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Last active June 2, 2024 20:58
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  • Save miclf/bf4b0cb6de9ead726197db7ed3d937b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save miclf/bf4b0cb6de9ead726197db7ed3d937b5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A small tool to automatically export and import custom macOS keyboard shortcuts.
#!/usr/bin/env php
// Determine which command has been called.
$cmd = (!empty($argv[1])) ? strtolower($argv[1]) : null;
// If an invalid number of arguments has been passed (or if no argument
// was given at all), display help information.
if ($argc < 2 || $argc > 3 || !in_array($cmd, ['save', 'load'])) {
echo <<<HELP
A small tool to automatically export and import custom macOS keyboard shortcuts.
save [path]
Use the 'save' command to create a JSON file of your existing shortcuts.
If no target path is provided, a file named 'keyboard_shortcuts.json'
will be created in the current directory.
load [path]
The 'load' command uses a JSON file to register shortcuts on the system.
If no source path is provided, the command will expect to find a file
named 'keyboard_shortcuts.json' in the current directory.
} elseif ($cmd === 'save') {
// Get the list of apps that have custom keyboard shortcuts.
$command = 'defaults read ""';
// Ensure that we do have defined keyboard shortcuts.
exec($command.' 2>&1 >/dev/null', $_, $returnStatus);
if ($returnStatus !== 0) {
say('You don’t seem to have any custom keyboard shortcut defined in System Preferences.');
$appIdentifiers = shell_exec($command);
$allShortcuts = [];
// Get the list of shortcuts that exist for each registered application.
foreach (plistArrayToPhpArray($appIdentifiers) as $i => $identifier) {
$shortcuts = shell_exec("defaults read {$identifier} NSUserKeyEquivalents");
$allShortcuts[$identifier] = plistDictToPhpArray($shortcuts);
// Convert what we got to JSON and save it to disk.
$json = json_encode($allShortcuts, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$path = determinePath();
file_put_contents($path, $json);
// Display some stats.
list($appCount, $shortcutCount) = getCounts($allShortcuts);
say("Found {$shortcutCount} keyboard shortcuts for {$appCount} applications.");
say("Keyboard shortcuts have been saved to {$path}");
} elseif ($cmd === 'load') {
$path = determinePath();
if (!is_readable($path)) {
say("Cannot find anything at path '{$path}'.");
say("Use 'help' command to get usage info.");
say("Importing keyboard shortcuts from '{$path}'.");
$allShortcuts = json_decode(file_get_contents($path), $assoc = true);
foreach ($allShortcuts as $identifier => $shortcuts) {
say("Importing shortcuts for {$identifier}.");
$dict = phpArrayToPlistDict($shortcuts);
// Register the list of shortcuts for the current application.
shell_exec("defaults write {$identifier} NSUserKeyEquivalents '{$dict}'");
// Restart the defaults server.
shell_exec('killall cfprefsd');
// Display some stats.
list($appCount, $shortcutCount) = getCounts($allShortcuts);
say("Registered {$shortcutCount} keyboard shortcuts for {$appCount} applications.");
* Echo a string to the standard output.
* @param string $something
* @return void
function say($something)
echo $something.PHP_EOL;
* Convert a plist array to a indexed PHP array.
* @param string $value The string representing the plist array
* @return array
function plistArrayToPhpArray($value)
$items = [];
preg_match_all('#"(.*)"#', $value, $items);
if ($items) {
return $items[1];
return $items;
* Convert a plist dictionary to an associative PHP array.
* @param string $value The string representing the plist dictionary
* @return array
function plistDictToPhpArray($value)
$items = [];
preg_match_all('#(.+) = "(.*)"#', $value, $items);
if ($items) {
// Create an array containing menu labels
// as keys and shortcut codes as values.
return array_combine(
array_map('normalizeLabel', $items[1]),
array_map('normalizeShortcut', $items[2])
return $items;
* Convert a shortcut label to a human-friendly representation.
* @param string $label
* @return string
function normalizeLabel($label)
// Trim and unescape.
$label = trim(stripslashes($label), " \"");
// Convert \uXXXX sequences to Unicode characters.
return codePointToUnicode($label);
* Convert a shortcut label to a macOS-friendly representation.
* @param string $label
* @return string
function denormalizeLabel($label)
// Convert \uXXXX sequences to Unicode characters.
return unicodeToCodePoint($label);
* Convert a shortcut to a human-friendly representation.
* @param string $shortcut
* @return string
function normalizeShortcut($shortcut)
// Replace special characters by their real symbol key.
$symbols = [
'@' => "\u{2318}",// ⌘ command
'~' => "\u{2325}",// ⌥ option
'$' => "\u{21E7}",// ⇧ shift
$str = str_replace(array_keys($symbols), array_values($symbols), $shortcut);
// Convert \uXXXX sequences to Unicode characters.
$str = codePointToUnicode($str);
// Make letters in shortcuts appear uppercased.
$str = mb_strtoupper($str);
// Handle special case of double quotes.
$str = str_replace('\"', '"', $str);
return $str;
* Convert a shortcut to a macOS-friendly representation.
* @param string $shortcut
* @return string
function denormalizeShortcut($shortcut)
// Replace symbols by special characters.
$symbols = [
'@' => "\u{2318}",// ⌘ command
'~' => "\u{2325}",// ⌥ option
'$' => "\u{21E7}",// ⇧ shift
$str = str_replace(array_values($symbols), array_keys($symbols), $shortcut);
// Handle special case of double quotes.
$str = str_replace('"', '__DOUBLE_QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER__', $str);
// Convert Unicode characters to \uXXXX sequences.
$str = unicodeToCodePoint($str);
$str = str_replace('__DOUBLE_QUOTE_PLACEHOLDER__', '\\"', $str);
return $str;
* Convert \Uxxxx sequences to actual Unicode characters.
* @param string $str
* @return string
function codePointToUnicode($str)
// Hack to prevent a stupid PCRE error.
// Using \U or \\U to begin the regex below makes PCRE incorrectly
// think that we’re trying to use some specific mode. So we’re
// just removing the backslashes before running the regex.
$str = str_replace('\U', 'U', stripslashes($str));
// Some replacement magic.
return html_entity_decode(
preg_replace("#U([0-9a-fA-F]{4})#", "&#x\\1;", $str
* Convert Unicode characters to \Uxxxx sequences.
* @param string $str
* @return string
function unicodeToCodePoint($str)
// Clever trick to convert non-ASCII characters
// to code points. Probably not the fastest
// way, but fast enough and super simple!
$str = json_encode($str);
// Code points have to use a capital U letter
// in order to be recognized by macOS.
$str = preg_replace('#u([0-9a-fA-F])#', 'U\\1', $str);
// We then make sure to remove the surrounding
// double quotes generated by json_encode().
return trim($str, '"');
* Convert an associative PHP array to a plist dictionary.
* @param array $array The array to convert
* @return string
function phpArrayToPlistDict($array)
$dict = '';
foreach ($array as $label => $shortcut) {
$label = denormalizeLabel($label);
$shortcut = denormalizeShortcut($shortcut);
$dict .= "\"{$label}\" = \"{$shortcut}\";";
return '{'.$dict.'}';
* Add an application identifier to the ''
* file if it is not already there.
* @param string $identifier
* @return void
function registerAppIfNeeded($identifier)
// Get the current list of registered applications.
$command = 'defaults read ""';
$registeredIdentifiers = shell_exec($command);
// Add the identifier only if it does not exist yet.
// Having duplicates in this list makes System Preferences crash!
if (!in_array($identifier, plistArrayToPhpArray($registeredIdentifiers))) {
shell_exec('defaults write "" -array-add "'.$identifier.'"');
* Find out which path has been provided or fall back on a default one.
* @return string
function determinePath()
global $argv;
$path = (!empty($argv[2])) ? $argv[2] : './keyboard_shortcuts.json';
// Add an extension to the path in case it’s missing.
return ensureJsonExtension($path);
* Append a JSON extension on a given path if none is there already.
* @param string $path
* @return string
function ensureJsonExtension($path)
return (substr($path, -5) === '.json') ? $path : $path.'.json';
* Count the number of applications and shortcuts in the given list.
* @param array $shortcuts
* @return array An indexed array containing two values. The first is
* the number of applications and the second is the
* total number of shortcuts in the list.
function getCounts($shortcuts)
$appCount = count($shortcuts);
$shortcutCount = array_reduce($shortcuts, function ($carry, $item) {
return $carry + count($item);
}, 0);
return [$appCount, $shortcutCount];
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gnchrv commented Jun 2, 2024

Astonishing work! Didn’t know it was possible.

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miclf commented Jun 2, 2024

@gnchrv Thanks :)

Note that this script is old now, I have no idea if it still works on recent versions of macOS.
But it was a fun little experiment! And it helped me to migrate to a new computer in a less boring way than usual.

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