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Last active January 24, 2019 00:11
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  • Save micmmakarov/e743a8441bac41fcab1bad8dd9ea7f3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save micmmakarov/e743a8441bac41fcab1bad8dd9ea7f3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scans the WLC component for it's API
// node describe-lwc-component.js ~/path/to/file
String.prototype.padding = function(n, c)
var val = this.valueOf();
if ( Math.abs(n) <= val.length ) {
return val;
var m = Math.max((Math.abs(n) - this.length) || 0, 0);
var pad = Array(m + 1).join(String(c || ' ').charAt(0));
return (n < 0) ? pad + val : val + pad;
String.prototype.heading = function(n, c)
var val = this.valueOf();
if ( Math.abs(n) <= val.length ) {
return val;
var m = Math.floor(Math.max((Math.abs(n) - this.length) || 0, 0) / 2);
var pad = Array(m + 1).join(String(c || '=').charAt(0));
return pad + ' ' + val + ' ' + pad;
var lineReader = require('readline').createInterface({
input: require('fs').createReadStream(process.argv[2])
const lines = [];
lineReader.on('line', (line) => lines.push(line) );
lineReader.on('close', () => {
const api = {
attributes: [],
setters: [],
methods: []
let componentName = '';
let addNextLine = false;
let nextType = '';
lines.forEach((line) => {
if (addNextLine && line.trim() != '') {
let method = line.trim();
if (method.startsWith('get ') || method.startsWith('set ')) {
// @api for getter / setter
method = method.slice(4);
method = method.split('(')[0];
method = method.trim();
attr: method,
type: nextType
} else {
// @api for a normal method
method = method.split('(')[0];
method = method.trim();
attr: method,
type: nextType
nextType = '';
addNextLine = false;
if (line.includes('@api')) {
if (line.trim() == '@api') {
addNextLine = true;
} else {
// @api for attribute;
let attribute = line;
attribute = attribute.replace('@api', '');
attribute = attribute.replace(';', '');
attribute = attribute.trim();
attr: attribute,
type: nextType
nextType = '';
if (line.includes('LightningElement') && line.includes('extends')) {
componentName = line;
componentName = componentName.split('class')[1].split('extends')[0].trim();
if (line.includes('@type {')) {
nextType = line.split('{')[1].split('}')[0];
console.warn(`API for ${componentName}`);
Object.keys(api).forEach( (type) => {
api[type].forEach( (attr) => console.log(attr.attr.padding(30), attr.type) );
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