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Created July 10, 2015 18:57
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/*jshint strict:false */
'use strict';
// Create a new angular module.
var MessageCenterModule = angular.module('MessageCenterModule', []);
// Define a service to inject.
.provider("$messageCenterService", function() {
var _this = this;
_this.options = {};
_this.setGlobalOptions = function(options) {
_this.options = options;
_this.getOptions = function(options) {
return _this.options;
this.$get = function() {
return {
setGlobalOptions: _this.setGlobalOptions,
options: _this.options,
getOptions: _this.getOptions
.service('messageCenterService', ['$rootScope', '$sce', '$timeout','$messageCenterService',
function ($rootScope, $sce, $timeout,$messageCenterService) {
return {
mcMessages: this.mcMessages || [],
offlistener: this.offlistener || undefined,
status: {
unseen: 'unseen',
shown: 'shown',
/** @var Odds are that you will show a message and right after that
* change your route/state. If that happens your message will only be
* seen for a fraction of a second. To avoid that use the "next"
* status, that will make the message available to the next page */
next: 'next',
/** @var Do not delete this message automatically. */
permanent: 'permanent'
add: function (type, message, options) {
var availableTypes = ['info', 'warning', 'danger', 'success'],
service = this;
options = options || {};
var options = angular.extend($messageCenterService.getOptions(), options);
if (availableTypes.indexOf(type) == -1) {
throw "Invalid message type";
var messageObject = {
type: type,
status: options.status || this.status.unseen,
processed: false,
close: function() {
return service.remove(this);
messageObject.message = options.html ? $sce.trustAsHtml(message) : message;
messageObject.html = !!options.html;
if (angular.isDefined(options.timeout)) {
messageObject.timer = $timeout(function () {
}, options.timeout);
return messageObject;
remove: function (message) {
var index = this.mcMessages.indexOf(message);
this.mcMessages.splice(index, 1);
reset: function () {
this.mcMessages = [];
removeShown: function () {
for (var index = this.mcMessages.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
if (this.mcMessages[index].status == this.status.shown) {
markShown: function () {
for (var index = this.mcMessages.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
if (!this.mcMessages[index].processed) {
if (this.mcMessages[index].status == this.status.unseen) {
this.mcMessages[index].status = this.status.shown;
this.mcMessages[index].processed = true;
else if (this.mcMessages[index].status == {
this.mcMessages[index].status = this.status.unseen;
flush: function () {
$rootScope.mcMessages = this.mcMessages;
directive('mcMessages', ['$rootScope', 'messageCenterService', function ($rootScope, messageCenterService) {
/*jshint multistr: true */
var templateString = '\
<div id="mc-messages-wrapper">\
<div class="alert alert-{{ message.type }} {{ animation }}" ng-repeat="message in mcMessages">\
<a class="close" ng-click="message.close();" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</a>\
<span ng-switch on="message.html">\
<span ng-switch-when="true">\
<span ng-bind-html="message.message"></span>\
<span ng-switch-default>\
{{ message.message }}\
return {
restrict: 'EA',
template: templateString,
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
// Bind the messages from the service to the root scope.
var changeReaction = function (event, to, from) {
// Update 'unseen' messages to be marked as 'shown'.
// Remove the messages that have been shown.
$rootScope.mcMessages = messageCenterService.mcMessages;
if (messageCenterService.offlistener === undefined) {
messageCenterService.offlistener = $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', changeReaction);
scope.animation = attrs.animation || 'fade in';
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