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Created April 22, 2013 18:47
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require 'spec_helper'
require 'pry'
require 'pry-nav'
include Warden::Test::Helpers
feature 'Propack Order', :js => true do
background do
user = Factory.create(:user)
login_as(user, :scope => :user)
cc = []
cc << FactoryGirl.create(:course_category, :name => "Healthcare Professionals", :display_order => 0, :search => 1)
cc << FactoryGirl.create(:course_category, :name => "ACLS - Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support", :display_order => 1, :search => 0)
cc << FactoryGirl.create(:course_category, :name => "BLS - Basic Life Support", :display_order => 2, :search => 0)
cc << FactoryGirl.create(:course_category, :name => "PALS - Pediatric Advanced Life Support", :display_order => 3, :search => 0)
c = FactoryGirl.create(:course, :name => "HeartCode&reg; ACLS Part 1", :product_number => "90-1405", :description => "HeartCode&reg; ACLS Part 1", :expected_hours => 10)
c.course_categories << cc[0]
c.course_categories << cc[1]!
c = FactoryGirl.create(:course, :name => "Learn:&reg; Rapid STEMI ID", :product_number => "90-1415", :description => "Learn:&reg; Rapid STEMI ID", :expected_hours => 5)
c.course_categories << cc[0]
c.course_categories << cc[1]!
fs = Spree::PaymentMethod.create(:name => "FastSpring", :active => true, :environment => "development" )
fs.type = "PaymentMethod::Fastspring"!
bg = Spree::PaymentMethod.create(:name => "Bogus", :active => true, :environment => "development" )
bg.type = "Spree::Gateway::Bogus"!
Spree::Preference.create(:value => "scitent", :key => "payment_method/fastspring/company/1", :value_type => "string" )
Spree::Preference.create(:value => "phoenix", :key => "payment_method/fastspring/username/1", :value_type => "string" )
Spree::Preference.create(:value => "demo", :key => "payment_method/fastspring/password/1", :value_type => "string" )
FactoryGirl.definition_file_paths << (Scidea.root.join "spec/factories")
FactoryGirl.create(:enrollment_package, :allows_purchase => true, :price => 15)
a = Scidea::EnrollmentPackage.create(allows_purchase:true, price:15)
FactoryGirl.create(:enrollment_package, :allows_purchase => true, :price => 15)
scenario "Create a propack order" do
#Spree::State.create(name:'North Dakota',country_id:1)
#Spree::Country.create(name:'United States')
visit new_propack_orders_path
page.html.should have_content("Order Propack")
fill_in 'propack_order_email', :with => ''
fill_in 'propack_order_phone', :with => '1234567890'
fill_in 'propack_order_account_manager', :with => 'John Smith'
fill_in 'propack_order_company_name', :with => 'Green Tables and Sea Horses International'
fill_in 'propack_order_company_contact', :with => 'Billie Joe Obama'
fill_in 'propack_order_company_street_address', :with => '1234 Green Bush First Second Street'
fill_in 'propack_order_company_city', :with => 'Asheville'
fill_in 'propack_order_company_phone', :with => '555-555-55555'
fill_in 'propack_order_admin_email', :with => ''
fill_in 'propack_order_company_country_id', :with => 1
fill_in 'propack_order_company_state_id', :with => 'a'
fill_in 'propack_order_company_postal_code', :with => '12345'
# Submit button should be disabled if not agree with the terms
page.should have_css("input.submit[disabled]")
page.execute_script("$('#agreement').attr('checked', 'checked')")
page.should have_no_css("input.submit[disabled]")
#page.find(:css, "#agreement").set(true)
#page.find("input[name='commit']").should have_text("Submit")
#page.driver.render("image.png", :full => true)
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