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Created October 18, 2015 10:02
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rain_2D_a : make raindrops with openFrameworks which use one parameter.
#include "ofApp.h"
void ofApp::setup(){
ofBackground(0, 0, 0);
control = true; //state of log, true -> on; false-> off log画面オンオフの状態 true->あり false->なし
void ofApp::update(){
theta = PI / 2 + PI / 2 / 700 * pos.size(); //theta of raindrops, perpendicular = PI / 2 雨粒が落ちる角度 PI/2が鉛直
float speed = pos.size() / 15;; //a speed of raindrops 雨粒が落ちる速度
for(int i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++) {
//convert speed from vector to x, y 雨粒が落ちる速度に傾きをつけてx,yに変換
ofVec2f vel;
vel.x = ofGetHeight() / 2300.0f * (length[i] + speed) * cos(theta + noise[i]);
vel.y = ofGetHeight() / 2300.0f * (length[i] + speed) * sin(theta + noise[i]);
pos[i].x += vel.x;
pos[i].y += vel.y;
//if a raindrop reach the bottom of window, it returns first position 画面下まで落ちきった時に上に戻る
if(pos[i].y - length[i] * sin(theta + noise[i]) > ofGetHeight()){
pos[i].y = 0;
pos[i].x -= vel.x * (ofGetHeight() / vel.y);
void ofApp::draw(){
ofSetColor(0, 0, 0, 150);
ofRect(0, 0, ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); //fadeout フェードアウト
ofSetColor(255, 255, 255); //color of letters and raindrops 文字と雨粒の色
for(int i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++) {
//coordinate of a raindrop 雨粒の座標
float x1 = pos[i].x;
float y1 = pos[i].y;
float x2 = pos[i].x - length[i] * cos(theta + noise[i]);
float y2 = pos[i].y - length[i] * sin(theta + noise[i]);
ofSetLineWidth(length[i] / 40); //width of a raindrop 雨粒の太さ
ofLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); //draw a raindrop雨粒の描画
if(control == true){
string log;
log = "raindrops num = " + ofToString(pos.size(), 0) + "\n";
log += "framerate = " + ofToString(ofGetFrameRate(), 4) + "\n";
log += "1:add 5 raindrops, 2:subtract 5 raindrops \n";
log += "c:clear raindrops num, f:fullScreen \n";
log += "press spacekey to change log on/off";
ofDrawBitmapString(log, 20, 20);
void ofApp::keyPressed(int key){
if(key == '1'){
//add 5 raindrops 雨粒の個数を5ずつ増やす
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
//define first position 初期位置
ofVec2f p;
float x = ofRandom(ofGetWidth() + ofGetHeight());
p.set(x, 0);
//define length 雨粒の長さ
float l = ofRandom(ofGetHeight() / 60, ofGetHeight() / 10);
//define speed 雨粒の速さ
ofVec2f v;
float vx = length[length.size() - 1] / 10 * cos(theta);
float vy = length[length.size() - 1] / 10 * sin(theta);
v.set(vx, vy);
//define noise of slant 傾きのバラつき具合
float n;
n = ofRandom(-PI/90, PI/90);
if(key == '2'){
//subtract 5 raindrops 雨粒の個数を5ずつ減らす
if(pos.size() > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
if(key == 'c'){
//clear raindrops 雨粒の個数を0個にする
if(key == 'f'){
if(key == ' '){
//state of log logの表示の有無
control =! control;
#pragma once
#include "ofMain.h"
class ofApp : public ofBaseApp{
void setup();
void update();
void draw();
void keyPressed(int key);
void keyReleased(int key);
vector <ofVec2f> pos; //a position of the raindrop 雨粒の位置
vector <float> length; //a length of the raindop 雨粒の長さ
vector <ofVec2f> velocity; //a speed of the raindrop 雨粒の速度
vector <float> noise; //a noise of a slant of the raidrop 個々の雨粒の向きのブレ具合
float theta; //general slamt of raindrops 雨粒の基準の傾き
bool control; //switch of log log画面のon/off
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