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Created December 15, 2014 00:35
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Journal Mode Organizer
import System.Directory as D
import Data.List (sort, cycle)
import Data.Set (fromList, member, Set)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
import Data.Time.Calendar as C
import Control.Monad (sequence_)
-- Date parsing related functions
slice :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
slice from to = (take (to - from)) . (drop from)
parseDate :: Int -> Int -> FilePath -> Int
parseDate from to = read . (slice from to)
parseYear = parseDate 0 4
parseMonth = parseDate 4 6
parseDay = parseDate 6 8
date :: FilePath -> C.Day
date entryTitle =
let year = (toInteger . parseYear) entryTitle
month = parseMonth entryTitle
day = parseDay entryTitle
in C.fromGregorian year month day
padDigit digit =
if (length digit) == 1
then "0" ++ digit else digit
entry :: C.Day -> FilePath
entry date =
let (year, month, day) = C.toGregorian date
monthStr = show month
dayStr = show day
in (show year) ++ (padDigit monthStr) ++ (padDigit dayStr)
firstSunday = C.fromGregorian 2014 7 6
-- File system reading
entryNames = filter ((8 ==) . length)
listEntries :: FilePath -> IO ([FilePath])
listEntries dir = fmap (sort . entryNames) (D.getDirectoryContents dir)
-- Moving stuff
moveWeek :: Set C.Day -> FilePath -> [C.Day] -> [IO ()]
moveWeek set dir week = do
let folder = (show . head) week
let path = (dir ++ folder)
let create = D.createDirectoryIfMissing True path
let populate = fmap (moveDay set dir path) week
(create : populate)
moveDay :: Set C.Day -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Day -> IO ()
moveDay set directory folderPath day =
if member day set then
D.renameFile (directory ++ (entry day))
(concat [folderPath, "/", (entry day)])
else return ()
main = do
home <- D.getHomeDirectory
let dir = home ++ "/journal/"
entryNames <- listEntries dir
let dates = fmap date entryNames
let fullRange = [firstSunday..(last dates)]
let weeks = chunksOf 7 fullRange
let organize = fmap (moveWeek (fromList dates) dir) weeks
(sequence_ . concat) organize
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