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Last active October 10, 2017 04:40
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PowerShell Module - Create AD User with Attributes needed for Office 365 Integration
#Requires RunAsAdministrator
Michael Maher on 2/2/16
Function Request-Address{
Reads in Office 365 required attributes and creates users
Path has been tidied up and replaced the extracted CanonicalName#>
Param ([string]$address)
Write-Output "Checking address format for $address"
If ($address -Like("*SMTP*")) {Get-QADUser $user.samAccountname | Add-QADProxyAddress -Address $address; Write-Output "Proxy address $address written"}
ElseIf ($address -Like("*SIP*")) {Get-QADUser $user.samAccountname | Add-QADProxyAddress -CustomType SIP -Address $address; Write-Output "Proxy address $address written" }
ElseIf ($address -Like("*X400*")) {Get-QADUser $user.samAccountname | Add-QADProxyAddress -Type X400 -Address $address; Write-Output "Proxy address $address written"}
Remove-Variable -name address
Function Import-ADUser{
Creates users from CSV file exported from the CORPIR domain.
Important: Requires DELL's ActiveRoles extension to PowerShell. Tested with ActiveRoles x64 1.6.0
Reads in Office 365 required attributes and creates users
Path has been tidied up and replaced the extracted CanonicalName
samAccountName company description employeeid employeetype department
mobile title givenName surName displayName userPrincipalName mail
ProxyAddress_1 ProxyAddress_2 ProxyAddress_3
When objects are read in from CSV they can be referenced by $user.displayName or $user.canonicalName etc.
Running the script without parameters will import the user from the CSV with all the neccesary attributes but will leave the use disabled with no H drive
You can run enable3user.ps1 at a later date to enable the user account.create the H drive, set the right permissions, create the DFS link and apply a 2GB quota
To import the user and have them fully set-up run with the -enable parameter.
This will also enable the user account.create the H drive, set the right permissions, create the DFS link and apply a 2GB quota
Import-ADUser -enable
exportCorpirUsr Module creates a cmdlet called Export-ADUser
This cmdlet exports to a file called 'C:\scripts\Users.csv' which is used by this script.
Export-ADUser -days 10 -domain CONTOSO -mailto
A user.csv should look like this in its raw form.
"VSimpson","Vladimir","Simpson","Vladimir Simpson"," Accounts/Vladimir Simpson","","","",
"rsmith3","Richard","Smith","Richard Smith"," Accounts/Contractors/Richard Smith3","","","","X400:C=GB;A= ;P=CONTOSO;O=UK;S=Smith;G=Richard;",
Log file is not created, use -verbose parameter to output to screen
Can be used to import a single user or many users
Needs appropriate rights for user creation
Param ([switch] $enable)
import-module activeDirectory
$csvFile = "C:\scripts\users.csv"
Write-Output "Reading $csvFile "
$colUsers = Import-csv $csvFile -useCulture
$remoteServer = "fileserver1"
$domain = ""
$homeShare = "Home"
$ShareDrive = "E"
$absolutePath = "$($shareDrive):\homedrives"
$hiddenShare = "homeDrives$($shareDrive)$"
$newUserPath="OU=Ireland Users, DC=contoso,DC=com"
foreach ($user in $colUsers)
if ($user){
Write-Output "Creating $($user.samAccountname)"
# Create the account
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $user.samAccountname -UserPrincipalName $user.mail`
-Name $user.displayName -DisplayName $user.displayname -GivenName $user.givenName`
-Description $user.description -EmployeeID $user.employeeid`
-department $user.department -mobilePhone $ -title $user.title`
-homedrive "H:" -homedirectory $user.homedirectory -emailaddress $user.mail`
-SurName $user.surName -Path $newUserPath -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "Six6!944" -AsPlainText -force)`
-passthru -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "Created $user.samaccountname"
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString()}
# Add up to 3 proxyaddresses to the account
Write-Output "Checking for Proxy Addresses"
if ($user.ProxyAddress_1){Request-Address $user.ProxyAddress_1}
if ($user.ProxyAddress_2){Request-Address $user.ProxyAddress_2}
if ($user.ProxyAddress_3){Request-Address $user.ProxyAddress_3}
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString()}
# Add the employeeType value
Write-Output "Adding emplyeeType value"
set-qaduser $user.samAccountName -ObjectAttributes @{employeeType=$user.employeeType}
Write-Output "employeeType attribute written"
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString()}
if ($enable){
Write-Output "Enabling $user.samAccountName"
Enable-ADAccount -Identity $user.samAccountname
Write-Output "Enabled $user.samAccountname"
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage}
$newHdrive = "$($absolutePath)\$($user.samaccountname)"
Write-Output "Creating directory $newHdrive"
If ($newHdrive -eq "$($absolutePath)\"){Write-Output "The username not found appended in $newHdrive - script will terminate"; exit}
Invoke-Command -computername $remoteServer {New-Item -path $args[0] -type directory} -Args $newHdrive -ErrorAction Stop
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage}
Write-Output "Setting home directory permissions"
$rule=new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($user.samaccountname, $Right, "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
$acl=get-acl "\\$($remoteServer)\$($hiddenShare)\$($user.samaccountname)"
set-acl "\\$($remoteServer)\$($hiddenShare)\$($user.samaccountname)" $acl -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "Set ACLs on Home Directory"
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage}
Write-Output "Creating DFS Link for Home Directory"
Invoke-Command -computername $remoteServer {New-DfsnFolder -path $args[0] -targetpath $args[1]} -Args "\\$($domain)\$($homeShare)\$($user.samaccountname)", "\\$($remoteServer)\$($hiddenShare)\$($user.samaccountname)"
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage}
Write-Output "Setting Home Directory mapping"
Set-ADUser -Identity $user.samAccountname -HomeDrive "H:" -HomeDirectory "\\$($domain)\$($homeShare)\$($user.samaccountname)"
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage}
Write-Output "Setting 2GB Quota for Home Directory"
Invoke-Command -computername $remoteServer {New-FsrmQuota -Path $args[0] -Template "2GB HomeDir Limit"} -Args "$($absolutePath)\$($user)"
Catch{Write-Output $error[0].ToString() + $error[0].InvocationInfo.PositionMessage}
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