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Working, what else?

Victor miclovich

Working, what else?
View GitHub Profile
Emily Johnston
A command-line, single-player sliding puzzle game of customizable size and difficulty.
import sys
from random import choice

Massive file upload using JQueryUpload + Nginx + Rails + Sidekiq

The goal: Upload several files (virtually big files) to a Rails application without compromising the user experience.


jQuery File Upload + Nginx + Rails (Carrierwave) + Sidekiq

  1. jQuery File Upload (

become active record migration expert (Rails 4.0.2)


create model

$ rails g model NameOfModel
    invoke  active_record
    create    db/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_name_of_models.rb
miclovich / gist:cd6b3c543111f8162ffc
Created February 21, 2015 23:56
Rails workflow
VISION for an MVP (minimum viable product) // User story
Create a competition [Iteration I]
- football games
- picking winners
e.g Duke vs Carolina
var http = require('http');
var url = require('url');
var parse = require('url').parse;
var join = require('path').join;
var fs = require('fs');
var qs = require('querystring');
var root = __dirname;
var items = [];
var loaded_page = false;
Scientific American is the world's leading source and
authority for science and technology information for
science-interested citizens, delivering understandable,
credible and provocative content to an audience of more
than 5 million people worldwide.
# Backs up all the photos from Google Picasa Web Albums.
# The script downloads the original version of the photos, and is not limited to
# 1600x1200 thumbnails.
# Author:: Victor Costan
# Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2010 Victor Costan
# License:: MIT
require 'yaml'

Rails 3.0.pre on App Engine

You can Rails 3 on App Engine, but it won’t be especially useful until bundler 10. You should try these instead:

Install the Development Environment

The gems for the development environment include a pre-release appengine-tools gem that provides a pre-release version of jruby-rack.

not_found: "niet gevonden"
already_confirmed: "is reeds bevestigd"
not_locked: "is niet gesloten"
unauthenticated: 'Je dient in te loggen of je in te schrijven.'
not_found: "hittaes inte"
already_confirmed: "är redan bekräftad"
not_locked: "är inte låst"