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Last active May 11, 2016 18:24
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Analyse what ports a process is using (uses Dynamic Parameters)
#Requires -Version 5.0
Function Show-Port {
Can run and terminate or refresh at specified interval (1 - 60 seconds)
Show open network connections for a given process
The active process list are presented dynamically for selection
Displays the ports in use by the process firefox and refreshes at 5 second intervals
Show-Port -Refresh 5 -Proc firefox
Shows the ports used by the DataExchangeHost then terminates
Show-Port -Proc DataExchangeHost
ProcessName RemoteIP RemotePort State
----------- -------- ---------- -----
DataExchangeHost 80 Established
DataExchangeHost 443 Established
DataExchangeHost 61758 Established
DataExchangeHost 61759 Established
DataExchangeHost 191.232.13... 443 Established
DataExchangeHost 191.232.13... 443 Established
Master found on
Specify the interval between the refresh of data. If excluded the cmdlet will run just once
The cmdlet will run for a maximum of 60 seconds
The refresh interval can be set from 0 to 20 seconds (A values of 20 seconds would see data refresh 3 times before the cmdlet ends)
This is a dynamic parameter
Values for this parameter will be based on what processes are running at the time of execution
Author: Michael Maher
# Refresh Interval - defaults to no refresh
HelpMessage="Have the results refresh every (x) seconds, to a maximum of one minute", Position=0)]
DynamicParam {
$attributes = new-object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute
$attributes.ParameterSetName = "__AllParameterSets"
$attributes.Mandatory = $true
$attributeCollection =
New-Object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]
$_Values = (Get-Process).name
$ValidateSet =
new-object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($_Values)
$dynParam1 =
new-object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter(
"Proc", [string], $attributeCollection)
$paramDictionary =
New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
$paramDictionary.Add("Proc", $dynParam1)
return $paramDictionary }
$proc = $PSBoundParameters.proc
$timeout = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1
$stopwatch = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
} # End Begin
Write-Verbose "Refreshing content every $Refresh seconds"
Write-Verbose "$($stopwatch.elapsed) seconds elapsed"
Get-NetTCPConnection | Where {$_.State -eq 'Established'} | ForEach-Object{
[PSCustomObject] @{
'ProcessName' = (Get-Process | Where-Object processname -eq $proc).name
'RemoteIP' = $_.RemoteAddress
'RemotePort' = $_.RemotePort
'State' = $_.State
} | Select ProcessName, RemoteIP, RemotePort, State
Start-Sleep -milliseconds 500
} # End foreach loop
If ($Refresh -eq 0){break}
Start-Sleep -Seconds $Refresh
Write-Output '-------------------------------------------------'
} While ($stopwatch.elapsed -lt $timeout)
} #End Process Block
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micmaher commented Apr 8, 2016

    Can run and terminate or refresh at specified interval (1 - 60 seconds)
    Show open network connections for a given process
    The active process list are presented dynamically for selection       
    Displays the ports in use by the process firefox and refreshes at 5 second intervals
        Show-Port -Refresh 5 -Proc firefox
    Shows the ports used by the DataExchangeHost then terminates
        Show-Port -Proc DataExchangeHost

            ProcessName      RemoteIP      RemotePort       State
            -----------      --------      ----------       -----
            DataExchangeHost         80 Established
            DataExchangeHost        443 Established
            DataExchangeHost          61758 Established
            DataExchangeHost          61759 Established
            DataExchangeHost 191.232.13...        443 Established
            DataExchangeHost 191.232.13...        443 Established
    Master found on
    Specify the interval between the refresh of data. If excluded the cmdlet will run just once
    The cmdlet will run for a maximum of 60 seconds
    The refresh interval can be set from 0 to 20 seconds (A values of 20 seconds would see data refresh 3 times before the cmdlet ends)
    This is a dynamic parameter
    Values for this parameter will be based on what processes are running at the time of execution

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