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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Fix Scoping in CoffeeScript
# While coffee script offers a "class" keyword, methods still aren't that closely
# associated with class instances. Include fixScoping(this) at the beginning
# of all of your constructors to make that class' methods well behaved by javascript standards
fixScoping = (instance) ->
for property, value of instance
do (property, value) -> #b/c javascript
if typeof value is "function"
instance[property] = (args...) -> value.apply(instance, args)
# obligatory contrived arithmetic-based example
class Adder
constructor: (@amount) -> fixScoping this
add: (num) -> num + @amount
addTwo = new Adder(2)
[1, 2, 3].map(addTwo.add) # => [3, 4, 5]
# "add" is still bound to its instance, none of that javascript-y silliness here.
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