecord storage result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
result.yes = 0; = 0;
result.totalSoFar = 0;
// reset to start if vote count has changed in the middle of processing run
if(VoteCountAtProcessingStartByProposal[_proposalId] != VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId]) {
// we received votes while counting
// reset from start
lastProcessedVoteIdByProposal[_proposalId] = 0;
// exit
for(uint256 i = start; i <= end; i++) {
VoteStruct storage vote = VotesByProposalId[_proposalId][i - 1];
// process vote into totals.
if(vote.annulled != true) {
addVoteIntoResult(_proposalId,, vote.power );
// reset iterator so we can call it again.
if(lastProcessedVoteIdByProposal[_proposalId] >= VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId] ) {
ProcessedVotesByProposal[_proposalId] = lastProcessedVoteIdByProposal[_proposalId];
lastProcessedVoteIdByProposal[_proposalId] = 0;
function canEndVoting(uint256 _proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
ResultRecord memory result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
if(result.requiresCounting == false) {
if(result.yes > result.requiredForResult || > result.requiredForResult) {
return true;
else {
if(ProcessedVotesByProposal[_proposalId] == VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId]) {
if(result.yes > result.requiredForResult || > result.requiredForResult) {
return true;
return false;
function getProposalType(uint256 _proposalId) public view returns (uint8) {
return ProposalsById[_proposalId].actionType;
function expiryChangesState(uint256 _proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
ProposalRecord memory proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
if( proposal.state == getRecordState("ACCEPTING_VOTES") && proposal.time_end < getTimestamp() ) {
return true;
return false;
function needsProcessing(uint256 _proposalId) public view returns (bool) {
if( expiryChangesState(_proposalId) ) {
return true;
ResultRecord memory result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
if(result.requiresCounting == true) {
if( lastProcessedVoteIdByProposal[_proposalId] < VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId] ) {
if(ProcessedVotesByProposal[_proposalId] == VotesNumByProposalId[_proposalId]) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
function tryEndVoting(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
if(canEndVoting(_proposalId)) {
if(expiryChangesState(_proposalId) ) {
function finaliseProposal(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
ResultRecord storage result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
// Milestone Deadline proposals cannot be ended "by majority vote", we rely on finaliseExpiredProposal here
// because we want to allow everyone to be able to vote "NO" if they choose to cashback.
if( proposal.actionType != getActionType("MILESTONE_DEADLINE")) {
// read results,
if(result.yes > result.requiredForResult) {
// voting resulted in YES
proposal.state = getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_YES");
} else if ( >= result.requiredForResult) {
// voting resulted in NO
proposal.state = getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_NO");
function finaliseExpiredProposal(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
ResultRecord storage result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
// an expired proposal with no votes will end as YES
if(result.yes == 0 && == 0) {
proposal.state = getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_YES");
} else {
// read results,
if(result.yes > {
// voting resulted in YES
proposal.state = getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_YES");
} else if ( >= result.yes) {
// tie equals no
// voting resulted in NO
proposal.state = getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_NO");
function tryFinaliseNonLockedTokensProposal(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
ResultRecord storage result = ResultsByProposalId[_proposalId];
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
if(result.requiredForResult == 0) {
proposal.state = getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_YES");
function addActiveProposal(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
ActiveProposalIds[ActiveProposalNum++]= _proposalId;
function removeAndReindexActive(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
bool found = false;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < ActiveProposalNum; i++) {
if(ActiveProposalIds[i] == _proposalId) {
found = true;
if(found) {
ActiveProposalIds[i] = ActiveProposalIds[i+1];
bool public EmergencyFundingReleaseApproved = false;
function runActionAfterResult(uint256 _proposalId) internal {
ProposalRecord storage proposal = ProposalsById[_proposalId];
if(proposal.state == getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_YES")) {
if(proposal.actionType == getActionType("MILESTONE_DEADLINE")) {
} else if (proposal.actionType == getActionType("MILESTONE_POSTPONING")) {
} else if (proposal.actionType == getActionType("EMERGENCY_FUND_RELEASE")) {
EmergencyFundingReleaseApproved = true;
} else if (proposal.actionType == getActionType("PROJECT_DELISTING")) {
ListingContractEntity.delistChild( proposal.extra );
} else if (
proposal.actionType == getActionType("IN_DEVELOPMENT_CODE_UPGRADE") ||
proposal.actionType == getActionType("AFTER_COMPLETE_CODE_UPGRADE")
) {
// initiate code upgrade
} else if(proposal.state == getRecordState("VOTING_RESULT_NO")) {
if(proposal.actionType == getActionType("MILESTONE_DEADLINE")) {
} else {
// used by vault cash back
function getMyVoteForCurrentMilestoneRelease(address _voter) public view returns (bool) {
// find proposal id for current milestone
uint8 recordId = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
bytes32 hash = getHash( getActionType("MILESTONE_DEADLINE"), bytes32( recordId ), 0 );
uint256 proposalId = ProposalIdByHash[hash];
// based on that proposal id, find my vote
VoteStruct memory vote = VotesByCaster[proposalId][_voter];
function getHasVoteForCurrentMilestoneRelease(address _voter) public view returns (bool) {
// find proposal id for current milestone
uint8 recordId = MilestonesEntity.currentRecord();
bytes32 hash = getHash( getActionType("MILESTONE_DEADLINE"), bytes32( recordId ), 0 );
uint256 proposalId = ProposalIdByHash[hash];
return hasPreviousVote(proposalId, _voter);
function getMyVote(uint256 _proposalId, address _voter) public view returns (bool) {
VoteStruct memory vote = VotesByCaster[_proposalId][_voter];
contract TokenManager is ApplicationAsset {
TokenSCADAVariable public TokenSCADAEntity;
Token public TokenEntity;
address public MarketingMethodAddress;
function addTokenSettingsAndInit(
uint256 _tokenSupply,
uint8 _tokenDecimals,
string _tokenName,
string _tokenSymbol,
string _version
TokenEntity = new Token(
/* Marketing fund */
function setMarketingMethodAddress( address _address)
MarketingMethodAddress = _address;
function runBeforeApplyingSettings()
// we need token address
// we need funding contract address.. let's ask application entity ABI for it :D
address fundingContractAddress = getApplicationAssetAddressByName('Funding');
TokenSCADAEntity = new TokenSCADAVariable(fundingContractAddress);
function getTokenSCADARequiresHardCap() public view returns (bool) {
return TokenSCADAEntity.requiresHardCap();
function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount)
returns (bool)
return, _amount);
function finishMinting()
returns (bool)
return TokenEntity.finishMinting();
function mintForMarketingPool(address _to, uint256 _amount)
returns (bool)
return, _amount);
modifier onlyMarketingPoolAsset() {
require(msg.sender == MarketingMethodAddress);
// Development stage complete, release tokens to Project Owners
event EventOwnerTokenBalancesReleased(address _addr, uint256 _value);
bool OwnerTokenBalancesReleased = false;
function ReleaseOwnersLockedTokens(address _multiSigOutputAddress)
returns (bool)
require(OwnerTokenBalancesReleased == false);
uint256 lockedBalance = TokenEntity.balanceOf(address(this));
TokenEntity.transfer( _multiSigOutputAddress, lockedBalance );
EventOwnerTokenBalancesReleased(_multiSigOutputAddress, lockedBalance);
OwnerTokenBalancesReleased = true;
return true;
contract GatewayInterface {
event EventGatewayNewLinkRequest ( address indexed newAddress );
event EventGatewayNewAddress ( address indexed newAddress );
address public currentApplicationEntityAddress; // currently linked ApplicationEntity address
ApplicationEntity private currentApp;
address public deployerAddress;
// constructor
function GatewayInterface() public {
deployerAddress = msg.sender;
@notice Get current ApplicationEntity Contract address
@return {
"currentApplicationEntityAddress": Currently bound application address
function getApplicationAddress() external view returns (address) {
return currentApplicationEntityAddress;
@notice ApplicationEntity Contract requests to be linked
@dev modifier validCodeUpgradeInitiator
@param _newAddress address, The address of the application contract
@param _sourceCodeUrl bytes32, The url of the application source code on etherscan
@return {
"bool": TRUE if successfully processed
function requestCodeUpgrade( address _newAddress, bytes32 _sourceCodeUrl )
returns (bool)
require(_newAddress != address(0x0));
EventGatewayNewLinkRequest ( _newAddress );
case 1 - Newly Deployed Gateway and Application
gateway links to app and initializes
if(currentApplicationEntityAddress == address(0x0)) {
if(!ApplicationEntity(_newAddress).initializeAssetsToThisApplication()) {
return true;
} else {
case 2 - Actual Code Upgrade Request
- Current app should exist already
- Current app
- Create a proposal
- Vote on result
- Get Result
- Approve Result
currentApp.createCodeUpgradeProposal(_newAddress, _sourceCodeUrl);
@notice ApplicationEntity Contract approves code Upgrade
@dev modifier onlyCurrentApplicationEntity
@param _newAddress address, The address of the new application contract
@return {
"bool": TRUE if successfully processed
function approveCodeUpgrade( address _newAddress ) external returns (bool) {
require(msg.sender == currentApplicationEntityAddress);
uint8 atState = currentApp.CurrentEntityState();
if(!currentApp.transferAssetsToNewApplication(_newAddress)) {
currentApp.setUpgradeState( atState );
return true;
@notice Locks current application entity
@dev Internally used by gateway to lock current application entity before switching to the new one
function lockCurrentApp() internal {
if(!currentApp.lock()) {
@notice Link to new Application Entity
@param _newAddress address, The address of the new application contract
@return {
"bool": TRUE if successfully processed
function link( address _newAddress ) internal returns (bool) {
currentApplicationEntityAddress = _newAddress;
currentApp = ApplicationEntity(currentApplicationEntityAddress);
if( !currentApp.initialize() ) {
return true;
@notice Get current News Contract address
@return {
"address": 0x address of the News Contract
function getNewsContractAddress() external view returns (address) {
return currentApp.NewsContractEntity();
@notice Get current Listing Contract address
@return {
"address": 0x address of the Listing Contract
function getListingContractAddress() external view returns (address) {
return currentApp.ListingContractEntity();
* Validates if new application's deployer is allowed to upgrade current app
@notice Validates if new application's deployer is allowed to upgrade current app
modifier validCodeUpgradeInitiator() {
bool valid = false;
ApplicationEntity newDeployedApp = ApplicationEntity(msg.sender);
address newDeployer = newDeployedApp.deployerAddress();
if(newDeployer == deployerAddress) {
valid = true;
} else {
if(currentApplicationEntityAddress != address(0x0)) {
currentApp = ApplicationEntity(currentApplicationEntityAddress);
if(currentApp.canInitiateCodeUpgrade(newDeployer)) {
valid = true;
// ok if current app accepts newDeployer as a token holder that can do a code upgrade
// ok if newDeployer is oldDeployer
require( valid == true );
contract FundingInputGeneral {
uint8 public typeId = 0;
address public FundingAssetAddress;
event EventInputPaymentReceived(address sender, uint amount, uint8 _type);
function FundingInputGeneral() public {
FundingAssetAddress = msg.sender;
function () public payable {
function buy() public payable returns(bool) {
if(msg.value > 0) {
if(isContract(FundingAssetAddress)) {
if("receivePayment(address,uint8)"))), msg.sender, typeId)) {
EventInputPaymentReceived(msg.sender, msg.value, typeId);
return true;
} else {
else {
} else {
// this call adds 704 gas, good enough to keep
function isContract(address addr) internal view returns (bool) {
uint size;
assembly { size := extcodesize(addr) }
return size > 0;
contract FundingInputDirect is FundingInputGeneral {
function FundingInputDirect() FundingInputGeneral() public {
typeId = 1;
contract FundingInputMilestone is FundingInputGeneral {
function FundingInputMilestone() FundingInputGeneral() public {
typeId = 2;
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
contract ERC20Basic {
uint256 public totalSupply;
function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed value);
contract BasicToken is ERC20Basic {
using SafeMath for uint256;
mapping (address => uint256) public balances;
* @dev transfer token for a specified address
* @param _to The address to transfer to.
* @param _value The amount to be transferred.
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
require(_to != address(0));
// SafeMath.sub will throw if there is not enough balance.
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
* @dev Gets the balance of the specified address.
* @param _owner The address to query the the balance of.
* @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
return balances[_owner];
contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic {
function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 indexed value);
contract StandardToken is ERC20, BasicToken {
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
* @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another
* @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from
* @param _to address The address which you want to transfer to
* @param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
require(_to != address(0));
uint256 _allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender];
// Check is not needed because sub(_allowance, _value) will already throw if this condition is not met
// require (_value <= _allowance);
balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
allowed[_from][msg.sender] = _allowance.sub(_value);
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
* @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender.
* Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old
* and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this
* race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards:
* @param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
* @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent.
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
* @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
* @param _owner address The address which owns the funds.
* @param _spender address The address which will spend the funds.
* @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender.
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
* approve should be called when allowed[_spender] == 0. To increment
* allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until
* the first transaction is mined)
* From MonolithDAO Token.sol
function increaseApproval(address _spender, uint _addedValue)
returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = allowed[msg.sender][_spender].add(_addedValue);
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]);
return true;
function decreaseApproval(address _spender, uint _subtractedValue)
returns (bool success) {
uint oldValue = allowed[msg.sender][_spender];
if (_subtractedValue > oldValue) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = 0;
else {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = oldValue.sub(_subtractedValue);
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]);
return true;
contract Token is StandardToken {
string public symbol;
string public name;
uint8 public decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;
string public version = 'v1';
address public owner;
event Mint(address indexed to, uint256 amount);
event MintFinished();
bool public mintingFinished = false;
function Token(
uint256 _initialAmount,
string _tokenName,
uint8 _decimalUnits,
string _tokenSymbol,
string _version
decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Set initial supply.. should be 0 if we're minting
name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes
symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes
version = _version; // Set token version string
// set internal owner that can mint tokens.
owner = msg.sender;
modifier canMint() {
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Function to mint tokens
* @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens.
* @param _amount The amount of tokens to mint.
* @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful.
function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) onlyOwner canMint public returns (bool) {
totalSupply = totalSupply.add(_amount);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount);
Mint(_to, _amount);
Transfer(address(0), _to, _amount);
return true;
* @dev Function to stop minting new tokens.
* @return True if the operation was successful.
function finishMinting() onlyOwner canMint public returns (bool) {
mintingFinished = true;
return true;
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