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Created September 26, 2011 05:10
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GitHub: delete all notifications button
// ==UserScript==
// @name GitHub delete all notifications button
// @namespace
// @description Adds a button to allow you to delete all notifications on a page.
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
Sick of hipster jerks posting in commit or issue threads, and you made the
mistake of contributing something useful in it? This userscript (also Chrome
compatible) gives you a handy button to delete all of the notifications on a
page. Just visit the notifications page, and this will give you a button to
handily delete their crap.
var btn = document.createElement('a');
btn.className = 'minibutton';
btn.href = 'javascript:void($("#inbox .del a").click())';
btn.innerHTML = 'Delete all notifications';
var p = document.createElement('p');
var inbox = document.getElementById('inbox');
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