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Created July 21, 2014 20:31
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Updated version of SecurityTagLib.groovy to allow getting the current UserObject of Spring Security Plugin in any view in grails. Usage: ${sec.getUserObject()}
/* Copyright 2006-2014 SpringSource.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package grails.plugin.springsecurity
import javax.servlet.FilterChain
import org.springframework.expression.Expression
* Security tags.
* @author <a href=''>Burt Beckwith</a>
class SecurityTagLib {
static namespace = 'sec'
/** Dependency injection for springSecurityService. */
def springSecurityService
/** Dependency injection for webExpressionHandler. */
def webExpressionHandler
/** Dependency injection for webInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator. */
def webInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator
protected static final FilterChain DUMMY_CHAIN = [
doFilter: { req, res -> throw new UnsupportedOperationException() }
] as FilterChain
protected Map<String, Expression> expressionCache = [:]
static returnObjectForTags = ['getUserObject']
* Returns userObject for current user
* @author Fabian Golle <>
def getUserObject = {
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
return springSecurityService.getCurrentUser()
* Renders the body if all of the specified roles are granted to the user. Roles are
* specified in the 'roles' attribute which is a comma-delimited string.
* @attr roles REQUIRED the role name(s)
def ifAllGranted = { attrs, body ->
String roles = assertAttribute('roles', attrs, 'ifAllGranted')
if (SpringSecurityUtils.ifAllGranted(roles)) {
out << body()
* Renders the body if none of the specified roles are granted to the user. Roles are
* specified in the 'roles' attribute which is a comma-delimited string.
* @attr roles REQUIRED the role name(s)
def ifNotGranted = { attrs, body ->
String roles = assertAttribute('roles', attrs, 'ifNotGranted')
if (SpringSecurityUtils.ifNotGranted(roles)) {
out << body()
* Renders the body if any of the specified roles are granted to the user. Roles are
* specified in the 'roles' attribute which is a comma-delimited string.
* @attr roles REQUIRED the role name(s)
def ifAnyGranted = { attrs, body ->
String roles = assertAttribute('roles', attrs, 'ifAnyGranted')
if (SpringSecurityUtils.ifAnyGranted(roles)) {
out << body()
* Renders a property (specified by the 'field' attribute) from the principal.
* @attr field REQUIRED the field name
def loggedInUserInfo = { attrs, body ->
// TODO support 'var' and 'scope' and set the result instead of writing it
String field = assertAttribute('field', attrs, 'loggedInUserInfo')
def source
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
source = determineSource()
for (pathElement in field.split('\\.')) {
source = source."$pathElement"
if (source == null) {
if (source) {
out << source.encodeAsHTML()
else {
out << body()
* Renders the user's username if logged in.
def username = { attrs ->
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
out <<
* Renders the body if the user is authenticated.
def ifLoggedIn = { attrs, body ->
if (springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
out << body()
* Renders the body if the user is not authenticated.
def ifNotLoggedIn = { attrs, body ->
if (!springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
out << body()
* Renders the body if the user is authenticated as another user via run-as.
def ifSwitched = { attrs, body ->
if (SpringSecurityUtils.isSwitched()) {
out << body()
* Renders the body if the user is not authenticated as another user via run-as.
def ifNotSwitched = { attrs, body ->
if (!SpringSecurityUtils.isSwitched()) {
out << body()
* Renders the username of the 'real' authentication when authenticated as another user via run-as.
def switchedUserOriginalUsername = { attrs ->
if (SpringSecurityUtils.isSwitched()) {
out << SpringSecurityUtils.switchedUserOriginalUsername.encodeAsHTML()
* Renders the body if the specified expression (a String; the 'expression' attribute)
* evaluates to <code>true</code> or if the specified URL is allowed.
* @attr expression the expression to evaluate
* @attr url the URL to check
* @attr method the method of the URL, defaults to 'GET'
def access = { attrs, body ->
if (hasAccess(attrs, 'access')) {
out << body()
* Provides a wrapper around the standard Grails link tag <code>g:link</code>.
* Renders the link if the user has access to the specified URL.
def link = { attrs, body ->
// retain original attributes for later, since hasAccess() removes ones necessary to create a link
def origAttrsMinusExpression = new HashMap(attrs)
if (hasAccess(attrs, 'link')) {
out <<, body)
* Renders the body if the specified expression (a String; the 'expression' attribute)
* evaluates to <code>false</code> or if the specified URL is not allowed.
* @attr expression the expression to evaluate
* @attr url the URL to check
* @attr method the method of the URL, defaults to 'GET'
def noAccess = { attrs, body ->
if (!hasAccess(attrs, 'noAccess')) {
out << body()
protected boolean hasAccess(attrs, String tagName) {
if (!springSecurityService.isLoggedIn()) {
return false
def auth = springSecurityService.authentication
String expressionText = attrs.remove('expression')
if (expressionText) {
Expression expression = findOrCreateExpression(expressionText)
FilterInvocation fi = new FilterInvocation(request, response, DUMMY_CHAIN)
def ctx = webExpressionHandler.createEvaluationContext(auth, fi)
return ExpressionUtils.evaluateAsBoolean(expression, ctx)
String url = attrs.remove('url')
if (!url) {
String controller = attrs.remove('controller')
String mapping = attrs.remove('mapping')
if (!controller && !mapping) {
throwTagError "Tag [$tagName] requires an expression, a URL, or controller/action/mapping attributes to create a URL"
if (mapping) {
url = g.createLink(mapping: mapping).toString()
else {
String action = attrs.remove('action')
url = g.createLink(controller: controller, action: action, base: '/').toString()
String method = attrs.remove('method') ?: 'GET'
return webInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator.isAllowed(request.contextPath, url, method, auth)
protected assertAttribute(String name, attrs, String tag) {
if (!attrs.containsKey(name)) {
throwTagError "Tag [$tag] is missing required attribute [$name]"
attrs.remove name
protected determineSource() {
def principal = springSecurityService.principal
// check to see if it's a GrailsUser/GrailsUserImpl/subclass,
// or otherwise has a 'domainClass' property
if (principal.metaClass.respondsTo(principal, 'getDomainClass')) {
return principal.domainClass
protected synchronized Expression findOrCreateExpression(String text) {
Expression expression = expressionCache.get(text)
if (!expression) {
expression = webExpressionHandler.expressionParser.parseExpression(text)
expressionCache[text] = expression
return expression
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