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Last active November 13, 2019 06:13
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Run docker build on Jenkins deployed on PKS using Host docker.sock

Update deployment with:

Make container privileged.

      privileged: true

Create a VolumeMount for /var/run/docker.sock

  - mountPath: /tmp
    name: tmp
  - mountPath: /var/jenkins_home
    name: jenkins-home
  - mountPath: /var/jenkins_config
    name: jenkins-config
    readOnly: true
  - mountPath: /usr/share/jenkins/ref/secrets/
    name: secrets-dir
  - mountPath: /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins/
    name: plugin-dir
  - mountPath: /var/run/docker.sock
    name: docker-socket-volume
  - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/
    name: jenkins-token-v4m4w
    readOnly: true

Create hostpath volume to location of docker.sock on host vm. e.g. /var/vcap/sys/run/docker/docker.sock

    - emptyDir: {}
      name: plugins
    - emptyDir: {}
      name: tmp
    - configMap:
        defaultMode: 420
        name: jenkins
      name: jenkins-config
    - emptyDir: {}
      name: secrets-dir
    - emptyDir: {}
      name: plugin-dir
    - name: jenkins-home
        claimName: jenkins
    - hostPath:
        path: /var/vcap/sys/run/docker/docker.sock
        type: File
      name: docker-socket-volume
    - name: jenkins-token-v4m4w
        defaultMode: 420
        secretName: jenkins-token-v4m4w

Ensure POD is redeployed.

Jenkins example pipeline usage:

cp /var/jenkins_home/workspace/spring-boot-service/target/gs-rest-service-0.1.0.jar /var/jenkins_home/workspace/spring-boot-service/
docker build -t . --build-arg JAR_FILE=gs-rest-service-0.1.0.jar
docker push

Note that the jar must be copied to the same directory as the Dockerfile so it's packaged and provided to the docker daemon on the host vm.

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