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Created December 9, 2010 07:11
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Transparent compression system for python (bytecode)
#!/bin/env python
# compressor. it's like upx for python.
# decompression stub. this will decompress the data and evaluate the module code stored in the docstring.
DECOMPRESS = """from marshal import loads
__doc__ = loads(__doc__.decode('bz2'))
del loads
from bz2 import compress
from sys import argv
import compiler, marshal, imp
print "Creating new compressed bytecode from", argv[1], "into", argv[2], "..."
# read in the bytecode
fin = open(argv[1], 'rb')
comp_data = '\'' + compress([8:]).encode('string_escape') + '\'\n'
# compile the code
data = compiler.compile(comp_data + DECOMPRESS, '', 'exec')
# write it out
fout = open(argv[2], 'wb')
fout.write(imp.get_magic() + "LOLZ" + marshal.dumps(data))
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