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Created March 19, 2016 08:44
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Move Security Logs to Archive Point
Move Security Logs to Archive Point
1. Create Shares
Invoke-Command -ComputerName dc1,dc3,dc4,dc5,dc2 -ScriptBlock {
New-SmbShare Seclog$ -Path E:\Seclog -fullaccess "CONTOSO\Domain Admins"}
2. Copy script to DCs
Invoke-Command -ComputerName dc1,dc3,dc4,dc5,dc2 -ScriptBlock {
copy '\\dc1\c$\scripts\archiveSecLog.ps1' c:\scripts}
3. Create gMSA for Sched Task
New-ADServiceAccount -name gMSASchTaskDC -DNSHostName -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount "Domain Controllers"
4. Setup Scheduled Task
Invoke-Command -ComputerName dc1,dc3,dc4,dc5,dc2 -ScriptBlock{
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "Powershell.exe" -Argument " -NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command powershell c:\scripts\archiveSecLog.ps1"
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -At 9am -Daily -RandomDelay (New-TimeSpan -Hours 2)
$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserID AD\gmsaTaskSchDC$ -LogonType Password -RunLevel Highest
Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trigger -TaskName "SecLog" -Description "Daily Archive Seclog" -Principal $principal
Install-AdServiceAccount gMSATaskSchDC$}
5. Allow the gMSA to Logon as a Service and a Batch job
Function Write-Log
Param ([string]$logstring)
Add-content $Logfile -value $logstring
Function Archive-Logs{
# Archive older than 3 days and delete older than 90 days
HelpMessage="Specify the computer name you want to transfer the logs to", Position=0)]
$evtLogPath = "C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs\"
$forArchival = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$intArchive) # Older than 3 days
$forDeletion = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$intDelete) # Older than 90 days
$logFile = $arcPath + "archiver.log"
$transferDir = $arcPath + "Transfer\"
"Archival date:" + $forArchival | Out-File $logFile
"Deletion date:" + $forDeletion | Out-File $logFile -append
# Add .NET 4.5 Assembly to enable zipping (PoSh 5 will support zip)
Add-Type -assembly ""
# Check directory structure
If(!(Test-path $arcPath)) {Write-Log "Path not found:" $arcPath
If(!(Test-path $transferDir)) {Write-Log "Path not found:" $transferDir
If(!(Test-path $partnerServer)) {Write-Log "Path not found:" $partnerServer
# Clear up local archive folder (E:\Seclog)
$delFiles = Get-ChildItem $arcPath | Where-Object { $_.lastwritetime -le $forDeletion }
# Delete Security logs from Archive folders if over 90 days
foreach ($filetoDel in $delFiles){
$filetoDelPath = $arcPath + $filetoDel.Name
Write-Log "Deleting" $filetoDelPath | Out-File $logFile -append
Remove-Item $filetoDelPath
# Move Security logs over 3 days old to archive partner
$arcFiles = Get-ChildItem $evtLogPath | Where-Object { $_.lastwritetime -le $forArchival } |
where-object {$ -match "rchive-Se"}
# Rename and move files
foreach ($filetoArc in $arcFiles){
$oldName = $evtLogPath + $filetoArc.Name
$newName = $env:COMPUTERNAME + "-" + $filetoArc.Name
Write-Log "Renaming" $oldName "to" $newName
Rename-Item $oldName -NewName $newName
$renamed = $evtLogPath + $newName
Write-Log "Moving" $renamed "to" $transferDir
Move-Item $renamed -Destination $transferDir
# Clear up local Security log folder (C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs)
$delEvtFiles = Get-ChildItem $evtLogPath | Where-Object { $_.lastwritetime -le $forDeletion } |
where-object {$ -match "rchiv-Se"}
# Delete Security logs from Event Log folders if over 90 days
foreach ($evtfiletoDel in $delEvtFiles){
$evtfiletoDelPath = $evtLogPath + $evtfiletoDel.Name
Write-Log "Deleting" $evtfiletoDelPath | Out-File $logFile -append
Remove-Item $evtfiletoDelPath
# Zip transfer folder and move to partner
$readyForTransfer = $transferDir + $newName
Write-Log "Checking for files to zip in" $transferDir
If(Test-path $readyForTransfer){
Write-Log "Compressing" $transferDir
$newName = $newName.Replace(".evtx", "")
$zipFile = $arcPath + "\" + $newName + ".zip"
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($transferDir, $zipFile)
Write-Log "Transferring zipped file to" $partnerServer
Move-Item $zipFile -Destination $partnerServer
Write-Log "No files found in" $transferDir
$delTransFiles = Get-ChildItem $transferDir
# Delete Security logs from Transfer folder
foreach ($transFiletoDel in $delTransFiles){
$transFiletoDelPath = $transferDir + $transFiletoDel.Name
Write-Log "Deleting" $transFiletoDelPath | Out-File $logFile -append
Remove-Item $transFiletoDelPath
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